> LIX <

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Victoria POV

I have not seen or contacted Jin in any way form about month. I realized for good that we broke and nothing connects us anymore. Even Kaya and Jackson doesn't talk to me about him. I think they decided that it would be better for me. But I'm not sure if that really is. I pulled into the thick of preparations for the final examinations, only not to think about him. Also Charles takes my attention quite often. He takes me somewhere, for pizza, beer, cinema or calling all day. I thought it would bother me, but surprisingly not. Even today we have an appointment.

I went to the apartment after class. In the corridor, I saw men's shoes, and after a while I heard voices coming from the Kaya's room. Well, Jackson came up again. I changed and then I did something to eat in the kitchen. During chewing another sandwich, I got a text message from Charles that we see in less than two hours. I smiled at the thought.


Before I watched, Charles called my door. I opened it with a puzzled expression.

- How you defeated door intercom? - I asked, letting him inside.

- A neighbor came out and I was able to enter. I thought I'll surprise you. - He regaled me a bright smile.

- I'll put jacket and shoes, and we can leave.

We left the apartment without even saying goodbye to the couple in a closed room. We walked along a street without saying anything. We enjoyed the April sunshine. In its rays it was warm. Our hands knocked against each other, so I crossed them at my chest.

- Where are we going? - I asked finally.

- For pizza and beer. Just like friends. – he winked to me.

- Cool. Then why we passed the place to which we usually go?

- That is why. We will not always go to the same place. College friends recommended me a new one. We will check today is it actually so nice.

- Ah, ok.

We walked a little farther, until Charles stopped and said that it was here. It turned out that a pizzeria, where less than a year ago we all six friends planned holiday. It made me sad, but I tried to keep a poker face, hoping that the boy would not notice my mood swings. Inside we sat down in the farthest corner.

- We order our favorite Hawaiian or some local's special? – asked Charles.

- No difference for me.

After a short discussion and reviewing the menu, we have been loyal to Hawaiian. We also ordered two glasses of beer.

During the meal we did not talk too much. But all the time I felt Charles' eyes on me.

- Why you're staring at me today? - I asked finally.

- I do not know. I like to watch you eating.

- It's so interesting view?

- I like to look at you in every situation.

His eyes became even more intense, and I was speechless. I stared at him blankly. I was afraid of what might be hiding behind those words.

- It's nice, but I cannot eat like that. - I said, clearing my throat.

- Sure. I'll try to control myself.

This his smile, which probably bowl over half of the female population of his uni, and slowly me too.

- Viki, how are you doing? After I picked you up from the hospital that day, we did not talk about ... you know.

- Jin. It is better. I do not have time to think about it.

- You still have not forgotten about him?

-That's not easy to forget about someone with who you have a lot in common.

- What would you say to apply the method of 'wedge by wedge'?

I stared at him with wide eyes and tried to digest what he actually said.

- Darling, I really do not want to have a new relationship. And where would I find this 'wedge'?

I shook my head in disbelief, smiled embarrassed and awkwardly reached for my beer. Being sober I not survive this conversation.

- He sits in front of you, Viki.

Once again this evening, I did not know what to say. My brain was working at fast speed to re-understand what Charles meant.

- Do not even joke, please. - I whispered.

- Viki, I'm not kidding.

He fixed at me a serious look and grabbed my hand. Startled by this whole situation, I could not took away the hand.

- I know I'm late three years with this confession. - He began to talk again, when I did not say anything - In high school, I was young and foolish, immature puppy. I preferred empty, painted girls, which I could queen it over them. Wiki you were smart, serious, mature for your age and intimidate me. I felt small and worthless. I couldn't even imagine that you may like me.

- How do you ... –I stammered.

- Adam make me aware about it when we finished high school.

I fell into even deeper shock. Now I couldn't imagine that Charles likes me, he knew that I liked him once, and that I could intimidate someone. I remained silent. I had chaos in my mind and was speechless.

- Viki, I once allowed to such a treasure passed me by. I'm not going to commit that mistake again.

- But now I do not really have the head to relationship.

- I understand it and I will wait for you as much as you need.

- I do not want to give false hopes.

I finally freed my hand from his grasp. His face was sad.

- Just don't push me away. It's enough for me now.


Charles walked me to the apartment. We walked in silence. For few weeks we talked a lot, but now we were uncomfortable. I can not cope with one busted relationship, and he confess me his feelings. I cannot line up my own feelings and I don't need his as extra.

- Thank you for today. - I said when we were next to block of flats.

- No, I'm thanking you. And I beg you, remember what I said. I've said it sincerely.

- Give me some time, please. I have a complete mess in my head.

- Viki, I'm sorry but I have to do one thing.

Before I even had a chance to look at him quizzically, Charles pulled me to him and kissed me. I not even shut my eyes. I had to see to make sure that it is not a product of my recently jumbled mind. I did not feel anything except a great shock. His lips were so far different from those Jin's. Still soft and sensual, but it is not the mouth I wont to feel on mine. Charles after a while, that seemed to be as eternity, let me go. I staggered, but still pulled away from him at a safe distance and I stared at him with killing gaze.

- I waited two years for this.

- According to you this is 'giving me the time'? – I spited out.

-Viki, I'm sorry. But I have to do this.

- Please respect my personal space. I'm going home. See you I do not know when.

I turned and already wanted to leave when he stopped me grabbing by my wrist.

- I'm sorry for this and also for the fact that I do not regret it. At any time, I would do the same. On the beach, this holidays I refrained, because you were with Jin. Now you are no longer a couple, and I intend to fight for your heart.

He said it with gravely on his face and looking mein the eyes with penetrating gaze. After these words, just let me go and walkedaway without saying goodbye. I completely confused shuffled to the apartment. WhenI was already in my room, I fell exhausted on the seat, and staring into space fora long time.

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