> LVI <

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Jackson POV

I sat quietly watching a movie in the room, when suddenly I heard a door slamming. I guessed that it was Jin. He returned from meeting with Viki and probably they did not talk the best. I got up out of bed and went to him in case he'll need my support.

His appearance shocked me. He stood in the corridor all shivering. His hair was in turmoil, and on the face tears frozen. What the hell happened? I walked over to him and gently touched his arm - it was cold as ice. Do not tell me that he went without a jacket, just in a t-shirt in this cold weather. That's not possible, right?

- Jin, are you okay? - I asked.

He looked at me hazy, faraway eyes.

- She broke up with ... me. - He stammered and fainted.

- Jin! - I shouted, grabbing him - Jin?!

Alerted with my screams Maciek come out from room. He ran over straight to me and helped bring Jin to his room.

- What happened? - He asked - Why is he so cold?

- I have no idea what happened. I think something went wrong with Viki. Have we a thermometer at home?

- I'll look for it.

The boy ran to the kitchen, where we had a first aid kit. I stuck Jin under the covers. His condition scared me a lot. Maciek came with the device you were looking for. I immediately put it to Jin's forehead.

- Damn. Less than 35 degrees. We need to warm him up. - I said upset - Bring our quilts and blankets. I warms the water to a hot water bottle.

- Maybe we should take him to the hospital?

- We'll see how he will feel when we raise his temperature. Give covers.

I went into the kitchen and I put water in the kettle, and pulled a hot water bottle from the medicine cabinet. When I returned to Jin, the boy have been covered with several layers and could barely be seen. I put warm object under this pile and sat down on a chair beside the bed. Maciek was sitting on the floor and maniacal enveloped our friend. When I looked at his pale, tear-stained face my heart ached. I did not think I would ever see him in such a bad state. I thought that we had this behind us. I had to do something with those dried-tears, because I'll start crying myself. I got up so abruptly from the place that I frightened Maciek, who looked at me surprised. I brought out of the bathroom a towel soaked in warm water, and wiped carefully face the unconscious boy.

Warming Jin up took us about two hours. During this time, the temperature approached 36 degrees, and his face slowly took on color. I felt relieved. But we still watched him closely with Maciek. Imagine our surprise when the next hours, almost in the middle of the night Jin became delirious and terribly sweat.

- What happened to him this time? - Maciek asked sleepy, awaked by muttering Jin.

I measured his temperature again. From one extreme to another.

- He has a fever. More than 39 degrees. Damn it! – I cursed.

- What do we do now?

- Taking it down. Bring antipyretics. I'm going for a cold compress.

We organized quickly what we need and we again at his bedside. He was all wet. We changed him into dry clothes, changed bedding too. We gave him tablets. We lifted several layers of covers, leaving only one. When he laid once again, I place wet wrap across his forehead. And we waited again.

It was early in the morning, when my phone rang. It was Kaya. Maybe I can find out what happened yesterday. I left the room, glancing previously at sleeping peacefully Jin and Maciek beside him. He was still on the floor. In the middle of the night I covered him a blanket. I cleared my throat and picked up.

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