Jacks POV
My stomach hurts so much from laughing. I literally can't! It was the funniest thing! We finish our meals, and I go to wash the dishes. Mark walks up behind me. "I got it babe. Go sit down." Mark says. "Don't worry. I got it." "Sure?" "Of corse. I'm a grown man! I can wash some dishes." I say. He nods his head, and kisses my neck. He walks out and joins the others, and I finish up. On the last dish, I see something I wasn't expecting. Anti's face popped up out of nowhere! "Hello Jack." He hissed. I didn't say anything. "Oh don't worry! I'm not here for long. I just wanted to give you a heads up. When you least expect it. I will come. I will be there. And destroy you. Mentally. It's easier that way." I hear a bloodcurdling laugh. And put away the plate which anti's face had appeared on. I walk out, angry. I look at Mark. "Hey Mark, I got a call. It was the doctor. The antisepticeye pills I have to take are canceled. I'm good." Mark nod. Knowing I was talking about anti. I turn to the others. "Out of nowhere my eye would grow weirdly green. And I would have a change in personality. It's gone though. So, I'm good!" The others brushed it off. But Mark kept looking over at me. I nod every time he did. "I've been attacked by people in my comments lately!" I say, and look over at Mark. "It's taking its toll mentally." Mark nod his head. "What kinda stuff do they say?" Mark asked. "Some people are idiots, and will say, 'I'll find you! And I'll get you when you least expect it!'" I was looking directly at Mark for that. Then I looked at the others. "The rest is just normal hate." "I'm sorry bud." Wade said, and gave me a pat on the back. "It's ok. I'll get through it." "And I'll be right here." Mark said. I smiled, and so did he. "That reminds me!" Pewds chips up. "So like, moving arrangements?" Me and Mark looked at each other. We silently communicate, to me and Mark, we're talking. But to the others, there just making noises and titling our heads. "Jacks coming to LA. He's gonna live with me!" "So that's what those head turns were." Bob said. We role our eyes. "But he needs to come to Ireland, and help me pack." "How did y'all say that without words?" Wade asked. We looked at each other, and smiled. We basically said, 'make more head turns to confuse them.' We laughed as we just turned our heads, make facial expressions, and made noises. "Mhm." "Ah." "Oh." We laugh like someone just said the funniest thing. I look at Wade. "Wait what was the question? I forgot." This made Mark laugh.

Marks POV
We were just doing gibberish now. Jack turned to Wade. "Wait what was the question? I forgot." This made me laugh. He face palmed. "Hey guys! I just realized, we leave tomorrow, and it's *watch check* 5pm." Ken said. An "Awww" spread around the room. "I don't wanna leave." Jack pout. "Your such a party pooper Ken." I said. Felix and Ken chuckled. "Anyway. We better start booking." I say. "I'll get my PC for me and Mark. Felix laptop for him, Bob's PC for him and Mandy, Wade's Microsoft, and Ken's PC." Jack said. He gets up, and goes to get our computers. By the time he is back, he has an armful of computers, passing them all out. He comes and sits next to me, and we book our flight, and get our tickets. We look up to see everyone else finishing up as well. He shut his PC, and set it down. I wrapped him in my arms, and we all talked some more. It was the best when we just hang out. We don't normally talk a lot with Mandy, so it was a little awkward, but after some time, I could definitely see why Bob likes her. We talk bout YouTube stuff, the panel stuff, and just random stuff. I feel whenever we hang out, we get closer and closer. It was so fun. "So. What time's everyone going?" I ask. Noon." Bob said. "Nine." Wade said. "My flight flies at 9:30." Felix chipped in. "Eleven." Said Ken. "And we're going at one." Jack said, and he turned to me. "So I guess we'll be here longest." "Ohhh" Wade said, and started making kissy noises. Everyone pitched in. Jack hid his face in my chest, and my face went so red. "Oh shut up guys!" I throw a pillow at Wade. They laugh, but they stop making noises. "Thank you." Jack took his face from my chest, a huge smile on his face from laughing. I look down at Jack. "Hey guys! So, I saw a Cold Stone (ice cream place) today. And I know they also sell cakes." Jacks head sprung up. "Let's go there! I mean we don't have to go there but we can go there if you want to go there." We laugh, and agree. We go to Cold stone, and have some cake and ice cream. We head home at about 9pm and go to sleep.

Jacks POV
We go to the ice cream place, and I order the biggest cake. I share it with Mark and Felix, and the others just get ice cream. "What's wrong with you? Ice cream over cake. It's unheard of!" I say. "Sorry dude. I like ice cream." Ken says, as he eats another bite. I role my eyes, and basically attack the cake. We go home with full bellies, and we quickly all fall asleep. As a goodbye present, when everyone is asleep, I draw a big green circle around everyone's eye, and color it in with blue. Making the Septiceye. I wake up Mark, who draws Warfstaches on everyone, and I let him draw one on me. I draw a Septiceye on him, and we fall asleep. Smiling. After we take a picture of everyone and post them.

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