Chapter Eighteen: Dead

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A/N: 292 reads! Yeah!

*Narrator's POV
Everyone watches as the flames crawl up Alex's body, including herself. Smoke flies into the air, followed by the smell of something burning, but it wasn't flesh.
Finally, after what seems like forever, her body crumples to the ground and everyone exhales.
"Do ya' know how dangerous tha' was, Myrtle?" Misty asks, scratching her blonde curls. "In the livin' room an' everything..."
Myrtle shrugs and averts her eyes from Alex's blackened corpse, lighting a cigarette. "The girl deserved it. Those poor, innocent witches. Misty, Cordelia..."
Everyone's head whips in Alex's direction.
She slowly picks herself up off the floor, wiping soot from her face and flakes from her barely singed hair and clothes.
"What the hell?" She mutters to herself, her ocean eyes widening.
"Noooooo!" She screams suddenly, her face contorting with tears. She stoops quickly to retrieve the gun she had dropped earlier and everyone flinches as she pulls it to her head, closing her eyes.
She checks the clip.
Click, click.
The safety.
Click, click, click.
"Dammit!" She hollers, throwing the gun across the room, where it strikes the wall and falls to the floor. "Why didn't it work?!"
"Alex-" Myrtle tries to speak up, but she continues to storm around like a child who's been denied candy, smashing picture frames and glasses and bottles of bourbon just lying around.
"Alex!" Myrtle turns her around and slaps her across the face, then shakes her shoulders.
"What?!" Alex yells in her face, tears streaming down her soot-stained face.
"Pull yourself together, Missy!" Myrtle shouts, which was very unlike her.
Only once and never again.
"You are all that's left to lead this coven out of the dark times and you're trying to kill yourself?!"
"You just tried to kill me!" Alex answers loudly.
"Listen my dear, I don't know, in the slightest, why you didn't die. But obviously, it was because you're going to fix this. You may have been a witch hunter once, but no more. You are a sister. A part of this coven. Understand?"
Alex hangs her head and nods.
"So all is forgiven. I don't want any more fighting, okay?" She continues, eyeing Misty and Cordelia. They both nod.
"First things first- we need to kill Fiona."
"Surprise, bitches." Tall heels click on the floor as the bobblehead with crotchless panties (or so Myrtle says) enters the room. Her short blue dress was covered in splotches and specks of blood. "I already killed the stupid hag."
Alex glares at Madison, her hair sticking up in different places, bruises and black on her face, and Madison stares back.
"That isn't true!" Cordelia proclaims.
"Why do you say that?" Madison drops the axe she was holding and it sticks perfectly between the wooden boards.
"Because if Fiona's dead, that means that I'm still the Supreme and the hallmark of any Supreme is glowing, radiant health." Cordelia explains, fumbling around for her cane, which had fallen to the floor previously.
"Then maybe you aren't the Supreme."
"What? Of course I am." Cordelia sputters. "I-I passed the Seven Wonders. I'm the Supreme."
"Fine. Alex? Touch me. You'll see."
"No." Alex refuses, crossing her arm.
"Then touch this axe, bitch!" Madison exclaims, hurdling the tool in her direction. It sticks into the wall right above her head.
"Oh, I'll touch this axe alright." She grumbles, yanking it out of the wall and walking towards Madison with it held high.
Madison grabs cups her hands around her wrists and Alex is shocked with a bright memory, in screaming color.

"So, kid, how's this gonna work? We obviously need to take out the next Supreme. But how do we know who it is?" Fiona asks as her and Madison sit across from each other in a motel room, lighting a cigarette. "I mean, it's obviously not you..."
Madison sucks in her cheeks in order to bite back a bitchy comeback. "Hmm. Let's think. Who's the only other witch in the coven with powers?"
Fiona raises an eyebrow.
"Who brought you back to life?!"
"Oh. That... Alex kid. That's her name, right?"
"Yup. And word in the coven is that she's The Everlasting One. Whatever the hell that means."
"What?" Fiona asks, suddenly crushing out her cigarette.
"The Everlasting One." Madison repeats.
"Oh." Fiona wipes her hands off on her dress and stands up, going over to the counter to pour herself a bourbon. "Well, you know who we need to get to before anyone?"
"Who?" Madison asks while secretly slipping something shiny from beneath the table. She stands and walks towards Fiona, the object hidden behind her back.
"Delia." Fiona replies as she puts the cap back on the bottle, taking a sip of her drink. "The one thing this coven does not need is a new Supreme."
"Oh really? Well, I have to disagree with you." Madison swings the metal axe and it lodges itself in Fiona's back, making her crumple to the floor.
Madison continues to swing the tool at Fiona's back until she's sure she's dead.
"Well. That was... easier than I thought." She says to herself, looking down at her blood spattered dress.
"And P.S.," she grunts as she pulls the wedge from her soon-to-be-predecessor's spine. She leans down to laugh in the old Supreme's vain, wrinkled face. "You were a shit Supreme anyway. But you were smart enough to leave the shit show."

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