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"You gotta check this shit out." Queenie says to Zoe as they stare down at all the young (presumed) witches in black from the upstairs window. Queenie's hand rests on the window frame.
"Line's around the block." Zoe replies back, her hands emotionless by her sides. "Where are we gonna put all these girls?"
"We'll buy more houses if we have to." The Supreme, Cordelia Foxx (Cordelia Goode from her recent divorce and ex-husband's even more recent death) states to them both, her heels hitting the wooden floor perfectly. She smiles at them. "Look at you. You two are powerful witches..." Queenie grins, a little sheepishly, while Zoe suppresses a smile. "...with more skills and confidence at your young age... than I had for much of my life.
"I need both of you to help me fulfill the promise of all this coven can be." The Supreme continues. "A place to protect, develop and celebrate witches. You will not only be my right hands, you will be my council." Queenie's expression changes. Zoe's, however, does not. The Supreme smiles wider. "What do you say?"
Queenie grins again and takes Cordelia's outstretched hand. "I got your back."
"Good." The blonde whispers. She looks at Zoe, who was watching the exchange. "And you?"
Zoe smiles for the first time and takes Cordelia's other hand. "I'd be honored."
The Supreme chuckles and looks at them both.
"Should we open the doors now?" Zoe asks her.
Cordelia's smile falters as a chuckle rings in her ears. She recognized it well. "Not yet." She says. "Stay here. There's just one more thing I need to deal with."

Cordelia finds her mother in the ancestry room, smoking a cigarette in a chair by one of the two back wall windows.
"I saw you die." Cordelia says, an expected harshness in her voice.
"Look again." Her mother says, her raspy voice flooding the room, teasing her daughter with nothing but her very presence. "Now that you have real vision."
The new Supreme closes her eyes as she recollects what truly happened between Fiona and the Axeman not that long ago.

"We had a deal." The gray-haired serial killer says in the vision.
He sits on the bed of his apartment in his $12 suit, Fiona's passport in his right hand.
"It wasn't notarized, it wasn't on paper, but we had a deal." He says, almost shouts. His soothing, loving, raspy voice is gone, replaced by an angry exclamation point.
Fiona chuckles and approaches him, swaying her hips as she walks. "You men, with your fragile egos." She lightly snatches the piece of paper from his hand. "We still have a deal, babe." She puts her hands on his shoulders and leans down to meet his eyes. "I'm going to Paris for just a couple days. Just until Cordelia gets her little dwarves to perform the Seven Wonders... and I find out who the next Supreme is."
She pulls back a little.
"Why? Why would she decide to do that?" The Axeman asks her.
"Because the old Supreme will be dead." Fiona whispers. "Or at least that's what she'll think." Fiona leans in again and presses her lips to his.
"Well..." He stands up and grabs his drink from the shelf.
"But I'm gonna need your help." Fiona takes his arm. "I mean, it won't be pleasant for you." He looks away and takes a swig of his liquor.
"But if you do it right, I promise you the world." Fiona whispers, her head on his shoulder. He smiles a little after this. "I'm gonna put something inside you."
He looks at her. "Well, a young gypsy girl tried that on me once... I almost hit the ceiling I jumped so high."
Fiona throws her head back and chuckles. He chuckles too. "No. In your brain, sweet boy." She turns him around. "A vision. A memory." She sits him back down on the bed.
"What happens when I wake up from this vision?" He asks her, slightly doubtful, but God, would he do anything for that pretty lady.
"You'll figure it out." She whispers, then sits down on his knee, taking his drink and spitting in it. He eyes it curiously. "Now drink." She says, bringing it up to his mouth.
"No." He cups his hand over the top of the glass. Their noses touch. "If you're gonna offer me your spit, I'll take it straight from the spigot." He opens his mouth ever so slightly and she purses her lips. They begin to kiss passionately.
He falls back on the bed, unconscious.
Fiona dips her hands into a bucket of what appears to be blood. She flicks some on the Axeman's face, leaving little droplets, then smears some on his hands and axe.
His eyes flutter open right after she slams his apartment door.

Cordelia opens her eyes after discovering the truth.
"I ruined a perfectly good pair of Jimmy Choos." Fiona says spitefully. Cordelia starts walking towards the old and withering Supreme. "But I knew you'd get rid of him for me, once he served his purpose."
"Whose blood was it?" Cordelia asks, still making her slow, steady way over to her mother, who sits with her legs crossed in a chair.
"A goat's." Fiona replies. "I never killed anybody." Although, in her heart, she knew this was untrue. She had been the indirect cause of many deaths as well as the direct. She murdered the reigning Supreme of her time, Anna Leigh Leighton, so that she would become the Supreme, sucked the life force out of her doctor (because, hell, those drugs weren't doing anything), framed her long-time enemy Myrtle Snow, who was later burned at the stake, accidentally murdered the girl she believed to be her successor, Madison Montgomery, along with The Minotaur, that no-good-son-of-a-bitch Hank's father, Harrison, and, if that wasn't enough, one of her own girls, Nan, for the sake of friendship between enemies.
"Not yet." Cordelia says as she approaches her ill mother. "But that is what you came here to do."
She waves her hand and the table lamp comes on, giving her a better view of just how ill her mother was.
Her mother gestures to her cancer-ridden face weakly, a cigarette still between two fingers. "That was the plan. Let you do the dirty work. Identify the Supreme and then I come in and take her out."
"Makes it a little harder when it turns out to be your own daughter." Cordelia confronts.
She frowns lightly. "Not really."
Cordelia chuckles and sits down in the chair across from Fiona. "You didn't come here to kill me. You were hoping I'd put you out of your misery, but I don't need to. You're close. I doubt you'll make it through the night." She cozies into the chair, crossing her legs.
She looks at her mother, who gestures a cigarette-occupied hand to her. "Might make you feel good, though."
Cordelia watches Fiona, observes her. Her hair is falling out, her eyes are slits and her face is red and wrinkled. Yes, she most likely won't make it through the night. Fiona chuckles.
"Is that why you were always so awful to me?" The new Supreme asks the old. "Because you knew I was going to take your power some day?"
Fiona watches Cordelia intently as she speaks. Her eyes are back. Her large, chocolate brown hues that seemed to dance when she was happy. Her shoulder-length blonde hair is rich and full. Her plump, pink lips are unsmiling. 'How could someone be so discontent with their beauty?' Fiona thought. The hallmark of any rising Supreme is glowing, radiant health. The words echo in Fiona's ears as she remembers how she looked in the mirror a few hours ago. She had finally lost her power, her title, her beauty. Vanity has its price, you could say.
"You took my power the minute I gave birth to you." Fiona tells her, knowing that it was, indeed, true. Cordelia watches her intently. "A woman becomes a mother... she can't help but see her mortality in that cherubic little face." A tear rolls down the old Supreme's cheek. "Every time I looked at you, I saw my own death. You were a constant reminder..." She points her cigarette at Cordelia. "...of my worst fears."
"Oh, and all this time, I thought you just didn't like me." The new Supreme says, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
Fiona smiles and blows a puff of smoke from between her lips. "It was nothing personal, darling." She goes for another drag and exhales the plume of smoke. "I loved you plenty, though." She avoids Cordelia's eyes, her own tired orbs threatening to overflow with tears. "Just my own way. Which, I'll admit, had its limitations." Cordelia raises her eyebrows slightly and smiles in disbelief. Her mother points the cigarette at her again. "Your fault was you were always looking for another version of motherhood." Cordelia doesn't reply. The old Supreme sighs, tears staining her cheeks. "I can feel the power vibrating off of you." She gesticulates weakly. Cordelia smiles. "It feels good, doesn't it?" The old Supreme looks at the new, gently flicking ash from her cigarette into an ashtray. "It's mine, you know? When it came into you, it left me." Cordelia's smile fades. "The law of conservation of energy. I have to die for you to truly live." Her voice is on the verge of tears.
Cordelia sniffles slightly and looks away from her ill mother. She pauses a moment, gathering herself, then wiping a few stray tears from her cheeks with her fingers.
"Crying over me." Fiona is quick to chuckle. "Isn't that the ultimate twist?"
"I'm not crying over you." Cordelia says, harsher than she intended. She gathers herself. "I'm crying for me. You were the monster in every one of my closets." Cordelia doesn't notice Fiona's weak hand pushing the ashtray away on the lamp table, reaching for the dagger.
"A lifetime spent either trying to prove myself to you..." She continues. "...get close to you, or get away from you. I'm crying for the girl in me who dies when you die."
Fiona holds up the dagger, offering it to the new Supreme. "Then kill them both right now, huh? They both hurt too much. And when we're finally gone..." Her voice cracks. " will fulfill your destiny and lead this coven." She shakes her head. "God knows you'll do a better job of it than I ever did... though you won't look half as good doing it."
Cordelia rolls her eyes and smiles at her mother. Even weak, even red-faced, bald and wrinkled, her mother still held on to her only virtue of value; vanity.
"Come on." Fiona says, hoisting herself out of the chair. It hurts her frail body. "For God's sake... have mercy on me." She practically crawls toward Cordelia, knife in hand. "Put me out of my misery." Fiona starts to sniffle, tears burning her old eyes. "I hurt everywhere."
Cordelia stands to meet her mother and takes the dagger from her hand, setting it down on the lamp table. "You're scared..." She tells the old Supreme. She pulls her mother into a long-awaited embrace. "...maybe for the first time in your life. No powers, no magic. Just a woman facing the inevitable." The tears fall down Fiona's cheeks, onto Cordelia's shoulder. "A divine being finally having a human experience." The new Supreme pulls back and holds her mother's shoulders. "No one can help you, Mother." She states plainly. "You have to do this alone. And the only way out is through. So feel the fear and the pain. Let it all in..." Cordelia has to press her mouth into a tight line to keep her from sobbing- to keep that weak girl inside her from sobbing. "...and let it all go." She raises her eyebrows as if to say, 'okay?' and Fiona nods. Cordelia pulls her mother into another hug as Fiona sobs, afraid of the unknown. A tear rolls down Cordelia's cheek. "I don't think we ever hugged." Fiona's eyes close and she lets out one... last... contented breath... and her arms drop dead by her sides.
Cordelia sniffles and holds her mother's body close.

The Everlasting One (An American Horror Story: Coven Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now