> XXIV <

112 6 2

Victoria POV

The last two weeks passed for me very quickly. I had a lot to do in that time, that I did not even have time to think about it. I had to pass three exams and organize our trip to the seaside. Together with Kaya and Eve, whom we became friends (there was no other option, we often spend time together) made a plan of our trip, which included the entire Tri-City. We called probably in all possible, of course, cheaper hotels and hostels in search of vacancies. In the end we found a small, not very advertised hotel three tram stops away from the beach. We booked three rooms for two persons. Slowly I guessed how we going to divide them and not necessarily liked this idea. But how I can argue with two pairs of lovers.

I packing right now. We have bus tomorrow at 6 in the morning. I was not going to take much with me. The weather going to be so nice , so I planned the short sleeves and pants. On cooler evenings I threw a pair of jeans and a sweater. Kaya told me to also take something for the party, because certainly we'll go to a club. YGH ... I do not like clubs. But obediently I threw a blue, airy dress into suitcase, Kaya still had the problem of what to take for a week over the sea. Although I explained her that most of the time we spent in a swimsuit, roasting on the beach and playing in the water. Jackson did not help her either. On average every half hour he call asking what would be better: the cropped denim or some loose shorts Hawaiian patterns? Take flip flops or sandals? How many pairs of caps to take? Etc...

Jin and Mark had no such problem. Eve said that Mark is packed and ready to leave for three days. And Jin called me once, asking how many towels he should take.

- I'm about to go crazy! - Kaya comes into my room and falls on the bed frustrated.

- What happened? - I'm asking, putting another things into the bag.

- This my dear jerk asks what color of swimming trunks he should buy.

- Why he ask that?

- He wants us to fit to each other with color.

I smile to myself. Crazy Jackson.

- Tell him 'pink'. We'll see what he'll do.

This time Kaya also laughed. Although it sometimes Jackson annoyed her, she wouldn't change him for other boy. He brings some fun in sometimes too monotonous life.

After another 20 questions Jackson wrote that he had already packed up and gave his girlfriend a little rest, so she's finally has time to pack too.

When our suitcases become ready in the evening in the corridor, we did a popcorn, turn on the computer and watched "The Hunger Games."


In the morning, I got up first and woke Kaya, who whined terribly something about ungodly hour. I called Mark and Eve, and then to Jin.

- Hello. - I heard his sleepy voice.

- Wake up sleepyhead. We go on vacation, soon.

- Wiki? - He asked still a little unconscious.

- That's right, your today's speaking clock. - I laughed - Get up, because the bus won't wait for us.

- Ok, I'm up. - And he hung up.

Certainly not rise. I'll call him five minutes later.

Kaya shuffled to the bathroom with the cellphone in her hand, waking Jackson.

I went to the kitchen to make a sandwiches for breakfast and on the road. The guys yesterday morning did shopping and bring everything to us, before we ran into a vortex packing.

When I finished cutting 25 rolls, my phone rang letting me know that five minutes had already passed. Again I dialed Jin.

- Wae !!! (Why !!!) - he shouted into the phone.

- Irona !!! (Get up !!!) - I answered him in the same way and I started to laugh.

- Wiki?

- Yes, it's me again. I'm not kidding, get up!

- Okay, wait.

- No. Get up right now and go to the bathroom. I want to hear water in the tap and make sure that you won't fall asleep again.

- Napun Jojia. (Evil woman).

- I like you too.

Not discussed any longer. First, I heard the rustle of his quilts, opening doors and finally flying water, just as if not from the tap. Did he just ...

- Hang up! - I said and pressed the red pushbutton. - Such a small revenge, huh? - I said to the blanked phone.


- Hang up! - I heard a squeaking Wiki's voice.

Serves you right. I smiled and drain the water in the toilet.

I do not want to sleep. She achieved her goal. I know she had to wake me up, but I am difficult to get me up, in the morning. Although the last six months there was no problem with that, because I hardly slept. It was a miracle when I fell asleep. But from some time my insomnia somehow magically disappeared. I feel better and better. My leg does not hurt me now. The doctor is pleased with my results. I can safely dance with Wiki the whole choreo to a song and I do not feel even a 'pin' hammering me in the knee. My neurologist has reduced my dose of drugs and is also surprised by my positive progress. But not so long ago I was in a deplorable state. I know what, or rather who helped me in this. My friends Jackson, Wiki, Kaya and even Mark, Eva and Maciek. With the last one, recently I watched the movie, I do not remember the title. A sensational anyway.

Ever since I opened up more to the world and people, I found other things to do than just sitting at home and self-pity, I often smile and life is more colorful. The same thing they told my boys, "Hyung, you radius!"

Yes! Definitely I'm better now. I still wonder how I could be so stupid as to close in myself and not let help me anybody. There will always be a way to repay my friends for their kindness. 'My friends' - how it sounds nice. Slowly, I am forgetting the meaning of these words. I did not allow the possibility of having more friends than BTS, I felt like I betrayed them. But I have to live somehow, to survive in this foreign world.

I came out of the bathroom refreshed. I dressed in the room in jeans and a black t-shirt on which I threw a sweatshirt with a hood. Mornings are still cold , but then the sun comes out it gets hot, I can remove it. I looked at my wristwatch. Oops! I move a little too slowly. I grabbed bun and carrot juice from the kitchen, quickly pulled sneakers on my feet, threw a backpack over one shoulder and went off from the apartment to catch bus.

I made an appointment with Viki and Kaya at the same bus stop, this way I won't be lost. In majority I go on foot. I do not even have city card, now ticket girl bought for me. I am a little clumsy in these matters. Their stop was away for about ten minutes away from me, so I had to get there quick. When I was on the other side of the street, I saw the approaching girl. They pulled behind a small travel bag, and on their backs had small backpacks with eatables. Viki really loves blue, even her suitcase is in this color. I smiled at the this view.

- Hi - greeted when we went down.

- Hey. - Responded at the same time

- You slept to long and you were and not eat breakfast. - Said accusingly Viki.

- I admit, but please do not whine. - I said to her in sweet way, because I know that she does not like it.

She glared at me menacingly and said nothing.

I liked tease her. Why would she have authority and control in our duet? All that fighting, I was not so shy. They achieved it. I'll see how quickly they regret it.

Our bus arrived. We got into it and spent itanother 15 minutes. At the bus station the rest of our pack ware waiting for us.In less than ten minutes our bus rode up. We loaded the luggage into the hold andgirls took places. It was predictable how we'll sit. I really liked it. Is Vikiwanted it or not the next week she will be a couple with me, a couple of friends,of course. :)

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