> XIX <

142 13 0

Victoria POV

I was awakened by dull pain in my left arm. What happened? Why it hurt so damn bad? I opened my eyes slowly. Where am I? I wanted to rub my eyes with other hand, but something heavy is laying on it. I looked in that direction and saw the head of a sleeping Jin. I could not believe that. Why he is sleeping next to my bed?

I remembered yesterday's events. Oh my God! How is he feeling? If he is sitting next to me, he is all right, right?

A passing nurse smiled at me.

- How do you feel? - She whispered.

- My hand hurt terribly. - I answered in the same way.

- I'll give you something for the pain.

- What happened?

- Someone attacked you. You had a very large cut wound. We set up seven stitches. Your boyfriend for several hours does not leave your side.

My boyfriend? Jin as my boyfriend? I smiled just for that senseless statement.

- What's with him?

- He's in a much better state than you. A few abrasions and bruises, dissected lip. The doctor is preparing for him discharged papers already.

- I understand.

The nurse disappeared into her office, and after a while made me a shot of painkiller. And then I still lay there, staring at the ceiling. I could not even move. Jin must be really smart, his head weighs a ton. The whole situation was like taken out of a fairy tale. I'm sore, it is a fact, but awesome guy sleeping next to my bed! What more could I want.

After few minutes Jin woke up. Our eyes have crossed.

- Hey, you wake up. - He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes with his hand. - How are you?

- I've been better. And you?

- I'm ok. You know that you slept more than twelve hours.

- Seriously. It's probably the painkillers.

His sleepy face is so cute and this sexy sleepy voice. Aish! What am I thinking ?!

I swallowed saliva loudly. I have terribly dry throat, I was thirsty.

- Are you thirsty? I bring you something quckly. - Jin said. And before I could say anything he was gone.

Before he returned, I stood up to a sitting position with the help of nurses. The woman also gave me my phone. I looked at myself in it. Damn it! My hair are as a bird's nest. I smoothed it with one hand. They looked a little better.

Jin returned with food and drink in their hands.

- You cannot eat here. – the nurse stopped him halfway.

- But ... - he began to protest.

- Mrs. - I called the nurse - Could I leave the room?

- You can't.

- May I gone on a wheelchair? - I smiled at her sweetly.

She agreed. She brought me a cart and helped me sit on it. Then Jin stood "behind the wheel". He put on my lap all shopping and went out. It was a nice day so we left the courtyard and lined up on the pleasant sunshine.

- I did not know what you want to drink or eat, so I bought a little bit of everything. - Jin said, as he stood in front of me.

I looked at my lap. There ware a bottle of water and color beverages carbonated or don't. he even thought about food. When I looked at these sandwiches and sweets I began to be hungry. That wasn't surprising. I slept more than twelve hours, and before all this fuss I ate about four o'clock.

- Plain water would be enough. But I can't say no to the sandwich. - I smiled at him.

He sat down on the wall, which was nearby.

I tried to open the bottle with one hand but it was hard.

- I'll help you. - He said, and held out his left hand.

It was bandaged. Certainly it wasn't hurt as bad as mine, but still he can't do much do with it.

- Each of us has only one hand available. - I smiled at him. Initially he did not get what I mean. I pointed on his hand.

- You're right.

- Hold the bottle and I turn the nut. - I gave him a bottle. - We must work as a team.

We did that. In the second the bottle of water was open. We opened a second, orange juice for Jin.

- Now sandwiches. - Jin said.

We ate in silence. I was so hungry.

- Thank you for the food, Min Woo. I did not even realize how hungry I was.

It seems to me that Jin looked a bit sad?

- You're welcome. Victoria we need a serious talk. - He puts down the bottle he held in his hands and grabbed the armrest of my chair. - First of all, I thank you for yesterday. I know that a simple 'thank you' is not enough. You risked so much for me and now you are in such state. - He paused to take a breath. It's probably his longest speech I've ever heard.

- You're welcome. I could not pass through this situation with indifference. And do not worry, my hand will heal soon. - I touched his hand. He said nothing. - Min Woo, it's not your fault, really. Do not worry about that.

- We need to talk about this too. I know that you know the truth.

I pulled out air loudly. How did he know? What I should do now?

- It means? - I played for time.

- You know everything about me: my name, what my disease is. You know the whole truth about me.

- How...

- Long to tell. One thing is certain, I do not mind. I am even happy with this turn of events.

- I do not understand. - That's all I could say. His words were very shocking for me.

- Victoria, even though you know the truth about me, I am for you, an ordinary person and not a star. You treat me like a normal student, someone equal. With you I can be myself. You do not know how much I missed the freedom. Lying all around it was so heavy. I lived in constant fear that someone will recognize me and the hell will start .

- Jin, breathe. - I interrupted his speech. Trying to keep up with him, I ran out of breath, so what with him. - Jin, can I call you that? - He agreed by nod – That's I know who you are and do not freak out, do not change the fact that others may react differently.

- I know. But you give me a glimmer of hope, that everything may be fine.

- I am happy for that. - I smiled. - We will try for you to finish your studies in peace. You have around you many devoted friends. Just let me help you.

- I know. You do not know how happy I am that this situation is explained.

We talked for a long time. We both had a lot easier if we did not have to pretend in front of each other. In my wildest dreams, I never thought that one day we will held this conversation. Jin on average every second sentence was saying how happy he is and that he would like to thank me for everything.

From this point on everything will get only better.

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