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Victoria POV

Before we realized the half of July already passed. Days went quiet and everyone was happy. Let me tell you a secret, do not say anything to Jin. From the day we met Charles on the beach, we keep in touch. We write mostly on facebook in evenings, because text messages would be too suspicious and I'd have to tell my boyfriend, and it certainly would spoil his mood again and the next argument could occur. We remember with Charles our old times. For example the moment when I lend him my pencil in the first year of high school and he returned it on the last year. How hard we worked in a group on Polish. Or how we learned together for test from history. He wrote that this moments was the best for him and also that I was his motivation to study more. We never talk so well.

I feel a little guilty to Jin. I talked with other guy behind his back. Is this cheating? But he has old friends with which stay in contact. Although it may not be a girl. Aish! Does not matter. I'm not doing anything wrong.

Today my parents are going for the birthday of my mother's friend from the time of high school, so we have take care of your dinner ourselves. I do not know what we will cook. Maybe Jin can do it? Probably knows how to cook better than me.

I dressed in a short dungarees and shirt in white - blue plaid. I pulled feet into flip-flops which in summer I use as slippers to walk around the house. My hair was tied in a loose ponytail on top of head.

I went down. Parents sat in the kitchen and were drinking morning coffee, debated about today's event. They acted like teenagers. Determine how much alcohol they should bring, what to wear and how long they'll stay there. Well, this event is in the air – barbecue or fireplace and anyone can bring whatever they wants.

- Good morning. - I greeted and kissed each on the cheek.

- Hello Darling. You kind of happy today. - Mom said.

- She's glad that in the evening they'll have house only for them two. - joked dad, for which he got his on the head with newspaper from mom.

- Do not even joke like this. I do not want to be a grandmother. - Mom said seriously.

- I remind you that you're already a grandmother. - I said.

That's right, my older sisters have children. First of them has three-year twins and the second two-year boy.

Mom froze me up and down.

- I do not want to be grandmother again thanks to you.

- Relax, Mom. I do not have children in the plans yet.

- Tosiu, do not overdo it. Victoria and Jin is a wise young people. They do not do anything stupid. - He interceded for us.

I smiled at him gratefully.

Parents left at three o'clock. We waved them for goodbye, standing on the stairs.

- Ok. Now we have to make a dinner. - I told when parents' car disappeared around the corner.

- Do you want something specific? - Asked Jin, wrapping arm around me.

We entered the house and went to the kitchen. We stood in front of the open refrigerator to inspired us to action, but it didn't come. So we closed it and sat down at the table.

- We want something simple and quick or something refined? - I asked.

- I do not know. I eat everything. – Jin winked to me.

Yeah. My dear vacuum cleaner!

- What would you say if we did pizza?

- Not easier to order?

- In this way there will be no fun. What will we do all day alone?

- I can come up with something. - He grinned. Pervert one!

- Restrain your imagination. Let's to work. And in the evening ... - I had to think - ... we do a marathon with 'Twilight' and we eat popcorn.

- God, what I did to deserve for this? - He sighed unhappy.

As I said, we start doing pizza. We pulled everything we will need from the cupboards and refrigerator. We prepared vegetables and ham stuffing and we added it to the pan to fry. I poured flour, water, yeast and other ingredients for the dough to the bowl and gave Jin to knead.

- I really have to do it? - he said, pouting his lips like a small, unhappy child.

- Yes. I have too long nails.

- It's your excuse, really?

- Do not whine and do your work.

I walked closer to him and turned in my direction. He looked at me quizzically. I put over his head the apron, pink of curse - the favorite color of My Princess, and hugging him, I reached back to tie it. Jin was slightly surprised and didn't even embraced me. I pulled away from him. I touched his cheek and gave a quick kiss on the lips.

- Put into kneading a lot of love. - I whispered in his ear.

- You're sly like a fox. - He said, when I left and I stood next the cooker.

- You needed the motivation. – I winked to him.

He was muttering something under his breath, that I'm cunning woman, but in the end he put his hands into a bowl and began to knead. After a few moments, the stuffing was already good and I could remove it from the heat. When I did it, I went to Jin, who was still fiercely kneading dough for pizza.

- Maybe it is good. - I said.

- Check.

I leaned toward a bowl and touched cake with fingers. It was good. Before I realized, Jin wiped my face with flour from his dirty hands. He fled faster than I picked up at him. He stood on the other side of the table and laughed satisfied with his devilish deed. I froze him with a look, but he is not even frightened.

- You ... - I started.

- Such a small revenge.

- You started with the wrong person. - I quit.

I grabbed a handful of flour from the pack and threw it at Jin. He has all the nose, mouth and eyes would be if not for the glasses dirty with flour. He blew ahead to get rid of the flour from the mouth and nose, making the kitchen spread with white cloud. He took off his glasses and carefully put them aside. He looked at me, clenching his teeth.

- It. Was. Very. Wrong. Move. - He said slowly.

We started to chase around the table, showering the flour. After a while we ran all over the kitchen, leaving havoc. In the end, we tangled in which way who should run and bumped into each other. We laughed like idiots.

- I got you. - Jin said.

- Or I catch you. - I showed him the tongue.

Again, I got flour in the face and that was the end of our little 'war'.

- Your mom will kill us, if we smash her kitchen.

I looked at the room. It was a picture of misery and despair. Everywhere was white dust with flour. Cleaning - it's probably what we will do for the next hour.

No More Bad Dreams (BTS Jin fanfic) [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now