> XXV <

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We take sits more or less in the middle of the bus. We sat with Viki on the right. Jackson and Kaya came before us, and next to them, across the aisle, sit Mark and Eve. All the girls were sitting on the windows side. While in love one did it out of concern for their girls to be able to sleep peacefully during the trip. I and Viki fought a war about it, because she wanted to sit on the aisle, and I can not accepted such things, wanting to be a knight. We went for a compromise. In the middle of the road, we have to change the sits.

Jackson, as always bursting with energy. He talked and talked, and began to take pictures of us and each other. Mark was also remarkably active. Maybe he took after Jackson. His aura of unavailability disappeared somewhere. He was only 20-year-old boy, who goes on holiday with friends and plans to have fun. As a result, I did not feel so uncomfortable in his company.

- If you were hungry, let me know. We have a lot of sandwiches. - Viki said to me.

- Sure. Thanks.

The same said Kaya to Jackson, Mark and Eve.

Our bus started. Before of us are eight hours of road. Not to get bored I took a tablet.

- Can we watch a movie? - I asked Viki.

- Great idea. - She smiled at me. I love that smile. – We'll be really boread here for the few hours.

- Then what's we see? - I asked.

We searched some pages with Asian films with English subtitles. We decided to 'Somewhere only we know' some romance Chinese production. We spread my table, we put the equipment, shared headphones and started watching.

The first 10 minutes - nothing exciting, but it does not matter, just gets started.

The next few minutes - if only something starts to happen.

After 35 minutes of the film ...

I felt a weight on my shoulder. Viki fall asleep. The film was a super interesting, that even her put to sleep. One hand turned off and put equipment into the bag. I looked around and noticed that our traveling companions also sleep at best. Even Jackson.

For a moment, I stared meaningless in front of me, then shifted me gaze to the sleeping girl. She looked pretty and so peaceful. She must be tired, because she is the head of this tour. She had to plan everything and organized. I've never watched her face closely. She had a light complexion unmasked by makeup, long eyelashes and neat eyebrows. Her lips were tempting pink. Why do you keep running away from me? I do not know how long I can be just friends with you?

Jackson POV

I woke up when the bus lurched. It turned out that we have a stop in city, whose name I do not know. Some of the passengers slowly went out to stretch their legs, others slept like us. I looked at Kaya. She was sleeping with his head resting against the window, with my sweatshirt as a pillow. My baby. She is so tiny and petite, I want to protect her. But she has strong character. She is confident, stubborn and seek to the goal. I did not know whether to wake her or not.

I looked to the side where Eva was aroused Mark, who dazedly climbed out of the seat. I turned back to check on Jin and Viki. They also slept, but how. Viki rested her head on his shoulder and his head rested on top of the girl's. They looked so sweet and carefree. Are you sure you have not changed your status? I smiled at the view. After a momentary reluctance to Viki, I changed my mind about her. And also because Kaya scold me. She said she can not be with someone who does not like and does not respect her friends. I began to rummage in my jeans pocket to pull out my phone. I decided to take pictures of them. There might not be the next opportunity. At that moment Kaya woke up.

- What are you doing? - she asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

- Shh. See. - I pointed to the back.

Kaya kneeled in her seat and looked at our friends, and after a moment directed her gaze at me surprised.

Both of them did not understand their behavior. I partly understand the Viki's thinking. She did not want to hurt either Jin or herself. This relationship had no chance of survival, we all knew it. However, they fit into each other. If I was my friend, I would be glad, even being just her friend.

- I'll do the picture. It will be a nice souvenir. - I smiled slyly to Kai.

The girl nodded and sat down in her place. She fixed her hair and pulled out the water and sandwiches from a backpack.

Victoria POV

The sound like a flash woke me up. I opened my eyes and saw how Kaya jokingly hit Jackson's head.

- You should switch off the sound, little stupid.

They made me a picture? US? I felt that my 'pillow' steadily moving, and on top of my head gently resting something. Jin! I slept on his shoulder, and he was on my head ?! Standard scene of romantic comedies. But why I play in it. I do not want. It costs me too much.

- What's happening? - I asked.

Jackson and Kaya looked at me surprised.

- We stop. - Answered the boy.

- A. Okay. Jin wake up. - I lightly touched his hand.

If I want to go out I had to wake him up, it's time. And if I took my head, he could hurt his dead on my shoulder.

- Hm? - she murmured

He raised his head, but did not open his eyes.

- Jin, we stopped. Come stretch your legs.

He opened his eyes and looked at me uncomprehendingly. It took him a while before he caught what I say to him. He nodded and stood up. I grabbed a backpack with food, but the boy without saying a word he took it away from me. He ushered me in the doorway and we went outside.

The weather was beautiful. It was nearly eleven o'clock, and the sun slowly beginning to roast. We all take off our sweatshirts. I wore sunglasses. We went to the bathroom. When we were inside, Kaya began a very strange conversation.

- You and Jin look very nice together.

- I do not understand.

- Viki, I understand all your arguments and concerns, but in this way it only hard on you two .

- Speak clearly.

- You like Jin, right. I do not say that just as your favorite idol, because it's not true. You have met him as an ordinary man. You know who he really is.

- Kaya, but it does not make sense. We cannot be together.

- Why? You just have to prepare your hearts for what happens in the future. You still have a minimum of three years together.

- I do not want to hurt us. Jin only recently has opened its heart to the world.

- Do not worry. He survives. You try to start an open relationship.

- I do not know what it would consist. It is good as it is.

- Kaya's right. - We heard Eve that came out of the cabin - In the current situation you won't be friends for long. Couldn't you see how Jin look at you?

- I do not want to see it. It hurts too much.

That said I went to the only one available cabin.

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