Chapter 5

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Smut warning

Marks POV
Not seeing Jack in so long killed me. It's been 3 weeks since we last touched. We've Skype'd. And we text all the time. But not having him there, drained me, mentally. I would still do videos in my normal fashion. Energetic, but now, it's harder. I take more breaks that I cut out, I'm tired when I finish the video, and all I do is sloth around. Make food, make video, sleep. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. One night, the videos were done. So I ordered pizza. Not wanting to make food. So I when I hear the doorbell, I grab my wallet, and open the door. I'm looking at my wallet when I ask, "ok so how much for the pizza?" I look up, to see a giddy Irishman, smiling from ear to ear, looking back at me. I drop my wallet and envelope him in a huge hug. He drops his backs and hugs back. He moves back, releasing my grip, then pulls me into a kiss. We stay there still we both need to breath. We pull back and I noticed I haven't said anything yet. "Jack I, I didn't expect you to come." "Well you gave me your address, and told me to, and on top of that, I am your boyfriend so, why didn't you?" He looks at me with his big blue eyes, and smiles. I smile back and let him in.

Jacks POV
I loved seeing him again. I felt bad it took me so long to get here, but I knew it was worth it. The longer apart, the more we thirst for each other, the more special it is when we see each other again. He showed me around, and I took everything in. The place was full of cool stuff! From little boxes, to pink mustaches. And I saw, a septic eye ball. Looked like it was often bounced it around. (Don't you dare take that out of context!!) I smile, and don't bring it up. But then he showed me his guest room. I looked sad. Trying to trick Mark. "What's up?" He asked. "Well I was kinda hoping, you know.." I dropped my stuff turned around and kissed him passionately. I slowly drew away, placing my forehead on his. Staring into his big brown eyes. I could feel my pants getting tighter. As me and Mark were closest then ever. I coat my voice with Irish. "I could sleep with you."

Marks POV
We were close. I could feel Jack getting harder against Mark. He took this opportunity when Jack was venerable. He took control, and grabbed his arms, pushing Jack against the wall, with his hands above his head. Using one hand to hold jacks in place, and the other, to feel the bulge growing in jacks jeans. Jack wasn't giving in easily. He would try to get out of marks grip. He wasn't giving Mark the pleasure of his moan. Mark went in, teasing Jack, getting close to his face, but never kissing his lips, always his cheeks, or forehead. "Mark just kiss me already!" "I am." He smirked. Jack sighed, "Let me kiss you!" As Mark slowly rubbed his growing erection. "Maybe." Softly biting down on jacks neck. He stayed there for a while, kissing his neck. And when he pulled back, a massive hickey is what remained. Jack looked deep into Marks eyes, and said, in his most Irish accent, knowing how much Mark was attracted to it, "why don't we take this to the bedroom?" I smirked. Knowing what was about to go down. And slightly fearing it.

Jacks POV
He let go of my wrists, and we both ran like little children into his bedroom. When he shut the door, it was my turn. He turned around from shutting the door, and I grabbed his wrists and put them over his head, while pinning him to the wall. At first I had to use both hands. But then, only one hand was needed to keep him back. Mark was strong, but Jack was just as strong. Jack noticed that Mark was wearing his lucky flannel. Which meant it buttoned all the way down. Mark was about to get lucky. Jack used his free hand to undo the buttons on his flannel. While kissing him, Mark didn't notice his shirt being stripped from his body. When Jack pulled back from the kiss, Mark was half naked. There shoes already off. Jack started kissing Mark, down his neck. Down to his chest. Planting soft kisses on his collar bone. He finally couldn't kiss any lower with out letting go of marks arms, so he went back up. His free had slowly stroking the bulge hiding behind dark blue jeans. Growing harder with every stroke. "Well of my shirt comes off, yours has to also." Jack looked into marks eyes. Remembering the first time seeing those cocoa brown eyes that melt his heart. He slowly let go of marks wrists, as Mark stripped off jacks t shirt. Jack backed up on the bed, before Mark could pin him again. And Mark followed. They held each other while looking into each other's eyes, as they both took off each other's jeans.

Marks POV
Jack was good at this. But Mark wouldn't let him win. Mark strips him of his jeans as Jack did the same to Mark. And Mark tries to take control and get on top, but Jack didn't allow it. He quickly slipped out of marks grasp and tackled him. But Mark was still strong. He tried again to get on top, and this time, he succeeded. Jack looked at Mark and did the thing with his eye brow.

 Jack looked at Mark and did the thing with his eye brow

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Mark got harder. Until he couldn't get any bigger.
Looking deep into his sea blue eyes. He almost got lost in them. Swimming in his eyes, as the outside of his iris is a darker blue. And the inside a lighter. He examined his eyes closely. Getting deeper and deeper. He leaned over and kissed Jack passionately. Mark spread his kisses all over jacks body, from his neck, down to where his skin meets his underwear. Jack let's small moans escape his lips. Mark looks at Jack, to make sure he is comfortable with what's about to happen. Jack sighs and nods his head slightly, biting his lip. Mark slowly pulled down jacks boxers, while planting kissing in the newly revealed skin. Jack moaned louder, which gave Mark determination to keep on going. Until his boxers were off, and Jack kicked them off his ankles. Mark hesitate for a few seconds, thinking to himself. Then thought, 'I want Jack. I am ready for this.' He started again planting kisses on Jack, on his manly hood. Jack let out moans that would get louder and louder. "M-Markim-moo!" "I want you to scream my name!" "Ma-Mark! Maahhh" His name turned into a long moan as Mark placed the tip of Jack, into his mouth. "Marky! I'm gonna..!" Mark exhaled more of jacks dong. "MA-MAAARK! MARRKY!" Jack moaned until it turned into a yell. "Maaaark! I'm g-gonna cum!" Jack said. Releasing his semen into jacks mouth. In a gooey liquid. Mark released Jack, and wiped some of jack off his mouth, while grinning. Then licked it off his hand." Mark laid next to Jack. Both breathing heavily, and sweaty. "That was great." Jack finally stuttered out. Mark nods in agreement. Jack lays his head on marks chest, looks up to give Mark a quick goodnight kiss. And they quickly fall asleep.

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