Chapter 12

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(Cough cough smut cough cough)

Mark POV

He grabbed my wrist and ran into the bedroom. I was ready to forget everything about Darkiplier. I turned around to shut the door, and turned back to see Jack already in bed, and I saw his shirt on the floor. I took off my own getting into bed. I took dominance and got on top of Jack. Kissing his neck, and him letting out small moans. Which made me keep going. I kissed down to his chest and down his stomach. I went lower, and unbuttoned his pants with my teeth. I was really handsy when I unzipped his pants and pulled them down. Jack was letting out small groans, and I starting rubbing his dick, as it grew harder and harder. Jack let our moans of pleasure. That grew louder and louder. "I'm gonna cum babe!" I ripped off his boxers and started messaging his friend. Jack was moaning louder. I started sucking on him. And Jack's liquid was spewed into my mouth. I swallowed it with big gulps, and pulled away. Still rubbing jack so I wouldn't loose the climax.

Jacks pov

Mark was rubbing me, and I had reached my climax, but he wasn't slow down. He was still rubbing me, when he took off his own boxers. He climbed next to me, and staring kissing me on my lips again. I rubbed my hand through his hair, and used my free hand to rub his friend. Which is growing harder. I pull my lips away from his and I push him down, and climb on top. I start kissing him, and I go lower quickly. I look up at Mark making sure he is still ok with this, and he nods his head. I slowly penetrate Mark, and he moans loudly, which I take pleasure in. I go deeper, and then pull back some slowly. I thrust my hips, and Mark does the same. Together we moan. Then our moans grow louder. Then our moans turn into yells. "M-M-M-Mark!" "Shhhh-Sean!" We groan louder until we reach our climax. "I'm gonna cum!" Mark yelled. "M-Me to babe!" I could feel a gooey liquid be released onto me, as I released mine into Mark. We sigh and I release myself from Mark. I crawl up next to him and we both catch our breath. "Thank you babe." He said. "Anytime. I love you Markimoo." I lye my head on his chest, and he kisses the top of my head. "I love you more." He said. And as I started to drift into sleep, I say, "That's impossible." I hear faint words. "Nothing is impossible." I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Marks pov

He's so cute when he sleeps. I run my hand through his hair. And he has a small smile on his face as he sleeps. I see my computer light up. I carefully climb out of bed, and put on boxers and a shirt. I see that Wade was calling me. I put in my earphones and take my computer out into the living room. I answer the call.

"Whats up?" I rub my hair and my voice is low and shaky.

"Nothing much." I  look at my watch

"What do you want? You call at quarter till, you gotta have something to say."

"That's right. I was wondering if Jack was coming to the Panel."

"Which one?"

"The one with me and Bob stupid."

"He said he was free. And he might have to come to the one with Felix and Ken. I don't think we have enough people."

"Ya ya I don't care." I laugh some and he giggles.

"Anyway, is that the only reason you called? I'm really tired." I rub my eyes.

"Ya. Go back to your man toy."

"Fuck off Wade."

"Your hairs never that messy at night. I've called you before." I mat my hair down.

"Good night Wade."

"Night Markimoo." He says in a mamas boy voice.

"Shut up."  I hang up the call, and go back to Jack. I take off my shirt and cuddle next to him again. Not waking him up. He digs his face into my chest, and I drift asleep.


I run through the woods, running away from Dark. He's fast, and I'm not faster. I turn a corner to see a shed in the woods. I run into it and slam the door. Once I turn around, I see a crowd full of people. I look around to see Bob Wade and Jack standing next to me. "You ok bud?" Jack asked me. "Ya. I'm fine babe." He looked at me weird. "Since when do you call me babe?" "Since we started dating." "What are you talking about?" He looked utterly confused. Like he doesn't remember us at all. "Were not dating. Mark are you feeling ok?" I fell backwards, and the floor did not catch me. I kept falling deeper and deeper into what seemed to be an endless void. I finally fell to the bottom, and it wasn't as hard as I though it would be. The fall didn't damage me to bad. My head hurt after though. I got up, and looked around. It was just a dark cave. I walked around, and all the sudden, walls appeared. I was in a little box. The area above me closed. And I was in a dark, black, box. I tried to find my way out, but I simply could not. Then I heard a dark voice that I knew all to well. "All doors are closed you are a prisoner to my games." It was Anti septic. I can tell, cause it sounds somewhat like Jack. Then another voice came up. My voice. "And nobody will help you escape." Then the room filled with a dark laughter. It grew louder and louder until it stopped. Everything was silent. Then I heard it, in Anti's voice. "I know your awake." I shot upright on my couch. I was seeing myself in third person now. I looked around and saw nothing. I sighed relieved, and laid back on the couch. A few seconds later, I shot up with glowing eyes. And then everything went dark.


I open my eyes quickly, and look around. Jack is gone, and the room was flooded with light. I was back in bed. I could smell food from the other room. I got dressed and went back out. I saw jack cooking eggs, he turned to see me, and put the eggs on our plates. "Morning sleeping beauty." "Sleeping, yes. Beauty,.." Jack cut me off. "Absolutly." He smiled at me. We started eating. Jack was a great cook. "So Jack." I said. Taking a bite of my toast. "Hmm?" "The panel is in a few days. You should start packing." His eyes dart up form his plate, like he remembered something. "Damnit." He cursed under his breath. "What's wrong babe?" He started darting around. Grabbing his wallet, phone, and a jacket. "Babe I gotta go. Don't worry, Ill be back soon." He quickly kissed my cheek and ran out the door. "What the hell just happened?" I finish my food and wash the dishes. I look at the door. "Where did Jack go?"

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