Epilogue: The Son of Destruction

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*Narrator's POV
"Push, push, my darling." Papa Legba tells his queen, grasping her hand for support.
"It... hurts!" She screams as the baby forces its head through. This was a feisty one. "I'm sixteen! This shouldn't be happening!"
"Oh, darling," Papa strokes her knuckles with his thumb. "You cannot put a clock on eternity."
"I'm giving birth, here! Stop trying to comfort me!" She cries.
He rushes to the bottom of the bed, watching the baby slowly emerge from its mother, covered in the placental membrane.
"Come!" He exclaims. "Come forth, my son! And bring death and destruction to the world!"
"Wait, what?" Alex pants, amber locks sticking to her forehead with sweat.
"Nothing." Papa replies. "Push, my queen! Push harder!"
"I'm trying!" She shouts. "Aaaaaaahhhh!" She exclaims, her screams echoing through the endless Subspace as the baby claws its way out of her womb. "OH MY GOD, IT'S TEARING ME APART!"
"Come, my son!" Papa holds out his arms for his child.
The large-for-nine-weeks boy turns his head towards his father, his smile evil and his teeth razor sharp. His tiny claws dig into his mother's skin until he tumbles out of her vagina, wrapped in and gripping her intestines.
"My boy!" Papa exclaims as his red eyes fade and his claws and teeth retract, leaving him looking like a normal, healthy newborn, his skin the color of caramel.
"My wife!" Papa scoops the boy up in his arms, rushing to check on Alex as her insides tumble off the bed and onto the ground.
"Alex?" He asks, shaking her shoulder. "Alex, my darling, wake up." He says, but her eyes stay closed. He presses his finger into her neck- no pulse. He covers her mouth with his hand- no breath.
They had been in Hell together for approximately a year now- it took coaxing to get Alex to agree to conceive with Papa- and he had slowly fallen for the charming young girl.
Maybe Cordelia was wrong.
Maybe he did have a heart, and a soul, after all.
She cried sometimes, she was depressed sometimes, she felt guilty sometimes, but she was still the purest, most innocent soul he could ever long for.
And now she was gone.
And there was no way of bringing her back.
"No, no, no," he flips through the old book and opens the scrolls. "She shall die." He reads from the scroll, then tosses it across the room, still holding the small child.
He holds the boy close to his chest- and starts to cry.
The only innocent, good part of him was gone.
He collected himself quickly, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's okay, my son. We have each other. And together, we will bring forth the end of the world! Where the gods and monsters shall walk the earth!"
The baby just giggles.

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