Chapter 7

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Jacks POV
We're at the airport, and we are about to go back to my home. I'm so excited! Not cause I'm gonna see my friends and family, cause I never go outside, so I don't have friends here, and my family lives hours away! I dout they even think I'm gone. We sit down, ready to be called for our plane. We were first class! I looked over at Mark, whose hair looked like he just woke up. He was wearing his lucky flannel, and dark blue jeans. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. "You ready to go home?" "Ya! I'm so excited!! I hope no bugs got to the food though. I have an open thing of cake in the fridge! Those damn ants better stay away from my cake!" That made Mark laugh. He kissed me, and I kissed him back. We were called. We had all of our stuff in the plane, so we didn't have any carry on. We got to the first class seats. There were magazines, miny TV's, and the chairs reclined into a bed! There were blankets to! Me and Mark both put our seats all the way down, put away the cup holder in between us, and got as close as we could, with a blanket covering us. We both quickly fell asleep. At least, I did.

Marks POV
I hope our luggage is safe. I wouldn't want anything happening to the little box in there. Jack fell asleep before me. I ran my fingers through his soft hair. I couldn't believe that we were together. I was the lucky one. To get him. I looked around the plane for a bathroom, and once I was in an un-occupied stall, I turned to see a fucked up version of me. He quickly faded into nothing. And left me terrified. His hair  was red with blood. His eyes, black with red as the iris. And cuts all over. Not from self harm, but it looked like, from others, a ringing came to my ears. It kept getting louder. I could hear people's screams. I fell to my knees, as tears came down my face. Then, all the sudden. Nothing. No ringing in my ears, no screaming. I got up, and went to the bathroom, but then I saw a cut on my wrist. A single cut was placed there. It didn't look like an accident. It looked like it was planned, a perfect cut. I went back to Jack, who was still asleep, and grabbed my jacket, which was on my chair. I pulled the sleeves down as much as I could, rolled over, and fell asleep.

Jacks POV
I woke up to a lady telling us to prepare for landing. I pulled my chair up, and buckled in. I woke Mark, and he did the same. But, why was he wearing his jacket? The plane was hot, definitely not jacket worthy. I shook it off. "We're here babe!" He smiled. "Are you happy to get back?" "Hell yes! I miss my house. And I miss the pub." I said. He laughed and went on his phone. I looked out the window and watched the plane land. We fold the blanket the plane gave us, and put it on the chair, as we got off. We went to baggage claim, and we waited. And waited. I started getting scared, so we went to someone behind a desk (I don't know shit about airplanes or the ppl who work there. Just fucking play along) and she pulled something up on her computer, and told us our bags were still in LA, and they would arrive on Wednesday. Today was fucking Friday! I got so pissed. But I smiled, and said thanks. Grabbed marks hand, I knew he was pissed to. We both squeezed each other's hands hard out of frustration. Years of gaming made them stronger, so it didn't hurt us. We stopped when Mark had to get an uber. (for you who don't know, uber is an app where you can get someone to pick you up like a taxi sorta) The guy was near, so the uber driver came quickly. Luckily he didn't say anything, except for, "where we heading?." We gave him the address and we were off.

Marks POV
I can't believe it! Our bags were still in LA! I didn't have anything except what was on my back. I guess Jack could see my frustration. "Don't worry Mark, you can use my cloths until Wednesday." He gave me a little smile, and I returned his smile with a kiss. "Thanks babe. I know your always there." He smiled again. "Anytime." We made it to the pub near his house. I purposely made him go here, so Jack could get a beer. I knew he missed them. He was so kind not to get one, since my body can't handle it as easily. He smiled looking at me. I tried to pay the guy, but Jack was quicker. "No Jack I'll pay! I got my wallet right here!" I waved my wallet in his face. "No way babe. I'm paying." He waved his credit card in my face, and we both giggled. We went into the pub, and I only let Jack have 1 beer. I know he gets drunk easy, and I didn't want to deal with drunk Jack. He's cute, but very emotional. And hard to help. We talked and laughed, until we started walking back to his house.

Jacks POV
We started walking back home, then I remembered cake was open in the fridge. I told him, but he didn't seem to care. I grabbed his phone out of his pocket, and started running. He followed me. He was fast, but I was quicker. I ran all the way home, I saw a glimpse of my house, and turned around to see Mark. "Once I get my hands on you!!" And then I hit something. I fell down, and everything sped up. A cop helped me up, and my family was running towards me. I smiled, happy I see my family again. Turned around to look at Mark, but, I saw something I wasn't expecting. He was being arrested! The cops where putting hand cuffs on him and taking him to the cop car. I turned my back on my family and ran to mark. "What did I do? This is a misunderstanding! Jack!" I ran up to him, but a cop pushed me back. "Don't worry Mr. McLoughlin. We got him. Your safe now." I was scared, confused, and mad they were taking away my boyfriend. "What did he do?!" I yelled. "You should know." Before I could respond, my family came from behind and engulfed me in a hug, so tight, I could breath. I couldn't ask what was going on! I get out of the hug, and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" By then Mark was in the car, and he had his hands pressed against the window looking at me. I didn't bother to chase him. I just fell to my knees. "We came over, and you were gone. You weren't answering any of your texts, and you didn't say where you were! We called the police and told them you were kidnapped-" "KIDNAPPED?! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU THINK THAT?! I WENT TO LA TO VISIT MY BOYFRIEND! MY PHONE DOESNT WORK IN AMERICA!" They all froze. There mouths wide open. I just realized I said, that they called the police for no reason, my boyfriends was in jail, and I had a boyfriend. I ran away crying, and my sister tried to follow me, but I was too fast. I waited near my house till everything was gone, and ran inside. I broke down crying. I curled up. The only person I really loved, was gone. Once I pulled myself together. I went to the police station. Luckily Mark was still there. Along with a news crew? They got a glimpse of Mark in the police station, with bright orange cloths on.

Marks POV
What was going on? One minute, I'm chasing Jack for my phone back, the next, I'm in jail! I look out the window to see Jack holding back reporters. I'm glad he did. I was taken into a room, with no windows, all concrete with one black wall. I knew that there was one way glass there. (I watch Criminal Minds, I know my shit) I was handcuffed to the table, and then, someone came in. "Hi." It was a girl. (Shey) Mid 30's. Black hair, and dark brown eyes, close to black, and light brown skin. I start to cry, thinking about Sean, what's going on, and then it hits me that I'm in jail. That doesn't help.

Shey's POV
"You know why your here?" He looked up, and I could see he was crying. His eyes puffy. I think I knew him, I couldn't put my finger on it though. "No." He replied, sobbing. I sighed. I gave him a picture of Sean William McLoughlin. His eyes lit up. "You know him?" He stuttered, but got it out. "He. He's my boyfriend."

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