Chapter Eleven: A Ton of Bricks

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A/N: Hopefully I'll be updating more often and finish this book soon.
And once again, this chapter dedicated to my 170 readers.
Thanks. So much. You're very kind.
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Please, I'm begging you *says this in Tate's Birth/Afterbirth voice* Don't do this. YOU'RE ALL I WANT! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE!
Thank you. Very much. Please tell your friends.

*Cordelia's POV
"Cordelia?" I hear someone's worried voice say. "Cordelia?"
"Alex?" I mumble, intertwining my fingers with hers.
"Cordelia! Are you okay?"
"How long was I out?" I ask, my face still mushed against the floorboards and my eyes still closed.
"Queenie said you just passed out. Are you feeling okay?"
Realization hits me slowly, but it's still just as painful. "My powers are gone."
"My powers are gone." I repeat, moving my hand to her arm, squeezing the flesh there. "Help me up."
"Your powers?" She asks as she peels me off the floor. "What do you mean, your powers are gone?"
"I mean, my goddamn powers are gone!" I shout.
Another wave of realization hits me and I start to cry.
"Cordelia," I hear Alex say. "I know this isn't the best time, but your eyes look like shit."

*Alex's POV
"IT'S BECAUSE I'M BLIND!" Cordelia shouts, making me shrink back.
"Jesus. Since when? I thought you were the Supreme."
"Hey, hey, Delia-"
"Don't call me Delia!" She shouts, the skin of her palm cracking across my face.
"Ow." I mutter. "Cordelia-"
"This is all your fault!" She shouts, shoving me away.
"Cordelia, you gotta listen to me! I didn't know that this would happen!" I shout, grabbing her arm.
"Leave." She demands suddenly.
"What?" My voice comes out squeaky and girlish. And just when I need it.
"Get out. Take your stuff and leave. You're a danger to this- God, now that none of us have powers we should just call it- school, and a danger to all my girls. Get out."
"Cordelia, they aren't your girls." I say, instantly regretting it.
"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" She growls, jerking her arm from my grasp.
"She means what she said, Delia." The familiar raspy voice floods the bedroom, along with the even more familiar clack of heels against wood. "That you substitute the students for what your never had."
"Get out." Cordelia says in my direction, then turns to Fiona. "Both of you."
Fiona lights a cigarette and offers her arm to me.
"Go to hell." I spit, then stomp out of the room.
"I'd be very careful what you say to me, little witch bitch." I hear behind me. I turn to say something snappy back to Fiona, but am greeted by her hand, and thrown over the balcony.
I wrap my arms around one of the wooden posts, holding on for dear life.
"Or else I might have to drop a house on your ass." Fiona throws her head back and laughs as she drops the lit cigarette on my hand, burning my skin.
"Ouch!" I yell, my feet dangling like a jellyfish's tentacles beneath me. I squeeze my eyes shut. Holy shit, that is a long way down. Especially to drop. I can do this. Just think of the floor and-
"What the-?" I mutter as I open my eyes. I'm not posing as a candelabra anymore. I'm curled up in a ball on the floor.
I look up at Madison's playful smirk. "Shall we go out to lunch?"
"I don't want anything to do with you, you bitch." I spit.
"Or I could just pick you up and float you back onto that ledge. But this time, I might make your little hands miss the railing." She grins. "Plus, bitch, you, me and Fiona, three powerful witches are sitting in a house full of nobodies. Grab your stuff. Let's go."

*Madison's POV
"I don't see why you wanna hang out with me." Alex says as we walk along the sidewalk towards downtown, sharing a cigarette.
"Why wouldn't I?" I smile, hoping she's stupid enough to buy the innocent act.
"Uhhh... whatever." She looks away, shrugging it off.
"So you've seriously never had a cigarette before?" I ask when she coughs out a plume of smoke.
"No." She says, pushing the stale air away with her hand. "I grew up in a Christian foster home."
"Jesus. You didn't have any fun, did you?"
"Why do you care, Madison? I thought you were a bitch."
Go to hell, whore. I think, but don't speak it out loud. The plan won't work if I do.
'Hurry up.' I hear in my head.
'Shut up, Fiona.' My own voice whispers to the voice in my head.
"Why don't we go to the cemetery?" I suggest to Alex, trying not to sound too suspicious.
She looks at me. "Why the hell would I want to go to the cemetery?"
'Lower yourself to her level.'
"What, are you scared?"
"Then let's go!"
"Fine!" She shouts, cutting through an alleyway.
This is going to be too easy.

"Now, what the hell are we doing at the cemetery?" Alex asks as we stand in the middle of the forest of stones, watching two men carry a casket towards an open hole. The people who attended the funeral left already.
"Follow me." I say, walking towards the two black men and the casket. "Put it down." I say. Their eyes go wide and they do as I say. Ahh, the power of mind control. "You've been working hard. Why don't you take a break?" The men nod and turn around, freezing in a kind of trance-like state. I outstretch my hand and the coffin lid flies open. I look down at the old black man in the suit. "Now, bring him back."
"What? No."
"Fine. I will." I lean down and cup my hands over the man's chest. He sits up abruptly, looking around himself in confusion.
He glances at me, then hoists himself out of the casket and runs as fast as his little legs can carry him in the opposite direction.
She looks at me in bewilderment.
"Listen, butch, I was meant to be the Supreme. Ever since I was brought back and my heart murmur was cured. Once I take down that bitch Fiona, this shit-show will be mine. So you either get out of my way, or I'll have to bury you six feet under. Hell, who knows? I might be... The Everlasting One."
"You know about that?" She asks.
"I do my research. And next time, don't leave the book where someone could easily pick it up."
"Madison, Misty was right. You are a bitch. Who knows what'll happen to this coven if you become the Supreme?"
"Well, I already know what happened when you got the idea in your head that you were the next Supreme. Everyone lost their powers. That's what you did. That wasn't me."
"Go to hell." She says to me. "Don't go back to the Academy. Why don't you go get gang-raped by a bunch of frat boys?"
"That was one time!" I scream.
"Oh my God! I was guessing!" She laughs.
I am beyond pissed now.
"Look over there!" I exclaim, pointing to an unknown something off in the distance. She looks. I stoop and pick up a brick from the ground.
"What? What are you- ugh." She grunts and collapses to the ground, the sound of the brick hitting the back of her head whistling through the silent tombstones.

*Narrator's POV
Madison smiles to herself a little as Alex floats into the air and drops into the casket, the heavy lid thumping after her.
"Boys! Break time's over!" She shouts to the men, and they nod to her, then begin to lower the casket into the six-foot-deep hole.
'Good job.' The voice in her head says.
Not long now.

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