Chapter 6

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Marks POV
I woke up, with cold sheets next to me. Jack must have gotten up. I get up, and dress. And quickly brush my tangled hair. I hear something in the kitchen. Sizzling? I walk out to see Jack, speeding around the kitchen, getting things, cooking things, and timing things. In the 10 seconds I watched him, he saved 2 things from falling and spilling. I guess speed really is key. He pushes down a handle to the toaster, and walks to the stove. I walk up and hug him from behind. "Morning babe." I say. Kissing the side of his head, and wrapping my arms around his waist. He jumps, I guess he didn't hear me. But his face immediately lights up. He kisses me, "good morning sleeping beauty." He giggles and turns back to the stove. Moving around the egg. "I've been known to cook. So, I made you, some pancakes, with bacon and eggs and toast!" I smiled. Big breakfast, I thought. I saw Jack take the last egg off the stove, and place everything, along with some coffee and strawberries, all neatly on a plate, and handed one to me. And he kept the other plate, while washing dishes and putting everything back. He finished up, and went to eat his breakfast. Mine was already almost done. His cooking was amazing! "This tastes delicious! Thanks babe! When did you learn to cook?" I said, shoving some toast in my mouth. "I actually taught myself. I had to cook dinner every night, since nobody was home, and my parents came home late. So I would make them dinner. I soon became better and better." I nod and finished up my food. I get up and wash my dishes. "I'm gonna hop on the shower." "Mind if I join?" Jack asked. "Come on in when ur done. I'll make sure the waters warm for you." I said, with a slight grin. He smiled back and went back to eating his breakfast.

Jacks POV
I'm so glad he liked his meal! I thought it might be too much food for breakfast. I downed a cup of coffee, not getting hyper at all, and headed in the shower with Mark.
Time skip in shower~
The warm water against our skin felt great. Washing off the week felt good. Like a weight had been lifted off. And I could see Mark felt the same as well. When we finished he shut off the water and we got out. It was about noon now, but breakfast was still keeping us full. We decided to make a few videos before we do anything. We called up wade and bob. Bob being a friend of mine, and wade. Everything tied together. We played some prop hunt, speed runners, and some dead by daylight, talking over Skype. Along with Whose your daddy, and a lot more fun stuff. After a few hours of playing, we hung up the call. It was getting late. But we edit our videos, and got them ready to post for the next morning.

Marks POV
I could sense something was wrong with Jack. He was less bouncy and giddy. He made spaghetti. The same meal we had when we first met. Now I could definitely tell something was off. "Hey Babe, what's wrong? You've been seeming kinda down lately." He looked up at me from his plate, with his big blue eyes shinning. "Oh it's nothing. I'm just home sick. I miss my family back in Ireland." He looked back down at his food, playing with it. I should have known. He's been away from his house for ages! "Well, we could go back to ur house." His face light up. And he looked up at me, with a smile so bright, it could light up the night. We finished up dinner, and bought first class tickets to Ireland.

Jakes POV
Home. A place I haven't been to in forever. I missed Ireland. Even though, I almost died there. But, that place is what brought me and Mark together! I was already planning everything. And it would end, in the most perfect way possible. I just had to find the ring. The next few days was spent packing. We were planning on staying at my place for about a month. I thought about visiting my parents, and letting them meet Mark. Then I remembered, they didn't know. Nor did my viewers, or his. Or corse, we got the Septiplier shit in really quickly. No question about that! We upload 2 videos in a row of us, and the comments freak out. How were we gonna tell them? They had to know, they are part of this family. Of our life. We need to tell them. I looked over at Mark, who was packing some stuff. "Mark, are we ever gonna tell our fans? About, us?" He stopped packing and just stood there, not moving. He then sighed. "They are a part of our life. They deserve to know." "I agree, but so many fans of ours are homophobic. We could lose millions of fans." "He put down a folded shirt he was about to pack, and walked over to me. Putting his hands around my waist. "Babe. Listen. If they are not fans, but family, they will stick with us. And support us. If there fans, they will either stay, or they will leave. But if they leave, it will show that they didn't belong in this community in the first place." I nod. Less worried about what our fans would think, but our family.

Marks POV
We had to tell them. And I couldn't care less if they leave. They shouldn't have been here in the first place. But my family.. If they don't like me.. I sigh. "So. Well go to bed now, it's about *looks at watch* 10 o'clock. Let's get some rest, then we'll make a video, and we'll post it on each of our pages. Jack nod. And they got in bed. They kissed each other good night, and quickly fell asleep.
~Marks Dream~
Where am I? I look around to see a woods. Very dark. And I have a feeling, that something I sneaking up on me. "I have a feeling, that someone" I jump and turn around "IS TRYING TO SELL ME SOMETHING!!" Nobody is there. Then I hear a noise. It's Jack voice. I don't see him. But I do hear "Mark! Don't look back. Don't look around. Nothing is real. Just walk straight. Don't run and panic." The voice disappears, and I'm confused. Until I hear another voice, that makes the hair on my neck stand up. "Mark Edward Fischback." I started walking forward. Not turning around for anything. The voice got closer. "Mark Edward Fischback." I kept going. I wouldn't turn around, I wouldn't run, I wouldn't even let my heart beat speed up. I kept calm. Until I heard the voice right behind me. "Mark Edward Fischback." I could feel the warm breath of someone talking, on my neck. "Your not real!" I yell. "Mark Edward Fischback." "Go away! I'm not looking!" "Mark Edward Fischback." I woke up with panic. And looked, to see Jack. Sleeping right next to me. I calmed down and watched him sleep. He was adorable. A soft snore escaped his lips. And I smiled. Knowing that soon, I was going to propose.

~Jacks POV and dream~ -Meanwhile Mark was waking from his nightmare-
I was running through a dark woods. Anti was back. I slept peaceful for so many nights. And now.. He's back! How could this be! He keep saying the same thing. That kept getting on my nerves. "Mark Edward Fischback." "What do u want from me?!" "Mark Edward Fischback." "Stay away from my boyfriend!" "Mark Edward Fischback." I kept running, and anti kept repeating. "Mark Edward Fischback." I knew anti wanted to hurt Mark. But he couldn't! He could just take control of him. Right? "Mark Edward Fischback." Anti turned into a black fog. And started chasing me again. It was hard to escape fog. For it could get you anywhere. "Mark Edward Fischback." "Stop it! Take me instead!" I froze. And turned around, and spread my arms wide for it to take me, instead of Mark. I closed my eyes, and heard something. "Sean!" Who the fuck called me Sean? "Sean" I heard again. I finally woke up. To a scared boyfriend. "Sean you were yelling in your sleep!" "Sean?" "You wouldn't respond to Jack." I smiled. "Did I wake you up?" "No. I actually was already up." I was glad I didn't wake Mark. I looked at my watch. "We leave today." He nod. "Should we make the video here? We might be able to a fun jump cut. From LA to Ireland." "Sure!" Mark got his camera, and we decided how to do our intro. He turned on the camera.
"WHAPSHH! TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS" then Mark cut in, "Markiplier and welcome to a vlog." I giggled at how deep his voice went when he said vlog. "And, as you can tell, we right now are in LA." Then I cut in. "Ya! I wanna go back home to Ireland!" "Whatever." He grabbed the camera, and showed outside his window. He showed his hand, and him snapping. Then he shut off his camera. He turned around and smiled. We grabbed our suitcases, and left for the airport.

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