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When I returned after a few minutes with ice cream in my hands: chocolate for Viki, pistachios for me, she wasn't there. The guys were standing on the edge of water and laughed .

- Where is Viki? - I asked when I approached them.

- She's playing in the water. - Jackson said, and pointed toward the sea.

I looked in that direction, but I can't see Viki. I have not even seen Kaya and Eve.

- Where's the rest of the girls?

- I do not know. They came out of the water and went somewhere. And in the meantime we threw Viki into water. - Said smugly Jackson.

- What did you do?!

I throw the ice cream into Mark's hands upset. I looked frantically at the water in search of Viki. But I couldn't see her nowhere.

- And what's with you? - Mark asked, surprised.

- Idiots! Viki does not know how to swim.

I growled through my teeth, furious at their stupidity and anxious about the girl. I took off my shoes, a hat and sunglasses and went into the water. I did not know where to start looking, how long she was in the water, what was happening to her. The water was so deep that I stopped to feel the bottom with my feet. I began to swim in circles. I dived. It's hard to dive with your eyes open. I was slowly losing my mind. I went wild with anxiety about Viki. After another surfacing to take a breath, I was ready to notify sea emergency. But I dove again, and then I saw the form of Viki is not so far away to me. The water was deep at about three meters. The girl touched the bottom. I swam as fast as I could, grabbed her under the arms and began to ascend to the top. The guys also looking for her, so when they saw us, they helped me take Viki on the shore, where Kaya and Eve was panicking.

We laid Viki on the sand and began CPR. I did five rescue breaths and started CPR. The next minutes passed and Viki not coming back for us.

- Come on! Come on!

I was about to cry. It cannot end like that. I was slowly losing my strength. Mark replaced me at the chest compressions, but I still did breaths. Rescue team run to us. They brought all the rescue equipment: the blanket, which covered Viki and AED. Around us were growing group of onlookers. The guys looked at everything with curiosity, a woman with horror.

- Move away. Will discharge. - We heard the command of AED.

Viki passed dose of electricity. Rescuers checked her vital signs.

- She's back. - They said.

- Thank God. - I heard behind me Kaya's sob of relief.

I dropped next to the Viki, completely strength less. I did not know whether to laugh or cry. While those few horrible moments I tried to imagine life without Viki. It was impossible. For those few moments I lost my breath and my heart stopped beating, as Viki's.

Ambulance arrived. Rescuers lay Viki on a stretcher and took into the car.

- Someone from the family? - He asked one.

We looked at each other.

- Go Jin. We'll join you as soon as possible. - Kaya said.

I got into the ambulance. I held Viki's hand all the way. Rescuers did not speak with me. Maybe they do not know English.

When we got to the hospital, Viki went directly to the ER, where they did not let me in. I was standing all soaked in the corridor. Adrenaline was slowly coming down from me. Viki is breathing and doctors took care of her, so it will be good. What does not change the fact that I was scared to death. Someone entered or left the room all the time, and everyone passed me with distance. Nobody told me anything. Other patients or their families, looked at me strangely. As if they never saw the man all wet. Okay maybe not wet, but an Asian boy. Does not matter. Their problem.

After about 10 minutes, the rest of our crew ran to me. Although I needed them at that moment, I was filled with anger. For boys, that they behaved like stupid kids and the girls that were wandering somewhere and Viki was alone. For myself, I was also angry. We could go for the damn ice creams together. When they stood in front of me I glared at them. If the girl did not notice this, guys shrink under the power of my looks. I felt like truly hurl lightning from my eyes. I wanted to find these idiots fell dead here and right now.

- Jin, sorry. - Jackson began.

I clenched my fists to control anger. But it has brought the opposite effect. I wanted to use those fists. Here and now to crush their noses.

- It was stupid. We know. But it is all good now. - Continued my friend.

Only he was so brave and stupid to speak to me at that moment and try to explain.

- Jin, damn, I did not know that she cannot swim. - Lost patience over my silence – She was sitting there alone. I did not want for her to get bored. And she could tell me.

- Everything is fine? - I growled and approached him one step - You did not know that she does not know how to swim? - A step closer - She could tell? - Closer - When did she could do it? When you hung her over your shoulder and take her to the middle of the sea? - Jackson goes backwards, I do the next step forward - To not get bored? What for the hell you interfere? She was well on that towel. You should take care of your own girlfriend, and do not touch mine. - Yet only steps - She could die !!! - I scream and punch him on face with all my strength.

Jackson staggers against the wall and held a red cheek. Mark grabs my arm and stops before the next hit. All my body was shaking with fury. I feel that from my nose gushing hot steam. I'm like a bull with his hackles up. I want to kill him.

- Calm down. She's no longer in danger and Jackson apologized you.

I turn to him. I do not feel respect to him, I'm not intimidated by his person. I hate him so much. He took part in a stupid Jackson 's idea.

- He shouldn't apologize to me. And what about you? – I burst out - Always so wise and calm. And now what? You took part with his stupidity. She's not in danger? We would have to be here at all, if not because of you!

I would also gladly put him, but the doctor came out and was looking for someone in the family of Viki. I passed this two morons and two irresponsible pseudo friends and I went up to him.

- It's me. - I said.

The doctor was surprised and did not even try to hide it.

- I understand. – he luckily said in English – She is stable, but must stay for observation today. She has a slight pulmonary edema due to salt water. We give her oxygen and algin body temperature. She should wake up shortly.

I felt a huge relief.

- Can I see her? - I asked.

- Who are you for her? - He could not stand it and had to ask.

- I'm her fiancé. We'll be married in two months. - I lied. I had to, so he allow me to enter it.

- Oh. I understand. Yes, you can enter.

- Thank you.

The doctor opened the door, and I walked in not paying attention to the people behind me.

She was lying beneath the blue, hospital cover, with an oxygen mask on her face and an attached, squeaking cardiomonitor. Her hair has dried up or been dried. She was also dressed in a hospital gown. If I was not on the scene, I'd say that she just asleep. She looked so peaceful. I took her hand.

- Excuse me. - I said, touching her hand to my cheek.

No More Bad Dreams (BTS Jin fanfic) [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now