Chapter Fourteen

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Nikolinas POV:
"What the hell am I going to wear?" I said outside staring at the closet filled with things Rafa bought me.

I moved some things around...there were the basics, jean shorts, jeans, skater skirts in every color, plain white tees (not the band)...what the hell did I know about fashion anyways? A party means dancing...and I think dancing in a short skirt was too risky for me.

I needed something that I could dance in if I got up the courage but still something that I would wear.
I moved stuff around in the closet until I came across a garment bag labeled "in case you need it (; -Rafa" I I opened the bag and smiled.

Neymar's POV:
I quickly put on a black V-neck & a silver chain with one of my hats and was ready to go.
"Hey you ready?" I knocked on Nikolina's door
"Give me two minutes." She said through the door.
"Alright no problem I'll go get the car started."
I said walking to the garage

Nikolina's POV:
I looked in the mirror
"Well now or never" I mumbled as I grabbed my phone off the counter and headed towards the door.

Neymar's POV:

Just as I was tapping my fingers on my steering wheel I looked up to see Nikolina in a black sleeveless crop top with mesh on the shoulders and back, with ripped maroon skinny jeans and black adidas superstars. It was nothing Bruna would be caught dead in, it had no diamonds on it nor sequence, but that's one thing I loved about Nikolina she could wear sweatpants with no makeup on and She looked amazing. I got out the car to open the door for her.

"Is this too much?" She asked as she got into the car

"No...uhh not at all." I said nervously smiling.
She smiled back.
"Shit" I thought...I've known this girl for not even a month and I can feel myself falling for her, every time I look at those green eyes I melt.

Nikolina's POV:
I could feel Neymar staring at me in the car.
I looked over "Stop staring at me, you're making me uncomfortable." I laughed

"I'm sorry." He said looking away with a smile

"So where is this party that Rafa is at anyways?" I asked
"It's a house party." He said 
"oh...never been to a house party before."
"Never ever?" He asked
"Well we play like we dance in Brazil." He said
"I don't dance."
"We'll see by the end of the night" he smiled
I rolled my eyes
We pulled up to this giant house with a gate in front
The valet opened the door for me and Neymar. Neymar came to my side and linked my arm with his, I could feel people staring but I didn't care
Neymar's POV:
As we entered the house we were surrounded by people everywhere dancing to the loud music

I held Nikolina's hand as I moved through the people trying to find Rafa. I walked outside to the pool  and moved to the side where the bar was.

"How are we ever going to find her?" Nikolina said in my ear.
"I guess we'll just have to start the fun without her." I said turning towards the bartender holding up the number two.
Nikolina's POV:
After every shot I took Neymar would ask "Are you ready to dance yet?" And I would say "eh maybe in a little bit"

After the fifth round of shots I was ready.
"Alright Neymar, let's go dance." I said laughing as I heard "Dare (la la la) by Shakira" which happened to be the 2014 World Cup song
We moved towards the dance floor which was dangerously close to the pool.

"Wow finally Niko." He said taking my hand
We started just both holding hands and just swinging to the music laughing as I flipped my hair a bunch of times

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