Chapter Eight: Bringing Her Back, Part 1

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*Alex's POV
I open my eyes and find myself in the small shack.
But it isn't the shack.
I know that because it is surrounded by darkness.
Sunlight seems to be streaming through the window, but when I look out, I can't see anything past the black.
It's Misty's Subspace.
"Alex?" I hear.
"Misty." I whisper, rushing over to the bed.
"What are ya' doin' here, Alex? I told ya'-"
"I brought them back, Misty."
"Brought who back?"
"Madison, Spalding, Myrtle and... Fiona."
"What?! Ya' brought Fiona back?! Why would ya' do that?"
"I didn't mean to! I brought her back from hell, and I can bring you back too."
"No, no, no, Alex, you know what Papa Legba'll do if he finds out?"
"Hey, I brought Fiona back. I'm still alive."
"Time is runnin' out." She whispers. "Ya' shouldn't be here."
"Misty, come with me." I wrap my fingers around her wrist. She doesn't budge.
"No, Alex. I can't- I can't leave!"
"Yes, you can, Misty." I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her from the bed.
"No, Alex!" She exclaims, her breathing becoming labored against my arm.
"Yes, Misty, you're coming home."
And then I'm lying in the mud.
"Misty!" I shout as I bolt upright, dirt clinging to my cotton tee and denim pants. Clumps of it are stuck in my hair.
"Alex?" A voice calls from inside the shack. I peel myself out of the mud and rush inside, finding Misty curled into a ball on the bed, looking frightened. "Alex, what's- what's goin' on?"
I envelop her in a hug. "Misty! Misty, you're alive. You're back. I told you."
"Oh, Alex, I was so scar'd-"

*Cordelia's POV
There's a human outline in the mud when I find myself in the swamps after transmutating, about the size of Alex.
"Misty!" I hear someone shout. "Misty, you're alive. You're back. I told you."
Misty is the only word on my mind as I burst into the hut.
"Oh, Alex, I was so scar'd." That familiar mop of blonde curls lays on Alex's shoulder, I can barely see the swirl of color on her bohemian-style dress through the tears running down my face.
The blonde ball pulls away from Alex. Sparkling, innocent, blue-green eyes pierce into my own.
"Misty!" I scream, jerking her into a long, emotional hug. "Oh, Misty, I missed you so much." I try to keep the tears from falling, but it's no use.
"I miss'd ya' too, Cordelia." She murmurs into my shoulder. Her arm brushes against mine. My skin prickles. I take her wrist and bring it to my face.
"Oh, Misty..." I sigh as I count the scars on her wrists.
"I'm sorry, Cordelia." She says, tears glistening on her ivory cheeks. "Hell was terrible. There was a scalpel and I had'ta... had'ta..."
"It's okay, Misty, take your time. I'm here for you."
'If you won't dissect a dead frog, then you'll dissect a live one.'
"No- Miss Cordelia- I can't-" Misty screws her eyes shut, suddenly thrashing in my grip.
'If you won't dissect a dead frog, then you'll dissect a live one.'
"No, no, no-" she suddenly falls to the floor, shuddering violently, blood pooling on the shack's floorboards from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears.
'Freak. You're a freak.'
"Misty!" I shout, shaking her trembling body. The cuts on her wrist suddenly open and the blood is pouring from them too.
'Mr. Kringley, she did it again!'
Her blonde hair stains crimson as Alex and I watch her shudder hopelessly, blood gathering on the floor and our clothes.
   "Vitalum Vitalis."

*Misty's POV
My eyes open and I'm in my seventh-grade biology class again, my palms pressed against the cold skin of the dissection frog's belly. It croaks and wriggles under my ringed fingers.
"Freak. You're a freak." The boy in the plaid shirt and green goggles before me says. "Mr. Kringley, she did it again."
"No." I say as the teacher in the sweater vest strides toward me.
"Where's the dissection frog?" He asks as the one on the platter starts to hop away.
"It's right there, she brought it back to life." The boy states.
"Shut up, Bobby. She snuck a live one in to trick you, but the trick's on her." I look around at all the sinister children, their fat, blank faces staring back at me.
"Pick up the scalpel." The teacher, Mr. Kringley demands.
"No, don't make me." I say, hearing the worry in my voice and mind grow.
"If you won't dissect a dead frog, then you will dissect a live one." He takes my hand, wrapping my fingers around the silver instrument of death.
"No, I don't wanna kill a living thing." I plead, shaking my head, tears welling up in my eyes. "Please, you can't make-"
"You'll kill it or I'll have a talk with your parents." He warns, bringing the blade closer to the poor, innocent frog.
I sniff, tears staining my cheeks and he forces my hand forward, plunging the scalpel deep into the papery stomach of the frog.
"No!" I scream, screwing my eyes shut as blood pools over the small amphibian body.
The sound of children's laughter echoes in my ear, but, their faces are still emotionless.
I cup my hand around the frog's corpse, quickly remembering that I have resurgence. I can bring it back.
The cut on its stomach disappears and it rolls over, croaking again.
"Mr. Kringley, she did it again."
"You won't dissect a dead frog..." He puts the scalpel in my hand once again. "'ll dissect a live one."
"No, you can't make me kill a living thing." try to plead with him, but it seems hopeless. My hand automatically plunges the knife into the frog's stomach and I scream, over and over, on a loop;
"No!" I wail in agony. I bring it back.
"Mr. Kringley."
"If you won't dissect a dead frog, you'll dissect a live one."
I scream as images of frog guts and blood pool onto the table, invading my mind.
"If you won't dissect a dead frog, you'll..." Echoes in my ears as I scream, cutting and reviving the frog, time after time, again and again. A loop for eternity.
Then it all fades to blackness.

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