Chapter Twenty One: My Sacrifice

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A/N: 432 reads and 31 votes! WHOO! I love you guys so much!!!!!!!

*Narrator's POV
   "Yeah, well, you thought wrong." Fiona hobbles towards Alex, her cigarette clutched between her fingers.
   Old habits die hard.
   "You did this." She hisses, flicking cigarette ash onto the girl's flannel.
   "Did what?" She snaps, brushing herself off. She was still covered in black.
   "Took my power." She says weakly.
   "Your... power...?" Alex looks at the frail body before her.
   Fiona's face is red and wrinkled- just as the hours she died- and her eyes are filled with tears. The bob of blonde hair is gone from her head, leaving only a few scraggly tufts.
   Her stature is small and hunched, her frame even smaller.
   How someone's badass appearance could deteriorate within a few... maybe a little more than a few... hours was beyond the girl.
   "I thought I'd have... at least a little bit more time to live and enjoy the Supremacy once again, but- why the hell do I feel so weak?" Fiona asks the air, shuffling towards an open chair. "Hell, I couldn't even walk up the driveway..." She sighs and takes a drag of her cigarette.
   "Not going to hold me this time, are you, Delia?" Fiona chuckles slightly as her daughter struggles to sit down, her face ashen.
   "Cordelia, are you okay?" Alex asks, rushing over to help her.
   "No." Fiona replies, laughing, smoke floating from her lips. "You're taking her power too."
   "Wha-?" Alex looks to Cordelia, but she carries a blank expression.
   "But..." Fiona clicks her tongue disapprovingly. "There's still a little more left."
   "Divination, darling." Myrtle says, crossing her arms slightly in the presence of her enemy.
   "Wait, what?" She asks as Myrtle goes over to the cupboard, pulling a silver goblet out.
   "You'll have to forgive my weak, old mind, darling." She replies, pouring the blue stones onto the tabletop. Each one makes a soft plinking sound on the glass. "Queenie just reminded me of it."
   "What do you mean?" Alex demands. "I haven't finished the Seven Wonders?"
   "No. Finish them. Do it quickly."
   "Look at Cordelia!" Alex exclaims. "I can't become the Supreme if she's going to die!"
   "Alex," Cordelia fumbles for her face as she takes off her sunglasses. "Do it. Do it for me."
   "No!" Alex answers loudly. "I will not! If I do this, you'll surely die."
   "It's the law of conservation of energy." Cordelia smiles weakly, remembering what her mother told her only (a week?days?hours?) ago.
   "No. You don't have to give me all your power. You can... we can share it. Don't leave me." Alex slaps her cheek to keep her scarred eyes from closing.
   "Touch the damn stones, Alex." Cordelia demands, pointing in the wrong direction.
   Alex forces her hand into her own. "No, Delia..."
   "I'll live. I promise. You can... bring me back." Cordelia speaks, knowing in her heart that she's lying to the girl.
   "Don't you do it." Fiona laughs, lighting another cigarette. "It's all a lie."
   "Cordelia, I'm not going to finish the Seven Wonders. You need to live." Alex says frantically, putting the blue stones back in the cup.
   "Alex." Cordelia grabs her shoulder and shakes her head. "You will go on... and become an amazing leader."
   "But Delia, I've made so many mistakes." Alex sighs, putting her head in Cordelia's lap.
   "Who hasn't?" She asks, stroking a strand of her amber hair. "Just because you've made mistakes in the past doesn't mean you'll make them now."
   "Now that, is a crock of shit." Fiona laughs.
   "Shut up, mother." Cordelia says, continuing to stroke Alex's hair. "Don't listen to her. She isn't important. No haters are important. All they do is fill us with self-doubt."
   Fiona sighs and looks toward the door, preparing for her second death as an old, vain woman, hating herself for being the worst mother ever.
   But of course, that was a lie.
   She smirks.
She had no soul.
   "I love you, beautiful girl." Cordelia kisses her stepdaughter's forehead and wipes her tears. "And I wish that I'd gotten to spend more time with you. But don't worry. I'll see you again someday."
   Alex sniffs and nods, pouring the blue stones back onto the table.
   "Locate the item belonging to... Supreme Fiona Goode." Myrtle says, placing another cigarillo in her antique holder.
   The young girl sighs, looking back at Cordelia one more time before brushing her fingertips over the stones.
   The knowledge comes barreling into her mind and she sees the treasured item.
   "The dresser in Cordelia's office- bottom drawer."
   "Queenie?" Myrtle looks to the plump witch and she nods, disappearing into the hallway, returning with a large bottle of aged, single-malt whiskey.
   "Hey, witch bitches, that was pricey." Fiona breathes, flicking her cigarette in the ashtray.
   "Ladies, now we have our Supreme and Everlasting One, Alex Renard." Myrtle says, counting the Wonders in her head.
   Everyone starts to clap as Alex sits down on the glass table, soaking up both Fiona and Cordelia's power.
   They would die quicker since the power was split up between them.
   Alex would take Cordelia's life force, and Fiona's powers, also draining her of life as their Supremacies swapped.
   That's when both their eyes closed and they took their last breaths.

*Alex's POV
   I ran up the stairs and into Cordelia's bedroom, my backpack- confiscated of all weaponry, of course- slung over my shoulder, and on the other- Cordelia's lifeless body.
   "Where is it? Where is it?" I mutter, digging through the pockets.
   "Aha!" I whisper as I snatch the package of coke out, locking the door quickly with my telekinesis.
   I heard exclaims from downstairs as the witches slowly regained their powers, ignoring my body-snatching and the other corpse sitting on the couch beside them.
   "Cordelia!" I bite my lip as I lay her down on the floor, mentally cursing myself for what I did.
It was for the sake of the coven, I wanted to tell myself, but that only made me feel worse.
It wasn't working. She wasn't coming back to life.
"Vitalum Vitalis." I whispered, but nothing happened.
   I grunt as I throw my fist into the mirror, shards of glass sticking out of my flesh. They fall out and the cuts heal instantly.
   "What the hell?" I yank on a strand of my hair, grabbing the biggest piece of broken glass and dumping the bag of coke onto the top.
   "You didn't have to bribe me with coke to get me to come, my sweet flower." A deep voice says from the corner, Papa emerging from the shadows. "Though," he shrugs, picking a bit of it up in his gnarled fingernail. He sniffs it deeply, the white powder leaving his finger. "It is greatly appreciated. What can I do for you, darling?"
   "I want to sell my soul."


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