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We had a great time. I was very grateful to the guys that they helped me arrange a surprise for Viki. They thought about this idea very enthusiastically. They said that they'll do everything and I do not have to worried, and at the appropriate time I have to pretend that I don't know nothing. Everything came out perfectly. Viki's smile during the reception was priceless view. My heart melted at this image. And these 'Oppa'. I waited for this word for years, and here all of a sudden the sweet one word came from the mouth of Viki. I almost had a heart attack from happiness.

We ate and drank the whole mass of alcohol. Kookie was a little drunk because of beer which he intake. But for tomorrow's flight he should sober up and get up without a problem.

Taking opportunity that Viki is in the bathroom I decided to thank to guys.

- Boys, thank you for your help. Surprise went very well. Viki is overjoyed. - I said.

- Hyung, you do not have to thank us. Viki noona is so great that we wanted to do something for her. Her birthday only facilitated our task. - Said NamJoon.

- Hyung, I need to ask you something. - Began YoonGi.

- I'm listening. - I looked at him.

- Because the manager told us something. - He looked at me uncertainly - When you comeback to us?

- What do you mean? - I asked in surprise.

- Manager said that you are already healthy. That means your foot.

- It is true. But I was not thinking about going back yet. I want to finish college and the thought of going back to the scene scares me a little.

- Hyung, it's not just about that, right? - Jimin said.

- It's about Noona? She does not allow you to go back? - asked Hobi.

- She does not even know about it.

- What? - asked NamJoon - Hyung, why not tell her. After all, this is great news.

- I would like to go back. To my country, family, to you. But I do not want to part with her. I'm afraid that without her can not live properly. And if she knew that she would insisted on my trip. I do not want to lose her.

- Hyung, noona certainly understand everything and will want your own good. You do not have to be afraid. We will help you. - Tae said.

- Boys you do not ...

I did not finish, because Viki came back into the room smiling. But something in her changed. In her eyes there wasn't cheerful spark.

- Something happened? - I asked, as she sat next to me.

- No. Why would. - She replied and smiled artificially.

I wanted to take her by the hand, but at the moment Viki stood up to reach for a bottle of beer. I know she did it on purpose. However, I decided to talk to her privately and while we'll be sober. Viki deftly opened a bottle with opener and took a long sip.

I anxiously watched the girl becoming more and more drunk, making toast by toast.

- Honey, I think you should stop.

I gently pick up the bottle. Fifth already. She spurned my hand and mumbled something unintelligible. Maknae line was already asleep. NamJoon and YoonGi last kept her company in drinking.

In the morning guys have a killer hangover. YoonGi suffered the most, he hung over the toilet and vomit yesterday snacks. The rest just had a headache. Manager just looked at them and didn't say anything. Had the old man began to forgive them a little? While old days he would say them a lecture.

- Noona, how this is possible that you're all right? - asked YoonGi swallowing pills for hangover.

- YoonGi, in Poland we have stronger drinks than beer. Strong head inherited with genes. - she smiled.

Also, I was surprised that she was all right, but on the other hand, I was relieved. I approached to all guys, and gave them tablets and water. I did not want to laugh of them, but the sight of their suffering face, was quite funny.

Because we could not quickly say goodbye to the guys, they almost were late to the airport and the plane. We tear few tears and promised a frequent contact. BTS hugged Viki a lot and I became jealous and wanted to get rid of them quickly. We could not go with them on the airport with the same reason why we did not picked them up on arrival.

- Noona! - called Hobi standing at the door.

- Yes. - Victoria turned to him smiling.

- This strong drink you told before, what is it? I'd like to try it.

- You do not want. Believe me. - I said quickly. I was afraid that if they drink it badly they could poison themselves.

- I'll write you the name. You buy it in duty free. - she went for the pen and paper – But remember: do not you show the manager that you have it. And drink it in small quantities. Therapeutically not addicted. - she instructed him before handed him a card.

- I promise Noona. - he happy kissed her on the cheek and disappeared.

From the windows of the room we saw them leaving.

- Viki we need to talk.

I turned to her. She was still looking at the window for a long time already invisible car. She avoided my gaze. I knew that something's up, and quickly wanted to explain it.

- Later. Now I would like to wash up and we have to pack up. In a few hours we'll leaving too. Said that and disappeared behind the bathroom's door.

Wiktoria POV

I wasn't ready to talk with him. I was sad because he did not tell me about his healthy leg and his worries. He was right, that I would insist to his departure. I see that she misses his family and Korea. I will not keep him here. Our relationship can fall apart at any moment. Relationships with family and guys are permanent and can not forget them. Again, I decided to pretend I do not know, to make it easier for him. I'll wait until he wants to tell me. Although we do not know for a long time, it is enough for Jin to noticed the change in my behavior. Although I try to hide my feelings and keep a poker face, my eyes betrayed me .

I ran to the bathroom. Inside I leaned against the door, slid and sat on the floor. I pulled my knees to chest and wrapped arms around them. The mere thought about parting with him making me sad and moistening my eyes. I do not want him see me cry. He'll try to say that all will be well, that he won't go anywhere. If he could stay in Poland, and also did it for me, I know that at some point he would begin to regret it. I do not want to be the cause of his misfortune. If he return to Korea, he will have around people for whom he missed, fall into the work and to pursuit his dreams, then quickly forget about me. I'm sure about it.

- You're doing well Viki. Get a grip! – I said to myself.

I wiped tears away, which escaped and got up from the floor. I undressed quickly and went into the shower. I have no time for despair. I have to put up myself together and after few hours to get back to reality and student life.

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