Part 18

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Jacks POV
I wake up, and look around. Like usual, I'm first up. I go on about 4 hours of sleep. The other time is spent online. I look at my Instagram, and see the pictures from last night. There was funny pictures of us at the ice cream place, the drawings on everyone's faces. I go to marks page, and like all the pics he post. I hear a buzz. I look up, to see Mark right next to me, waking up. His phone was getting the notifications that I was liking his pictures. He rubbed his eyes, and I kissed the top of his head. Which I can't do normally, since he's taller. "Morning babe." He says. Morning coats his voice, and it's deep. "Morning." I say, with a slight chuckle. I hold up my phone. "Smile babe." I say, low and quite. He closes his eyes, tired, and smiles. I take a picture and laugh, remembering the warfstache on my face. "That's going on Instagram." I say laughing. He just smiles and rubs his eyes. "What time is it?" "About 6. Should we wake the others? We didn't pack last night, and Wade leaves at 9, Felix 9:30." "Ok." I pout. I look around and find 2 pillows. Mark smiles at me. "I'll get Wade." He says, taking a pillow. I smile, and aim at Felix. "3," I start. "2," Mark says. "1!" We both say, throwing out pillows. As we throw the pillows, I yell, "WHAPSHH!" Mark hits Wade in the chest, and I hit Felix straight in his face. They both leap up, looking around. "TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!" "Oh your dead." Felix says, looking over at us. He grabs a pillow and starts hitting me. I laugh as I find my own pillow, hitting him back. Wade and Mark are hitting each other. I hear someone else wake up. "You idiots." I hear Bob say. I throw my pillow at him. He just throws it back. After a while, we stop. "So. You guys have a good rest?" I said. "I WAS having a good rest. Until YOU threw a PILLOW at me!" Felix said. "You guys gotta pack. You got 3 hours." Mark defend. "Fine." Wade said, leaving the room. Felix threw another pillow, right before leaving. "Think they'll notice the warfstache and Septiceye?" Mark asked. "Uh, guys!" Wade said from the other room. "Yup." I said to Mark, which made him laugh. Wade walks out. "Hey guys. Is there something on my face?" Wade asks. "Nope." I say. Trying not to laugh. "Ya sure? Cause you guys are looking at me funny. Is there something in my teeth?" "No, there's something on your face. Right around here." Mark said, gesturing to wades whole face. "Haha very funny." Wade said. "I know" Mark replied. Wade roles his eyes with a smile, and Felix walked in. "Hey guys, how you like my new look?" He said, pointing to his eye and upper lip. "I love it." I say. He laughs. "How much I wear this to the airport and in my next video?" "A tweet." I say. "5 bucks." Mark says. "Pay up! And Jack, I'll tell you your tweet when you watch me do it." "What about my 5?" "You gotta trust me." Felix says, taking marks $5. Mark gave Felix the stink eye. "I better start packing." Felix said. "I can make breakfast." I said, getting up. "You sure babe?" Mark asks. "Ya! I love cooking!" He smiles at me, and I go to the kitchen. I start whipping up some pancakes, I cook some bacon and sausage, and scramble some eggs. After about 30 minutes, I place everything on the counter. "Hey babe, can you help me with drinks?" I ask Mark. "Sure." He says, getting up. "So. Anti visit you last night?" He asks, his voice hushed. "Ya. Says when you least expect it, he'll get me mentally." "Hm." He says, pouring everyone a glass of juice, or coffee. "Breakfast! Come get it while it's hot!" I yell. Everyone rushes to the kitchen. "Who still needs to pack?" I asked, while shoving my face with eggs. "Us." Bob spoke up, looking over at Mandy. "I need to get a few last minute things." Wade said. "I can't wait to get back to Molly." Wade smiled wide, and he started eating again. "How are you and Molly?" "We're good. Been together for what? 4 years now?" He picks up the fork filled with eggs. "Cool. You plan to propose anytime soon?" I ask. He stops. He swallows the un chewed food, and he stares at me. "Sh-should I?" He asks. I begin my answer, but Wade freaks out. "Are we ready? What if she says no? Should I propose?" Felix who is right next to him, covers his mouth. "I didn't mean anything by it Wade. It was just a question." He looked back down at his food. "I.. I don't think we're quite ready." He says. "Ok." I say. After that, we eat our food in silence. Mark nudges me, and looks at the clock. I look as well, seeing it's somehow 8o'clock. "O crap. Guys, it's 8." Mark says. "I better finish packing." Felix says, picking up his dishes and putting them up. "Me to." Wade says, following Felix. We finish up quickly, and go to our own room. After a few minutes, we head back down, with some things packed, to see Wade and Felix at the door, with their bags. "You ready?" Mark asked. Swinging his keys with his finger. "Ya!" "Should we come? Or say bye here?" I ask. "Probably here. We can say things without being judged." Bob pipes up. "Ok, in that case.." I run over to Felix, and hold out my arms. He laughs and we hug. "Gonna miss ya Swedish meatball." He laughs. "Gonna miss you to Irish potato." We laugh, and Bob comes over, and takes my place. I turn, and run to wade. My head comes up to his chest, but I don't mind. "I'm gonna miss you waddy poo." I said, I could hear Bob saying bye to Felix, but I ignored them. "I'm gonna miss you to JackABoy. Congrats on you and Mark." "It's all thanks to you." I say. We pulled back, and I waved bye, as they pull out of the driveway.

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