Chapter One

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Song(s) for chapter one-

Rio-Ester Dean

Boston- Augusta

"Your name please?" The flight attendant asked me as I stood there waiting for my passport to be checked

"Nikolina Williams" I replied

"Thank you and enjoy your flight on South America Airlines"

I smiled at her.

After 3 years of busting my ass I had finally saved enough to make it to Brazil and go to the World Cup. Nothing made me happier then watching the game of Fútbol, I don't believe in the American term "soccer" it never made any sense to me.

At first when I was 7 Fútbol was something my consoler recommended me to do,to Focus on something other then my hate and anger built inside me.For

whoever my parents where because they left me.

As a kid I thought it was because something was wrong with me. Then at 8 It became my passion, everyday I would stay out till dark just kicking the ball around setting up cans as goal posts.

Once I saw Ronaldo kick the first goal of the WorldCup 2002 final game my love for The Brazilian team was born. My foster mother Brenda has been the only one so far who thinks I can make something out of my life by playing but when I turned 18 I was out of the foster care program and then it was just me and my ball. Luckily Brenda let me stay with her until I find a place of my own.

The long flight from Washington to Brazil was tiresome and I was getting restless not being able to always walk around. Finally I woke up and out my window was the beautiful ocean, clear but still blue I gazed in awe It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

After going through baggage claim and making Google Translator explain where I needed to go to my cab driver, I checked into my hotel the game between Brazil and Mexico was tomorrow and I had to be ready. I was rooting for Brazil which everyone back home thought was "ironic" because I wasn't born there but who cares I've never met my parents before, I had always grown up in the foster care program.I can guarantee "Williams" isn't even my real last name.

As for my nationality that's a definite guesser I don't know where my name originates from, but judging by my wavy brown hair with natural blonde highlights, my green eyes, and my tan skin I'm not American. Honestly all that I've ever been sure about myself is that my name is Nikolina I am 19 years old and I love adventures and the game of Fútbol and that was all that ever mattered to me.

I looked at my bags and suddenly felt alone I mean sure I had friends back home but now being here all by myself in a foreign country felt well foreign I decided to stay in and sleep till the game.

I woke up excited then ever sang my heart out in the shower to "Trumpets" by Jason Duerlo and then put on my Neymar Jr. Jersey despite everyone liking him for his looks I on the other hand admire his foot work most of all.

The Arena was crowded as heck! I ended up sitting next to this old man who was most likely drunk,by the way he kept slurring his words. when Mexico tried to score but never did.

At half time the score was 0-0 I suddenly felt the urge to use the restroom,seeing as there was no way I am going to miss any of this game. As I walked towards the sign of what looked to be the bathrooms, a heard a bunch of voices yelling at me "o que você está fazendo aqui? voltar para o seu lugar neste instante" a man in what seemed to be some sort of security uniform yelled at me

"Um I'm sorry sir I'm just using the bathroom thank you" I replied unsure of what to say

The man kept yelling at me so I just ran to the nearest door and closed it behind me

0-0 at Half Time (A Neymar Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now