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Victoria POV

How to start? What to say first? Damn it! Why is it so difficult?

- Sweetheart, what do you want to tell us? – my mother asked.

- Do you have somebody? - Dad joked.

I look at him with wide eyes and hold my breath. He knows me so well. I do not even have to say anything. I take a deep breath.

- That's right. - I said.

- Really? – mom was surprised. - Who is this? Why did not you say anything?

- We are together only recently.

- Who he is? Where have you met each other? - Asked dad.

- At the University.

- It's great! - mother squeaked. She always wanted me to have a boyfriend, who I met in college.

- It's just ... – I paused.

- What is going on? - Asked dad and carefully looks at me.

- Because he ... is ... fore ... a foreigner. – I said it finally.

Parents look at me like they didn't see me before. I expected such a reaction. We were able to joke among themselves that in the end I 'bring home some Asian guy', in realty they probably never taken it seriously. And here we are. For my enjoyment, and their grief.

- We did not expect it. - my dad said in the end.

- What else we should know? - Asked the mother.

- Now I have to show you something. Let's go to my room.

We went to the second floor where my room was and old rooms of my sisters. Parents occupied the first floor of the house. On the wall above the bed was hanging a huge poster of BTS, showing the boys soon after its debut, the full band.

- That's him. - I say, pointing at Jin.

The parents look at each other and burst out laughing.

- You scared us. We thought you were serious. - Dad said, chuckling.

Awesome. They did not believe me!

- Tell us something we do not know. From some time we listen to 'My Jin oppa'. - Mom said.

- But I'm telling the truth. And I do not call him 'my Jin oppa'. – I resent.

- Sweetheart, I'm starting to worry about you. - Mom came up to me and brushed my hair behind my ear – We tolerate all these Asians staffs so far, but it's time to end this and find a real boyfriend.

- Aish! I'm can't talk with you. - Mumbled under my breath - Okay, forget. I have a boyfriend and in two days I bring him to us on vacation from Bialystok. So you need to know.

- I do not know when you're joking and when you're saying seriously. - Dad laughed.

Again, chuckling to themselves as the best friends, my parents left my room. Leaving me stamping my foot with rage


It is already evening. I made myself a sandwich for dinner and went to my room. My roommates were gone - went home for the holidays. I parted with a Wiki a few hours ago, and I miss her already. Without her, I do not what to do and I cannot find my place. I eat sandwiches, sipping orange juice and lay on the bed. I take out my phone and look at our selfie that we took last day on the jetty in Sopot. Wiki looked so pretty. She smiled, and her hair ruffled by the wind. My girlfriend - I love to repeat it. I waited so long for it. I have the most wonderful girl in the world.

Tomorrow I'm going to visit my doctor and I'm going to pack. And here begins the problem. What do I have to take with me? How many T-shirts, underwear ... I'm going there for a month. I thought falls to me suddenly, that I will meet her parents. Stand up to the sitting position. This is the big problem! How do I dress for the first meeting? Do they like me? Do they accept me? What should I buy them as a gift? Aish! I'm about to go crazy! It's the first time, that I'll be introduced to the parents of the girl I like. I do not know what to do.

Thinking on it fell into an uneasy sleep, because I dreamed about this problem.


In the morning I got up, got dressed and went to see a neurologist.

- Hello. - he greeted.

- Good morning, sir. - I said, smiling.

- I see that you have good humor. How do you feel?

- Very good. I just have to admit something.

- Something happened? I'm listening. - He looked at me curiously.

- I was at the seaside with for a week friends and I forgot to take drugs out of the house.

- You do not take medication for a week? - He asked more surprised than angry.

- Yes. I'm sorry. - I lowered my head. I seemed to be the rebellious patient again.

- And nothing happen at this time? No paroxysms?

- Absolutely nothing, sir. I was surprised myself.

Doctor mused for a moment. He made some notes in my chart and finally looked at me. He smiled.

- I have never seen the case where the patient has overcome narcolepsy himself. Typically, patients must be treated for the rest of life.

- I overcame illness? I do not understand.

I looked at him like he was an alien. What is he talking to me? I'm healthy now? But that's impossible.

- I cannot explain it too, but the fact that you wasn't taking medication for a week and nothing happened, proves only one thing. The remission. Congratulations, you did it.

Going back to the apartment I still could not believe the words of a doctor. I did it? I am healthy? I kept thinking about it. I would not manage it if not my friends, and most of all Wiki. She pulled me out of the sea of ​​sorrow and pain, which I stuck since the accident. Her positive energy stand me up to my legs. I am aware of how much I owe her, and I do not know how to repay. I don't think that I can leave this hole. I thought that only darkness and despair will always be around me. Because of Wiki I stopped feeling sorry for myself. And I started to believe in myself again.

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