Chapter Two: Visions

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*Alex's POV
"Can you read what I'm thinking?" Cordelia asks, her tone kind of nonchalant. I can tell she is interested and really wants to know. An image flashes into my mind and I instantly know it's from hers.
"Who's the girl?" I ask. I can feel my brows furrowing.
"What girl?" She asks, a little too quickly.
The girl in the back of your mind, I want to say, but something else pops out. "The blonde with the curly hair and the Cajun accent." Good. Better. More descriptive.
"That's-" she starts but I start to see something else. It's a slideshow in my brain, a Flipagram, with no music and vibrant pictures- pictures that move.
I hold up a hand and screw my eyes shut, reaching out to touch her shoulder. I can feel my thumb brush her sharp collarbone.
They come quick and pass quick, giving me only a glimpse of the carnage that Cordelia has seen.
There is a blonde girl. Her neck is dripping, no, squirting blood. I hear a scream and the sound of footsteps. Her head is wedged into the staircase.
There is another girl, with brown hair. She is motionless, impaled on a wall by one of the stair spikes. I hear another scream. More footsteps. I recognize her as one of the Council members.
The first girl's head is visible from the point of view of the person in the vision. She is above them. I realize it's the Academy balcony. Blood drips onto the floor.
A single, piano key is touched and I see the girl. She is draped across the piano, blood underneath her. She has wild blonde hair, rings on her fingers and a bohemian-style outfit. I recognize her as the girl in the back of Cordelia's mind. Misty. More footsteps.
There is a girl lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Her hand is slightly clenched and a stair spike is shoved in her mouth. I recognize her as the other Council member. The one who said, 'You're looking at her.'
The light from a flashlight comes from the wall and Cordelia's blonde hair is in a fan around her head, blind, scarred eyes half closed, lips pressed into a tight line. There is a bullet hole in the middle of her forehead.
"Oh my God." I say.
"What?" Cordelia asks, but her voice is watery and distant.
A gloved hand reaches down and snatches the beautiful necklace from Cordelia's neck. I finally see the woman. She is wearing all black and a placid expression. Her hair is light blonde and her lips are pursed.
There's a soft clink as the vision changes. I see ice and a type of liquor pouring into a cup. Soft jazz plays in the background.
"Unzip me." A voice says. The zipper crawls down her back. Everything is in blue.
"Sitting on a porch drinking gin rickeys." An older man's smiling face comes into view.
"She's not going to run away with you." Cordelia's voice says as the man takes something out of a black purse. It's a boarding pass. I see the woman's face. It is the same woman in the last vision, but under a blue light. "Whatever fantasy you have about who she is and what you are to her, it's all bullshit." The same clicking of heels and woman's pursed lips. A flash of the boarding pass. Her name is Fiona. "She used you."
The vision changes again. I hear a girl singing. It sounds distant, but intelligible.
"And I saw my reflection, inside the snow-covered hills," I can only see a silhouette of the girl's face, but I know it's Misty. "Till the landslide brought me down."
"I see you." Cordelia's voice and face comes into the light. "I see you. Where are you?" She fumbles around blindly in a circle of the witches things, finally pricking her finger on a brooch.
A poster displaying 'Deville #1 Cemetery' is seen.
"Take my love, take it down I climbed a mountain, and turned around."
"This blood is my mother's..."
"How could you do this to me?" The woman from the first vision asks. Her hair is ruffled and there's blood on her mouth.
I gasp.
"What?" Cordelia asks again, more frantically this time.
The woman, Fiona, walks into the man's apartment, sirens wailing in the distance. "Heh, it's quiet." Her voice is raspy as she takes off her coat. "I don't remember the last time I was here when there wasn't music playing." She runs her hands up his back, but he doesn't look at her.
"You pack your wading boots?" He asks, his finger bouncing on the shelf.
"What?" She whispers, holding onto his arms.
"Because I wanna take you fishing."
"Heh, fishing." She chuckles.
"Yeah. Yeah, fishing. For catfish." He replies.
"When you fry them, the batter has to be crunchy, never greasy." The man says, gesticulating to himself.
"I don't like catfish." She says, still rubbing his back. "I loathe all bottom-feeders."
"Well, then I'll go boar hunting." He turns to face her. "While you're sitting in a porch drinking gin rickeys, huh?" His smile quickly faded.
"Gin rickeys, heh." She chuckles, and spins into his arms. "Unzip me."
He goes to as she starts unbuttoning her cuffs, but zips it back up. "Your daughter, she paid me a visit."
She sighs and leans back on his shoulder. "Please tell me she's in the bathtub."
"She's pretty, but she doesn't have your cheekbones." He touches her face. She shrugs him off. "She came, I guess, to rile me up." Fiona starts to walk away. "I imagine she wanted me to do her dirty work for her." He takes the boarding pass out of her bag while she's not looking.
"What is the world coming to, huh..." He starts to unfold the paper. "...when the Supreme's daughter, heh, has to outsource her own killings?"
He exhales raggedly when he sees the paper. "We had a deal. It wasn't on paper. It wasn't stamped by a notary, but we had a deal." He almost shouts.
"And what," Fiona turns around. "Cordelia has convinced you otherwise?" She stops dead in her tracks when she sees the pass in his hands.
She smiles and pretends to go in for a kiss, but takes the paper and walks away. She looks at it. "Why do they insist on always putting me in Seat 1A?" She starts to put the paper back in her purse. "Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag, huh? I mean, I was gonna tell you." She leans against the table and stretches like a cat. "You have been the most delightful distraction. A life preserver. But I'm gonna be on dry land soon."
"Can't you at least pretend?" He asks, clearly crestfallen. "Just humor me for a while?"
"I guess I loved you." She whispers to him. He stands up. "Although, I really don't know anything about love... if I'm going to be honest." She walks over to him and leans in to whisper in his ear, "But you were the sweetest of lovers. The best I ever had. And I'll miss that." She hits her forehead against his chest repeatedly. "Let's be realistic. When the next Supreme is dead... I'll have thirty years of vitality until another one comes along." She takes a cigarette and a lighter from her purse. "And the doors of every palace are gonna open for me. I mean, hell," she gestures sarcastically to his apartment. "I know you've got all this to offer... but come on, you and I both knew this would never--"
He grabs her hair from behind and pulls her into him.
She shrieks. "Son of a bitch." She slaps his arm, but he has a firm grip. "Let go of me."
"I love you." He says.
"Oh, Jesus."
"I know you love me."
"I don't!" She shouts. "Christ, I was sick. I just needed to feel something." He throws her on the squeaky bed. "That was all. Shit."
They both pant. He crawls on top of her and looks her dead in the eye. "I made you die those little deaths... for the first time in your sorry life. I made you sing... when you had no tunes left in you." He kisses her passionately and she slaps him.
"Get off of me. Get off of me. Get off of me, you son of a bitch." She knees him in the chest. He stumbles back.
"No!" He shouts, slamming his hand down on the shelf.
"Christ." She pants. "No tears, old boy." She stands and runs a hand through her hair.
"What you're doing is a crime against humanity." He tells her as she stumbles into the kitchen. "A betrayal... of the true heart of love."
"Well, I've never been one for love, true or otherwise." She says. She takes the cap off a liquor bottle and pours herself a glass. "I live in a floating world, you know? Always two steps ahead of heartbreak." She downs the shot and puts her hand on the cabinet, chuckling. "When I was eight years old..." She pants. " mother brought me a little calico cat."
An axe comes up from behind her and lodges itself in her back.
"Shit! Oh, God!" I exclaim.
There's grunting and groaning as she falls to the floor and the Axeman hits her again, and again, multiple times. He steps back and wipes his face when he realizes she is dead. There are specks of blood on his face and Fiona's back and hands are covered in it.
"Where's the body?"
"In the swamps. He fed her to the alligators."
"Alex!" Cordelia shouts.

*Cordelia's POV
"Alex!" I shout, shaking her shoulders over the table.
She opens her ocean eyes. Her pupils are almost nonexistent and her heart is racing.
"Alex!" I exclaim. "Alex, what did you see?!"
"Ugh." She groans, her grip on my shoulder loosening. Her head lolls back and she passes out cold on the floor.
"Alex. Alex. Wake up." I nudge her with the toe of my heel. She comes to quickly, sitting upright and shoving the beanie back on her head.
"I'm up! I'm up, what'd I miss?"
"What did you see?" I ask.
"You touched me, saw something, screamed 'Oh, God' a couple times, then passed out. What did you see?"
"Oh, Deels, it was terrible." I will myself not to laugh when I see her serious face. "There was a whole bunch of dead people and a bitch named Fiona-"
This drives me over the edge. I start to laugh.
"What are you laughing at?!" She snaps.
"You haven't even met her and you already know Fiona's a bitch!" I snort. "Her reputation lives."
"No, Deels, you were dead. Fiona killed you. Is she... is she your mom?"
She saw my vision.
"Yes, she was the former Supreme and my mother. And might I say she did a terrible job at being both."
"Oh, Deels. I'm sorry." She pats my shoulder. I shrug her hand off.
I go over to the counter and start pouring myself a restorative, despite feeling like a goddamned queen. "You want one?"
"What is it?" She asks, peering over my shoulder.
"I've been working on a restorative." I say. "It'll make you feel better."
"Ooh, I need that." She says, taking the shot glass. I pour her a little and she downs it. "Ooh." She says again, leaning against the table.
"Are you okay?" I ask, looking back at her. Her eyes are all squinty and there's a dopey grin on her face.
"I feel amazing!" She sings the last word loudly.
"Oh shit." I murmur.
"No seriously, I'm fine." She says.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" I ask.
"Your hand and face are blurry." She says with a smile. "Woah, this store is huge."
"Oh God." I say. "I didn't think about the Turksweed..." Shit. Turksweed will make you sky high in seconds. I totally forgot I left some in the beaker.
"I feel... really great." She slurs. "The room is spinning."
I wrap my arm around her waist and help her out of the greenhouse.
"Wherrrrrrre are we going?" She mumbles as I lead her through the back door and up the stairs.
"You can sleep in my bed for a while." I say, remembering that I still have to assign rooms and bunkmates and that Turksweed can cause violent stomach upset after twelve hours.
I drag her to my bed and take off her shoes and beanie, placing the converse on the floor and the hat on the nightstand.
"Alex, look at me." I slap her cheek lightly.
She opens her eyes. Her pupils are so big her eyes look black.
"What?" She asks groggily.
"Just... take a nap. The bathroom's through that door." I point. "And my office is downstairs. Ask Queenie or Zoe of Kyle for help if you get lost. If you need me, don't hesitate to call."
I take some aspirin from the nightstand and offer it to her. She takes them and is out in ten seconds.

The Everlasting One (An American Horror Story: Coven Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now