Chapter Twelve: The Sister Coven

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A/N: Oh my gosh, you guys- thank you for 214 reads! I will try to update as often as I can and make this my main story. It will be ending soon and the ending is going to be a shocker, so hold on to your seats!

*Cordelia's POV
"Myrtle, have you seen Alex?" I ask for about the hundredth time, fumbling my way into the ancestry room.
"Uh, no bitch. You probably haven't either. Last time I checked, you're hella blind."
"Madison." I whisper her name like a prayer, no- like a curse. "Where's Myrtle? Where's Alex?"
"Don't tempt poor Cordelia, Madison." I hear Myrtle's far-from-honest heels clicking on the floorboards. "Here, let's sit down for a spell."
(A/N: Pun intended)
I feel her gloved hands touch my arms gently and my behind plop onto the memory foam-like sofa.
"Myrtle, have you seen Alex?" I ask, reaching a slightly nervous state.
"No, Delia. And darling, I don't think we ever will again."
"Auntie Myrtle, what are you talking about?" I ask, a little colder than I intended.
"Oh, Delia, dear, you were a bit harsh on the poor girl." Myrtle strokes my shoulder with her gloved hand. "As I recall, you were the one who told her to leave."
"But, Myrtle-"
"Delia, I'm not finished." Myrtle says softly. "I fear for her life."

*Myrtle's POV
"Why do you say that, Myrtle?" The little chickie asks as I hold her in my arms, her scarred eyes not quite meeting mine.
I turn around to see that Madison has left the room.
"Delia, I fear that Fiona and Madison are plotting against her. I fear that she is not long for this world."
"What, Myrtle, what's going on?"
"Delia, Alex is The Everlasting One." I lower my voice in hesitance of unseen eavesdroppers. "I'm sure of it."
"Auntie Myrtle-"
"She will come unknowing, unbelieving, and immature," I whisper to Cordelia. "Darling, I know she made a mistake, but she's still a child. You need to find her and apologize."
Maybe soon we'll run the Seven Wonders again. I almost say, but don't, knowing how sensitive Delia still is to the thought of having no powers.
"Auntie Myrtle," she starts to cry softly into my pleated, tight-waisted skirt, which I brought Christian Dior back in France, 1989 to make especially for me. "What if I can't find her? I'm blind, for God's sake! What if she won't listen? Oh, Myrtle, I made a terrible mistake! What if my girls get hurt? They have no way to defend themselves now! And I don't know how to fix it! Myrtle-"
"Hush, dearie." I say after she starts to quieten down a little. "I'll fix everything. You just... oh, what do the kids call it these days? 'Chilling out'. Yes. You chill out, Delia, and I will fix everything."
She sighs. "Okay, Auntie Myrtle. Whatever you say."

"Oh, Myrtle. It's been a long time. Give me a hug." My old friend rises from her desk, her lips barely moving with every word because of the preservatives in her tight skin.
"Yes, Patty. It has." I say pleasantly, even though her faux-pas would give a donkey nightmares. Still, I missed her. She was a good friend to me when I had none.
"So, how have you been, my darling." She says in an accent similar to my own. "Come! Sit! Speak!"
"I've been... a little under the weather, lately, Pat." I confess, ignoring the fact she was talking to me like I was a dog.
"Oh no, Myrtle. You didn't-"
"Yes. You heard about Fiona's death and my dear Cordelia becoming the Supreme, correct?"
"Yes." She nods. "I also heard you murdered Pembie and Quentin. And that you were burned at the stake. Twice. How is it that you are here now?"
"Well, Patty, darling, as you know, Cecily and Quentin have been trying to take control of the council for years! And then, our dear friend Fiona Goode frames me, saying that I threw acid at the daughter she never took care of!"
"Goodness gracious." Patty shakes her head. "You've got to be joking. What happened next?"
"After I was burned, this beautiful blonde swamp witch by the name of Misty Day brought me back to life. Oh, Patty. You would've just loved her. She was such a sweet girl, but so lonely. Her lack of friends on the outside would account for her terrible fashion sense." I make a little sound in the back of my throat. "Modeled after the 1981 Stevie Nicks."
"Oh, it must've been horrid." She gags, which is somewhat hypocritical in my mind, based on her horrid outfit, but it's nice to be able to gossip with a lady friend again.
"I was certain she was to become the next Supreme, but... it was not to be." I sigh. "She died during the Descensum test of the Seven Wonders. Oh, poor Cordelia was devastated. I always thought the two had a... special connection."
(A/N: Little splash of Foxxay here ;))
"Right, right, so... why did you kill them? And who brought you back?"
"Oh, my dear Cordelia... I felt so bad that someone had burned her precious eyes out. And, God forbid, that someone thought it was I who did it."
"How did you come back?" She asks, pressing for the rest of the story.
"Oh, Patty," I say, pulling on a strand of my red, yaki-style wig. "I met the most endearing little girl, I'd say in her... mid-teens. Oh, Patty," I say again. "You would just love her. I mean, her style is... far from couture, but... dare I say she is the next Supreme. Possibly- no, I'm sure- The Everlasting One."
"No!" Patty gasps loudly. "The Everlasting One! But the Elders gave up on that idea a long time ago!"
"Yes, Patty. I know. But the Elders are long gone. And we, as in your coven and mine, are all that's left. But, Patty,"
"There's a problem, and I need your help."
"What's the problem?" She inquires, fiddling with her glasses.
"The witches have lost their power."
"What?!" She gasps again, her mouth falling open.
"Yes. This... girl, this... Everlasting One... she may be endearing, and she may be powerful, but she is the most ignorant witch I have ever encountered. She has a grave past, and she managed to bring Fiona back. Along with that dreadful Madison Montgomery."
"Who else has she brought back, thus far?"
"Um, the school's butler, Spalding. Myself. And that beautiful Misty Day I was telling you about."
"Does anyone still have their powers?" She asks.
"As far as I know, only Fiona, Madison and Alex. And poor Cordelia's sight is gone again. But that's not the worst part."
"What's the worst part?"
"Cordelia and Alex... had a fight. Right after Cordelia lost her sight. She told Alex to leave and never come back. And now Alex is missing. And Patty, I fear for her life. She is up against Fiona, who is, technically the Supreme again because she was brought back, and that horrible Madison, who would slit her throat and sleep like a baby. Patty, I need your help."
"You need me and my girls to find her?"
"If you would, Patty, that would be so great. I would be in debt to your for my life."
"I have just one question first."
"Of course."
"Why is it that you girls have lost their powers?"
"Truthfully, I have no idea. I've never read about it, nor has it ever happened in the history of the Salem witches. I mean, if you want my opinion, I think when the old Supreme was brought back, it threw history and the entire 'system' a curveball, forgive my terrible sports-ball language."
"Go on."
"I believe that, because bringing the old Supreme back had never been done before, that the universe was just a little too overwhelmed."
"I see. I see." Patty nods. "Of course, I'll assist, but... my girls are still beginners. We just opened the school to the public. It was a very brave thing Cordelia did. And I dare say that I'm very sick, Myrtle. My powers don't work like they used to. You might want to get us some backup."
"What do they say... oh. 'Hang in there', Patty. You can get through this. And I'm sure that when we find Alex she'll help you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must make a call."
"Of course, of course. Go tend to your business. When you needs us, just call and we'll be there."
I stand and exit the room, pacing in the coffee hallways as I dial the number.
It rings three times before the sweet southern accent answers with a, "Heller? Who's this?"
"Misty, my darling, this is Myrtle." I say, silently praising God that I had the idea to give Misty my extra phone.
"Oh! Hey, Myrtle! Sorry it took ma so long to answer! This damn piece of work..."
"Yes, Misty." I reply. "I'll teach you how to use it better when we meet again. For now I need you to do something for me..."

*Misty's POV
"Hello?" The raspy voice I grew up listening to answers the doohickey after two rings.
"Heya, Stevie! It's me, Misty! We met before the Seven Wonders, 'member?"
"Oh my goodness! Yes! Hi, Misty! I was worried when I heard about what happened during the Seven Wonders! Are you okay?"
A scarlet blush creeps into my cheeks as I listen to my idol say my name. She remembers me! I stroke the black, floral patterned shawl she gave me that one time.
"Yes, Miss Stevie, I'm doin' fine. A real nice girl came along an' saved me. Her name's Alex an' she likes ya' too!"
"Aw, that's sweet! When will I get to meet her? When will I get to see you again?"
"Actually, Stevie, that's why I was calling. I know ya're busy an' I don' wanna bother ya' or anything, but there seems ta' be a problem."
"Oh, no, Misty. The coven would never bother me! What can I do you for?"
"See, something happened an' tha' girl I told you about brought Fiona back from tha' dead an' now everyone's powers are gone. Me an' Cordelia an' Myrtle are real ascared 'cause she's disappeared. An' Myrtle thinks Fiona an' Madison are plannin' something. Since everyone's lost their powers and Cordelia don' have the sight no more, we can't fin' her. Me an' Myrtle an' Cordelia are getting some a the girls from the sister coven in Los Angeles I didn' know we had- see, Myrtle flew over there las' night- an' we gon' try to find her and bring her back. But 'cause the lady at the sister coven isn' doin' to well an' her girls are beginners, we was wondering if you'd come out and help us?"
"Oh. Wow. That's a lot to take in, Misty. I'm up in New York right now, give me a sec-"
I wait patiently for about five minutes.
"Sorry, Mist." I almost squeal at the nickname. "I was checking flight times. The quickest I can be there is... tomorrow at noon. Will that be okay?"
"Okay!" She calls from the ancestry room. "Just tell her as soon as she can!"
"She said 'kay and just as soon as ya' can."
"Okay, Misty. I'll pack my things. God, how I wish I had Transmutation right about now."
"Thank ya', thank ya', thank ya', Stevie! Wait till Alex meets ya'! She'll flip! I love youuuuuuuu!" I exclaim, forgetting about my 'things not to say to Stevie or ya' will seem like a weirdo' list.
"Of course, Misty. I love you, too. Goodbye."

The Everlasting One (An American Horror Story: Coven Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now