Chapter One: First Impression

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*Alex's POV
   "Let me explain further." The beautiful woman on the stairs begins, most likely seeing some of our confused faces.
   "The Supreme," she continued. "Is basically the ultimate witch. Not that I'm bragging on myself or anything." She smiles warmly at us. I chuckle lightly and so does a few of the other girls near me. "The Supreme is the witch who, when the time comes, can perform the Seven Wonders."
   "What are the Seven Wonders?" The same girl from before speaks up.
   "The Seven Wonders are; Telekinesis Concilium, Transmutation, Divination, Vitalum Vitalis, Descensum and Pyrokinesis." She replies. "If you cannot perform the Seven Wonders when the time is necessary, appropriate or needed, you are not the next Supreme."
   "When are the Seven Wonders necessary, exactly?" The same girl asks.
   "Well, you're just full of questions, aren't you?" The Supreme smiles at her. "What's your name?"
   "Wanda." I hear the girl say. I'm kinda in the back, so I can't really see exchange, but I'm pretty tall, so I can see the beautiful woman that is the Supreme on the staircase. Damn, she's pretty. Even way back here I can see her sharp collarbones and plump, pink lips.
   "Well, Wanda," she smiles, showing her perfect teeth. "A new Supreme rises about... once every forty years or so. And, as I was saying, that Supreme is the leader of the coven. She protects and teaches her students, and, inevitably, leaves behind a successor. But, if the old Supreme fails to pick the next, the Seven Wonders is necessary to protect and preserve the coven."
   "Oh." I hear the girl say.
   "Hmm, I wonder." The Supreme bites her lower lip. Oh my God. "Kyle?" She asks the blonde boy in the black suit.
   "Yes, Miss Cordelia?" He answers.
   "Did you get a head count?" She asks.
   "Yes." He nods. "I counted forty-six."
   I scan the room with my eyes. Yup, about forty-six.
   "Okay, so, we've got ten rooms..." She says quietly. I almost can't hear her but I can read lips well. "In three rooms, four, in six rooms, five. Okay girls," she says, loud enough for the quietly-chatting girls to hear over themselves. "I'll put you into groups and assign you bunkmates as soon as I can. Feel free to explore until then. Classes start in three days. You'll all receive your schedules tomorrow."
   She dismisses us with a wave of her hand and the crowd disperses. God, why did I come here? It's too loud. Oh, right. I had nowhere else to go.
   I sigh and walk out the front door, looking for someplace quiet and knowing I'd never find it in a house full of girls.
   I observe the house and the shrubs surrounding it. It really is beautiful. A NOLA Victorian in the suburbs. I really want to explore the inside, but not right now. Probably tonight when everyone else is sleeping.
   I start to wander without realizing and find myself at the door of an old shed.
   "Hmm." I say, hesitating with my hand on the knob. "Oh, what the hell." I push open the creaky wood and walk inside.
   I'm greeted with the fragrance of a million different flowers the second I walk in.
   Wow. I look around in wonder. There are a million different flowers around me, including a large bouquet of Atropa Belladonna on the table in the middle of the room. Thankfully, I knew what it was and wouldn't go near the thing.
   I glanced at the open books on the counter and beautiful plants all around me. It was magical.
   My eyes caught on a plant in the dark corner of the room, wilting. I walked over to it slowly, my fingertips brushing the petals that I fear will break under my touch.
   My eyes catch yet again on something. This time, a small cassette player about two steps away from the wilting plant. I take the small box in my hands. Music helps my powers and I left my phone in my bag in the house.
   "I hope no one'll mind." I say to myself softly, turning the player on. It takes a moment, but then the small greenhouse is filled with the sweet, raspy voice of Stevie Nicks.
   "Fleetwood Mac!" I exclaim. "Heh. Who woulda thunk?"
   I turn up the volume and sing along to Stevie's beautiful voice quietly, going back to my plant that needs attention.

*Cordelia's POV
   "Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her?" I hear as I'm about to step into the greenhouse. It's obviously Stevie Nicks, but there's an undertone, someone singing along...
Misty. Is the first thing that pops into my brain.
   Don't be stupid, Delia. I chastise myself. Misty is dead. She won't be coming back.
   Something about that makes me sad.
   I step into the greenhouse, but the person singing softly is too busy with a wilting plant to notice me. I watch the girl's fingertips move and brush against the plant's leaves and petals.
   "She is like a cat in the dark and then she is the darkness." The girl sings, almost whispers as her fingers ghost up the plant's stem. To her surprise and mine, the plant straightens up and starts gaining some color back.
   "Wow." I say, leaning against the table.
   "Aaaaah!" She jumps suddenly and I go flying into the back wall. I hit the ground with a thump and a loud oof.
   "Oh my God!" She exclaims. "The Supreme! Shit! I'm so sorry." She rushes over and helps me up.
   "Goddamnit, kid." I say, brushing myself off. I feel my backside starting to bruise. "I need to get a bell."
   "I'm so sorry." She repeats in the same tone, going to turn Stevie off. She then notices the plant she just healed is now on fire. "Shit!" She yells, tossing a bucket of water onto it, dousing the flames. She quickly returns the plant to its state of beautiful from a minute ago and walks over to me. "Good God, I'm so sorry."
   "Stop saying you're sorry." I tell her.
   "No, I am. I made a terrible first impression." She groans. "I slammed you against a wall. And you're the Supreme."
    "I have a name, you know." I say, taking the watering can from under the table and tilting it towards Myrtle's Atropa Belladonna. "Do you?"
   "Well, what is it?"
   "What's yours?"
   "I asked you first."
   "I'm Alex." She says, hesitantly offering me her hand.
   I take it and she winces.
   "What? Did you think I was gonna shock you?"
   She shrugs innocently. "I thought something would happen. All that power..." She trails off and starts fiddling with a plant on the other side of the table. "So..."
   "Name?" She asks.
   "It's Cordelia." I tell her. "You can call me Delia or Dee, but only when we're alone, okay?" Why did I just say that?
   "'Kay Deels."
   "Deels?" I ask in disbelief.
   "Yeah, you kinda look like a Deels. Why not?"
   "Whatever." I shrug. She stares into the plant, her nimble fingers moving along the stem. A new bud snakes up and opens, revealing a beautiful, bright purple flower.
   I watch her intently. She grins a little when the flower opens up to her, but then goes back to frowning. Her face is pale, like she hasn't been out in the sun much, and her eyes are a deep blue, the color of the ocean. I watch her brow furrow as she strokes the next plant's leaves, trying to get a sprout to come out, and it does.
   "How are you doing that?" I ask her.
   "Doing what?" She hums, pushing a strand of amber hair out of her eyes. A gray beanie sits on the back of her head and her fingers keep working beneath a black and blue-checkered flannel.
   "Making the flowers bloom. How are you doing that?"
   "You can't?"
   "With spells I can."
   She just shrugs. "I like plants."
   "Really? That's your excuse for power? 'I like plants'?"
   "What? I do!"
   "Yeah, but anyone can like plants. Not just anyone could make them bloom."
   She shrugs again, and I catch a glimpse of a small silver cross around her neck.
   "I've always been able to do it. Ever since I can remember."
   "And the Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis?"
   "No, I can't do those willingly. I can only do 'em when I'm mad or scared."
   "Sorry I scared you." I shrug sheepishly.
   "It's okay. I shouldn't have been in here. I was just looking for somewhere quiet."
   "You can come whenever you like. I'm guessing it'll be pretty hectic in there from now on. Forty-six girls. Can you believe it?"
   "Mm." She mumbles.
   "Just don't tell anyone." I say. "It can be our special place."
   "Okay." She replies, a grin on her lips.
   "So..." I begin as she starts fiddling with another plant. She seems to never get bored of them. It's kinda cute. "What are your other powers?"
   "Eh." She shrugs for the third time.
   "Come on, tell me."
   "None worth mentioning." She says. "It's not like I can bring people back from the dead."
   "Can you read minds?" I ask.
   "A little."
   "Can you read what I'm thinking?" I ask.
   "Who's the girl?" She asks me. I'm a bit taken aback.
   "What girl?"
   "The blonde with the curly hair and the Cajun accent."
   "Wait," she holds up a hand and screws her eyes shut. She reaches out and touches my shoulder. A few seconds pass by before she utters, "Oh my God."
   "What?" I ask. No answer.
   She gasps.
   "What?" I ask again, this time more frantically. More silence.
   "Shit! Oh, God!"

The Everlasting One (An American Horror Story: Coven Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now