Chapter 9

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*cough cough* smut *cough cough* 😏

Jacks POV
I hug Mark, as we post the video. We see the thumbs go up, and early comments, then it seemed everything stopped. The video was a minute long. And then, we both lose subscribers, and we got more thumbs down, and the hate came in.
"Eat each other's dicks!"
"Fuck off you gay basters!"
"I'm gonna laugh, as I watch both jacks and marks subs go to zero."
"Wow. I just lost respect for you both."
But, the good comments came in as well.
"I'm so glad septipler is a thing!"
"I've been praying for this my whole life!"
"My dreams have come true!"
"Septipler away!"
"My heart! Too much fan girling!!"
"You guys inspire me everyday. I love you to bits, and now.. I'm gonna fan girl, too much over you. I know that I will. I will fight till the death. I love you both so much. But not as much as you to love each other! 😉😉 don't let the haters get you down."
Autumn looks up at us. "I'm sorry you got so much hate." I looked down, and saw a tear fall onto Marks shoe, I knew he was crying as well. "It's ok autumn. It's not your fault." "There are too many homophobic people there. You can't have the good and the bad." Mark said. Which was true. You can't be free to love who you want, without being judged. We went to bed. Autumn and Shey went home. It was getting late, and we cuddled in bed. "What about our family?" "I text them to watch my latest video."

Marks POV
"I'll text them in the morning." Jack said. I grabbed his phone which was on the bed stand next to me. "Come on babe." He grabbed the phone and group text his family to watch the last video and gave his phone back. I put his phone back and he laid his head on my chest. I took off my glasses. "You wanna forget about it?" He looked at me and bit his lip. "I would love ta Mark." He said it thick in his accent. Which got me harder. Then he did the thing with his eyebrow, which didn't help me soften.

 Then he did the thing with his eyebrow, which didn't help me soften

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I took off my shirt as he did the same. "This time it's my turn." Jack said and jumped on top of me.

Nobody's POV. Just smut.
Jack got on top of Mark, and started kissing his collar bone. Slowly moving down, Jack got to marks stomach. Kissing everywhere. Still moving down. Using his teeth, Jack unbuttoned marks pants, and un zipped them. Jack took off Marks pants, kissing mark more. Slowly taking down marks boxers. Mark moaned softly. But Jack wanted Mark to moan louder. With one swift move, Jack ripped off marks boxers, and started kissing marks item. Earning a loud moan from Mark. Jack started sucking Mark hard. "S-Sean!" (I'm sorry I keep switching from Sean to Jack. Just fucking deal!) Jack pulled away from Mark looking up at him and smirking. "Sean. Let me take off your pants. I'm not gonna be the only naked one here." Jack moved up closer to Mark, and he unzipped jacks pants. Then quickly got on top. Jack wouldn't allow that. Without warning Jack pushed Mark off the bed taking Jack with him. Jack got on top and started kissing marks soft lips so he wouldn't whine about his head. He then pulled back, and went back down mark. Instead of sucking Mark, Jack pushed his own into Mark. "SHIT SEAN!" Marks groans turned into moans of pleasure. "Faster." Mark started moving his hips with Jack. They sped up. Till they both reached there maximum. "MAARK!!" "SEAAN!" Jack released himself into Mark. "You feel so good." Mark said, in his deepest voice. Which made Jack go faster. Jack got up and kissed Mark passionately. They stood up and got back into bed, where Jack once again took over. Jack was still in Mark, and they both held there kiss. Jack then got out of Mark. They were both tired now. "I'm gonna be in pain tomorrow." Mark said. "Better you then me." Jack smirked. "You wanna be fucked? I still got it in me!" "Hmm. I'm not to turned on at the moment." Marks voice when deeper, and he got closer to Jack. "Are you sure baby? Cause I can give you a night to remember." Jack started getting turned on. "I think I will never forget this night already." "Come on baby. Where's my little goober?" Mark looked deep into jacks eyes. His chocolate brown eyes hypnotizing Jack. Jack bit his lip, and Mark started rubbing jacks growing erection. "So. You wanna be fucked?" "Inhale my dong daddy." Mark smiled and started gently bitting jacks soft skin on his neck. Kissing down Jack, licking every edge of him. Mark went closer down. Lower. Lower. He started slowly sucking Jack. Then went harder and harder. "M-Mark!" Mark quickly released Jack. "You can call me daddy if you want." "Fuck me daddy!!" Mark went back to sucking Mark, which quickly escalated to mark penetrating Jack. "MARK!!" They heard a loud bang in the other room downstairs. They stopped. Mark took himself out of Jack, and they both put on cloths. Jack and Mark both put on there glasses, and Mark went first downstairs. Jack from behind matted down both there hair, incase it was someone they knew. It was someone Jack knew alright. Mark turned the corner, and froze in fear. Jack went to see what was making Mark so scared. He turned the corner, to see Antisepticeye.

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