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May passed and now is half of June. Jin had rehabilitation twice a week and in addition one day in week he teaches Victoria dancing. One day he figured out, what Victoria is doing, but not admitted it. He was grateful for what she is doing for him. Once in a while they learned a language. Jin still did not speak Polish, but more and more understood. That's why Victoria had to be careful what she says. Jin falls more and more for Victoria, but doesn't say anything. And Victoria still wants to keep the relationship purely friendly.

Kaya and Jackson formed a successful pair. In this duet Kaya wore pants and ruled Jackson as she wanted. The boy was completely under her thumb, but happy as never before.

And Mark, you would never have guessed, he began to meet with Eve - a girl, which Jin helped. They are still at the stage of courtship and innocent meetings. But that will change soon.

To them are the last exams and begin the holiday.



It's Friday night. We all: I, Viki, Kaya, Jackson, Mark, Eve sit together in a pizzeria. Next week we finish the session and go on vacation. Mark goes to LA, to the family immediately after the final exam. Eve is a little disappointed, but she go to him for some time. Jackson flies home in August. In July he wants to stay with Kaya. She takes him with herself to home for a bit. Victoria also goes to Mazovia, to her hometown. And I? I do not know. Not that I do not want to go home, but I feel that I ca not. Still struggling with narcolepsy, which recently no longer gives me such misery. I'm afraid that if I'll go to Korea, bad memories get me back, and the fans and the media find me. But also, that I will not have the courage to go back, because I really miss my family. It feels very distraught and did not know what to do.

- Listen, I have an idea. - Victoria began - Can we before everyone drives over to their houses, drive together to the seaside or in the mountains? We show you boys Polish beauty.

- I really like this idea. - Kaya said.

Jackson nodded her words.

- Mark is leaving soon. He'll have to postpone the trip. - said Eva sadly.

- Mark, go home a little later. - Jackson asked him, doing sweet face like a cat.

- I can rebook a ticket. No problem. - Mark said after a moment of thinking.

- Asap! - Jackson shouted.

Eve immediately brightened. Victoria with Kaya just smiled to each other.

- And what about you, Jin? Do you agree? - Asked Kaya.

I was not sure. The vision of myself seat in Bialystok wasn't good. But on the other hand, I was afraid to move anywhere. Victoria looked at me expectantly.

- I think I was outvoted. Even Mark goes with you.

- Cool! - She clapped her hands. - Let's vote where we want to go: mountains, sea, Masuria?

After a long debate and a democratic vote the sea won.

- All right. Tomorrow I'll start organized a hotel and the potential attractions. - Viki added.

After an hour of talking, eating and drinking Mark drove Eve to the apartment, Jackson and Kaya went for a walk, and I stayed alone with Victoria. There was a bit of an awkward silence.

- We return homes for the vacation and you Jin? Why did not you talk about your plans for this time? - Asked Viki.

- Because I cannot decide on anything specific. - I said truthfully.

I explained to her all of my concerns.

- You can spend the holidays with me if you want. - She said, looking me straight in the eye.

If I want? Sure. But is this appropriate? We're not together, and I would sit her and her family on the head all this time.

- I would like, but is this really a good idea? So much time to bother you.

- No problem. The house is large, that you can get lost. Since my sisters got married and moved out, the house is empty, and the parents themselves are bored. We will not disturb yourself.

- Let me think about it.

- Sure.

We returned home on foot, the weather was verypleasant. First I walked Victoria under her block, and then went to mine. As wewalked I wanted to take her hand, but he did not let me. She said that this isnot what friends do.    

No More Bad Dreams (BTS Jin fanfic) [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now