Chapter Seven: Confusion, Part 1

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*Alex's POV
   "Did you bring them back to life?" She asks.
   "I can't tell you that either." I say. Silence ensues.
   'Alex, I'm ready.' A voice says, breaking my thoughts.
   "What?" I ask.
   'I'm ready. I need to see Delia.'
   I'm suspicious. The voice doesn't sound like Myrtle, but it knows my name.
   "Are you sure?" I ask it.
   "Who are you talking to?" Cordelia mouths.
   "No one." I mouth back.
   'Yes. Yes I'm sure.' The voice is raspy, familiar... 'I need to see my...'
Your what? I want to ask, but don't. "You're positive." I state instead.
   'Yes, goddamnit, I'm in the attic.'
   "Okay then. I'll be right there."
   "Sorry Miss Cordelia." I say, standing from my chair. "Your surprise is ready."
   My jaw drops when I find myself in the swamps. Did I just transmutate? Shit.
   "Myrtle, are you ready?" I call, making my way towards the pile of dirt she's sleeping under.
   The dirt shifts and a hand appears.
   'Yes, dear. I was about to call you.'
   "What?" I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion as I start to dig her out. "I thought you already did."
   "Well, something ain't right." I say as I help Myrtle out of the hole. She is alive and moving, her skin looking amazing under the dried Louisiana mud. "Wow, no burn scars."
   "Yes, dear. Misty's mud always worked magic..." She trails off, reminiscing something silently. "Just let me have a quick shower and a change and we'll go."
   I sigh and sit down on a log.
   To my surprise, Myrtle comes out of the shack in less than three minutes, wearing a red haute couture with black lace gloves and a puffy, red- I'm guessing here- wig.
   I nod to her and we transmutate to the Academy.
   "Stay right here." I tell Myrtle as I place her by Cordelia's door.
   "Okay, dear." She says. It kind of feels strange having her call me 'dear' in every sentence, but... the words sound right coming out of her mouth. In her accent.
   I transmutate into the attic.
   "Who and where the hell are you?" I call.
   'Please, I'm under the dolls-'
   "Spalding, that creep." I mutter as I dig through the pile of vintage baby dolls. "Jesus, man- aah!" I exclaim when I find the corpse. It's an old woman, in her fifties or sixties, with a bob of blonde hair and a black dress and heels.
   She looks familiar, but I can't quite place-
   "You." I growl when I realize it's Cordelia's mother. "What do you want?"
   'Help me, help me, I'm trapped. I need to see Delia.'
   "I can't help you." I snap.
   'Yes you can! Bring me back! Bring me back, goddamnit! I need my daughter!'
   "Sorry." I say, then transmutate outside of Cordelia's office. "You ready Myrtle?" I ask her.
   "As ready as ever, sweet pea." She says, beaming. "And I just wanted to thank you for everything that you've done."
   "It's nothing, really." I insist, then slip into the office before she can say anything else.
   Fiona clouds my mind.
   "Holy shit." I say to lighten the welling tension I feel like I'm giving off. "Did I just transmutate?"
   "I think you did." She beams at me. "Now, where's my gift?"
   I grin and open the door.
   I hear a click of heels on the floor as Myrtle walks into the room. Wait...
   Cordelia's jaw drops.

*Cordelia's POV
   She throws her head back and laughs. "Oh, Delia, why do you look so surprised?"
   "You?!" Alex shouts. "What are you doing here?! I didn't bring you back!"
   "What?" I ask. "Alex, what's going on?"
   "No, no, Delia, this isn't your surprise- MYRTLE!"
   "Myrtle?" I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion. "Someone tell me what the hell is going on!"
   "Delia?" A voice calls out.
   "Auntie Myrtle?" I almost whisper, turning towards the voice. There she stands, looking like an angel after that burning and opening her arms to me. I scream and run over to her. She pats my hair as I sob into her shoulder. "Oh, Myrtle. I'm so sorry."
   "It's okay, chicky." She whispers. I smile at the pet name she used to call me. "I think you owe someone a thank you."
   I pull away from her to look at Alex. I'm a sniveling mess.
   "It was noth-" she barely gets to finish her sentence before I'm wrapping myself around her, squeezing her tight.
   "You did it. You brought her back." I whisper, screwing my eyes shut.
   "It's-" she wheezes, but I cut her off.
   "If you say it's nothing one more time I will personally slap you across the face."
   She grins and I plant a kiss on her cheek, whispering, "You are amazing" in her ear.
   She blushes sheepishly and shrugs.
   "Look, I hate to interrupt this little party, but..." My mother begins, lighting a cigarette.
   "Tell me the truth, Mother." I demand. "How did you get back?"
   "Oh, Delia," she laughs again. "Your little boy toy is stronger than she can comprehend. Who knows? Maybe one day she'll take your spot as the Supreme." Fiona raises an eyebrow.
   "She's not my-" I feel my face growing hot. I turn to Alex. "Did you bring her back?!"
   She cringes away from my sudden outburst. "No! I would never do that!"
   "Liiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeesssss." Fiona hisses.
   "I didn't bring her back!" Alex shouts. "I swear!"
   "Then how is she standing in front of me?!" I shout back.
   "I don't know!"
   "Fiona, how are you back?" I snap at my mother.
   She shrugs gracefully, smoking her cigarette.
   "Did you touch her, dear?" Myrtle asks Alex.
   "No! I didn't! I found her in the attic under a pile of dolls! She was talking to me, but I didn't touch her."
   "Wait!" I exclaim over all the voices shouting at once. "Alex, did you use Vitalum Vitalis?"
   "Er, I don't-"
   "Did you pass out after reviving them?"
   "Um, no."
   "You have resurgence."
   "But Mother," I turn to Fiona. "You were in hell."
   "Oh, God, in hell with that horrible man in a shack that smelled like cat piss for eternity..."
   "And Alex brought you back?"
   "I told her to."
   "And she did."
   "She didn't want to."
   "Then how are you here?"
   "Delia, darling," she begins. "She has more power than she knows. She can bring the swamp witch back."
   "Alex, can you-" I go to look over at her, but she's gone. "Myrtle? Where'd she go?"
   "She just disappeared, darling. Into thin air. I think she said she was going to the swamps..."

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