Chapter Twenty: The Seven Wonders, Part 2

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*Alex's POV
   "Why, hello, my darling." A deep voice cut through my screams, making the colors of the ancestry room blur and churn together until Misty and Cordelia and Harrison are gone, leaving just me and the man who stood before.
   He had a deep voice, which matched his rich skin color, powdered and cracked with white here and there, only completely chocolate around his mouth.
   He was smiling.
   His teeth were specked with yellow and his eyes gleamed red, the grin on his face reaching his orbs.
   He took my hand in his long fingernails and kissed it, tipping his skull-and-feather-lined hat to me.
   "Who are you?" I asked, puzzled by his presence in this place but glad since he made the others go away. He didn't look like he belonged here. "What are you doing here?"
   "No, darling. The question is, who are you and what are you doing here? Just kidding, I know who you are. You are Alex. I am Papa Legba. This is my home. Welcome."
   "Papa Legba...?" I raise an eyebrow questionably. The name is familiar, but I can't think of-
   "But of course you do not know me. You are a witch. Witchcraft and voodoo are very different." He says in his strange accent, shrugging his heavy shoulders, which made his dreadlocks bounce.
   "I, am Papa Legba." He introduces himself again, kissing my hand for the second time. "Voodoo Deity. Spirit of the Dead. Gatekeeper of the Spirit World."
   "You live in the Academy?" I ask.
   "No, my dear child." He chuckles. "I live in Hell."
   "This is Hell?"
   "Your Hell. Descensum is the power to project one's soul into the nether worlds of afterlife." He explains.
   "You were watching me?" I demand. "You knew I was performing the Seven Wonders?"
   "Yes. When I hear I'm getting a new arrival, I come to greet them."
   "No, dude, I have to get back." I say, slightly panicking. "How do I get back?"
   "Oh." He shakes his head. "Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay a little bit longer?"
   "No, I have to get back!" I shout. "How long until sunup?"
   "Okay, okay, calm down." He says, looking at his golden pocket watch. It looks brand new. "Five minutes."
   "Calm down." He repeats. "Just will yourself back. It will work. And remember,"
   I turn towards him as he smiles.
   "If you ever need me, just give me a call. But if you have any of that... cocaine- I would appreciate that too."
   "What do you do, exactly?" I ask.
   "I grant people eternal life. For a price. But I can also barter if you have a friend on the other side you can't bring back."
   "Okay. It was nice to meet you." I say, and close my eyes.

*Narrator's POV
   Alex gasps and pulls herself into sitting position, just as the last few grains of sand are dispersing from the top of the glass.
   "Oh my God, Alex!" Cordelia exclaims, enveloping her in a long, passionate hug.
   "Lesbian." Madison coughs.
   "She's my mom!" Alex shouts at her.
   "Incest." She replies with a fake sneeze.
   "Oh my God, Alex, I thought I'd lost you." Cordelia sighs, burying her face in the young girl's neck.
   "Okay, Deels, you gotta be more clear about your feelings towards me. I mean, do you hate me, do you love me-"
   "I forgive you." Is all Cordelia says. "What happened in there? What took you so long to come back?"
   The memory of Alex's Hell comes back to her in a psychedelic swirl of color.
   She bursts into tears.
   "Oh, baby," Misty rushes to her side and wraps her strong arms around her and Cordelia both. "What did ya' see?"
   Madison rolls her eyes at the three.
   "It was- I was- Harrison-" she sniffs, wiping her face on the back of her sleeve.
   "Harrison?" Cordelia asks, gripping her tighter. She knew the name well. "What did he do to you?"
   "He-" she hiccups. "Handed me a gun and forced me to kill you guys. Over and over again." She starts to cry again, running her hands through her hair. "I'm done hunting. I'm done killing."
   "Is that it?" Misty asks, rubbing her back soothingly.
   "No. I was screaming and then this guy walked in and everything stopped."
   "What did he look like?" Queenie asks from afar, curious.
   "He, uh, was black. And had white face paint on, yellow teeth and red eyes. He also had this hat on that was made of skulls. He had dreadlocks too. He talked in a Jamaican accent and said his name was-"
   "Papa Legba." Queenie breathes, finishing for her. "Girl, you didn't make a deal with him did you?"
   "No. He just told me who he was and told me to call him."
   "What's next, The Pope hitting on you?" Madison jokes, but everyone looks at her and she stops smiling.
   "Shall we continue with the Seven Wonders?" Myrtle asks.
   "Yeah." Alex stands and brushes herself off, Misty and Cordelia returning to their respective spots.
   Alex glances at Madison secretly, then appears behind her, tapping her on the shoulder. "Tag, you're it."
   "Not this again!" Cordelia groans as they disappear throughout the house, yelling things like 'Tag!' Or 'I found you!'.
   "Look on the bright side, dearie." Myrtle says as she takes a drag of her cigarillo.
   "What bright side?"
   "Maybe this time Madison will get impaled on a gate spike instead of our dear Zoe."
   "But what if it's Alex?!" Cordelia exclaims.
   "You do have a good point... girls!"
   And then someone was screaming.

   "Alex!" Misty shouts, running down the hall. "Are you okay?!"
   She nods and points to the balcony, where blood is dripping- squirting from the blonde girl's neck.
   Her head was wedged into the staircase.
   Misty wraps her arms around Alex. "I'm jus' glad it wasn't you."
   "Misty?" Alex holds her at arms length.
   "Yeah?" Her eyes are bright and cerulean, dancers in disguise.
   "Why do you still treat me like family? After I almost killed you. Wait, actually assisted in killing you."
   "Because ya' are my family, sis. Maybe not blood, but ya' are. And to be completely hones', I ain't never had no family before. Except, Delia, of course. She was always nice. Zoe always acted kinda ascared of me and Kyle, well, he left. 'Cause that's what people do. They leave and they burn. And I guess you're the only real family I got. Ya know?"
   "Yeah." Alex answers softly, wrapping her arms around Misty's waist.
   "Girls, what happened?" Myrtle asks as she paces into the hallway, approaching Misty and Alex.
   Alex points upward and Myrtle shrugs, patting her back. "At least it wasn't you, darling. Can you do Vitalum Vitalis?" She asks.
   "On what?"
   All three of them look up at Madison's fluff of blonde hair and shake their heads.
   "I'm gonna go find a dead bird or something." Alex says and disappears out the back door.
   "Spalding!" Cordelia calls.
   "Found one!" Alex shouts from outside. Myrtle and Misty follow, watching as she whispers 'Vitalum Vitalis' into the sparrow's tiny head and it flies away.
   Myrtle smiles and offers Alex her gloved hand. She could feel the power pulsating through her veins as she lead her inside and before the other witches, who sat or stood solemnly.
   "Behold, girls, your new Supreme."
   "What the hell have you done to me?" A voice croaks as a pair of heels stumble into the ancestry room.
   "You." Fiona points at Alex.
   "I thought you were dead!"
   "Yeah, well, you thought wrong."

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