Chapter 2

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Jacks POV (in his dream)
"No! No! Fuck off ye bastard!" Jack said, as he runs through the woods. A warm day, quickly getting colder. As a darkness followed close behind. "Why won't you let me be?!" He hears a loud, dark laughter. He trips over a root, and he gets a cut on his forehead. It bleeds out, quickly. Thorns penetrate his skin, making it harder for him to run. He got up, and started running. Out of nowhere a puddle of mud came up. Slowing Jack down, till it was impossible for him to move anything below his waist. The darkness got closer and closer. Till it consumed him.
Jack woke up screaming, in sheer panic. He found Mark to be right at his side. Jack gasped for air, as his eyes begin to moisten. "What's wrong?" Mark asked. His voice smooth like silk. Mark put his hand on jacks head, and Jack flinched at his touch. His hand muscular, yet soft. It immediately calmed Jack down.

Marks POV
He looked to be in panic. His sweet blue eyes filled with fear and panic. And he had sweat beads on his forehead. Along with a cut, that wasn't there before. I wipe the sweat from his head and I could see him calm down. His breathing slowed. And his eyes, filled with relief. I asked again. "What's wrong?" "It was just a dream." He respond. "What about this cut? It wasn't here when you fell asleep." His eyes widened. Like it was the most bazaar thing he's heard in his life. He stuttered for a bit. "I, I don't, I don't know I mean, I could have cut it with my nail while I was sleeping. I stopped bitting my nails, so there really sharp now. I gotta cut them." I could tell he was changing the subject. "Ok, just, be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself." 'What? I don't want you to hurt yourself? Why the hell did that come out? Out of all things! Why that?' He cursed to himself.

Jacks POV
'He doesn't want me to hurt myself? The fuck does that mean? Does he just, not want a fellow human to be in pain, or does he not want ME to be hurt? Does he have feelings for me? No way. No way no how. I mean, I'm straight! He's straight, I think.. What if he's not?' My mind races with thoughts. Till I got so lost, the only thing that woke me, was the sound of the mans smooth voice. "Don't worry Jack. You'll be fine." Suddenly, marks phone went off. "I'll be right back." He took my empty cup and went out of the room. "Anti.. I can't believe he's back. I thought I left him. I thought he left me.
"Fuck you Sean! You can't fight forever! I will get you!"
"You will never get me! Or my girlfriend! You won't hurt either of us! And we will live happily ever after! So fuck off anti! You've lost."
"This is only a battle, in the war. I will be in your head forever. And once you let your guard down, I will take over. Finding you, killing you, and whom you love, and killing them to."
"If you kill me, you will kill yourself!"
"Then I will make you live in eternal despair. Of pain and suffering, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
And with that, Anti disappeared.
~End flashback~
'He can't be back. There's no one I love. No one for him to hurt, there's no one, except for.. No it can't be. We're just friends. Not even! He doesn't even know me. He's just.. Mark.

Marks POV
"Hey! It's Wade! We haven't talked in forever! How ya doing?"
"Well, I came to visit Ireland.."
"In the fucking winter?"
"I know. But I found this guy. He was almost dead, just lying on a bench, during a fucking blizzard!"
"Is he ok?"
"What's he like?"
"Well, he's actually a gamer like us. YouTuber and all."
"What's his YouTube account?"
"Uhh, Jack- septic.."
"Ya. You know him?"
"Dude he's the fastest growing YouTuber!"
"Well, I saved his life, I guess."
"Lucky! I wish I was there. Why are u in Ireland by the way?"
"I heard the beaches here are beautiful. But very crowded in the summer."
"But your scared of the ocean."
"Of being IN the ocean."
"Ok fine."
"Ya well, I gtg."
"Ok Mark, talk to ya soon."
"Buh bye!"
He hung up the call, and went up to Jack, who had fear once again in his eyes. But once he saw me, he put on a smile that I could see through I could see that he was still afraid, so I tried to comfort him. I didn't know how. So, I said the first thing that came to mind. "So Jack, you wanna play a video game?" I could see his face light up. His smile more sincere. Which only made my heart melt. His eyes filled with wonder and excitement. "What game?" "Well, I heard of this great game. Called the forest. We can play that. If you want. But if you don't want to, we could play something else. Whatever u want to play."

Jacks POV
I could tell he was stuttering. It was so cute! But it looked like he was about to start, so I quickly interrupted. "Sure! I've actually played that before. It was really fun!" "Cool! So, let's start." "Wait! If your a YouTuber like you said, why don't we record it?" I suggested. "Sure!" "Awesome! Mind if I take a shower first? I feel gross, I did just come from a storm." "Sure. I don't mind."

Marks POV
It looked like something flashed, once I said that. And I could tell exactly what it was. "Shite. I don't have clean boxers."He said. I knew it. Do I offer him mine? Or is that gross? I just met him. *sigh* why not? What's the worst that can happen? "You can use some of mine if u want. I actually just got some new ones. You can have em. If you want, cause I know you probably want to shower, but if that weird for you, I understand." I bit my lip before I said anything else, to further embarrass myself. "Sure. As long as there new." I quickly walk to my drawers and find the cleanest pair of boxers, and rushed back to Jack. "Thanks!" "No problem." He head to take a shower, and I quickly grabbed my lap top. I went to YouTube and searched, "Jacksepticeye." I watched his latest video, and he was hilarious! He almost broke my ear drums though. I went ahead to watch a vlog of his, it was called "I love nature." It looked pretty old, but when he was running through the grass yelling to the sky, I cracked up. Until I heard a noise behind me. "Are you watching my videos?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello everybody my name is Autumn. And I hope you liked this one! A little less climactic, but I promise, it's just leading up to something big! I hope you enjoyed part 2! And I don't have an upload schedule or anything. I just type down the next part, whenever. But THANK you guys, So much for reading this FanFiction, if you LIKED it, PUNCH the like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS! AND high fives all round. WHAPSHH WHAPSHH. But THANK you guys, and I will SEE ALL YOU DUDES, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! Buh bye!

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