Chapter Two

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I ran for what seemed like hours until I stopped but only to tie my shoe the only thing that guided me was the street lights and from the looks of it it was at least 12 in the morning I looked around. I had no idea where I was the fear of those men finding me was my only motivation to climb up this steep hill which from the bottom up looked like a house was there with the lights on it was my only chance I already had a plan in mind when I was half way up I'll just stay up all night then in morning it will be light enough to were I can see and I'll find my way back to the hotel. My legs burned and I felt like I was going to be sick when I was at the top I made sure to lay down on a grassy area that looked to be far away from the house to where no one would see me and without any trouble dozed off to sleep

"acordar falta você está bem?,Olá?" A soft voice called out to me I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright sun a woman who looked around my age started at me. "I'm sorry I'll go" I picked myself up and tried to walk but the exhaustion of the horror that was the night before took over me and I fell down again. "eu vou levá-lo para a casa" the girl said to me "I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish" I mumbled "it's Portuguese and come with me I'll get you cleaned up" she said. "My name is Rafaella and you look like you could use some help" I looked at her she was so nice. I let her lead me into the enormous house she gestured for me to sit on a chair in what looked to be a kitchen. "Here's some water" she said handing me a glass

"thank you" I replied

"what's your name?" She asked "Nikolina"

"Okay Nikolina I'm Rafaella judging by your jersey you must be a fan of my brother I'm sorry but he's sleeping and though you must be a huge fan It's not really polite to stalk someone and pass out on their lawn he's a human being too and everyone should respect that he deserves privacy" I stared at her in confusion

"I don't know what your talking about and I certainly don't know your brother or would stalk anyone can I please use the bathroom?" I asked

"Down the hallway first door to the left" I walked down the hallway and turning to my right opened the white door I turned to close the door behind me and when I turned around noticed a white bed with a person laying on it wrapped up in the comforter the person I realized was a man and judging by the way he was squinting I had just woke him up "I'm sorry I thought this was the bathroom" I said

Hoping he would understand what is it with me and bathrooms?!

"feche a porta" he said. I didn't know what that ment but I'm guessing it was something along the lines of get out of my room this obviously isn't the bathroom duh! I closed the door and went into the bathroom I heard the door across the hall open and shut while I was washing my hands. Knowing it was probably the man I had woken up I prepared an apology in my head, "Look I'm really sorry I thought it was the bathroom this happens to me a lot apparently" when I opened the door and walked towards the kitchen back towards Rafaella. "Nikolina?" I turned and faced the living room where on the couch shirtless with soccer shorts on and a bowl of cereal was Neymar.

"Um wow." I said like the idiot that I was I didn't know what to say I felt so embarrassed "I'm sorry i didn't know this was your house in all honesty I know this looks bad but really I was ju-"I rambled "Woah Nikolina it's okay calm down, sit down" he said so I sat on the opposite couch facing him. "Well I can see you've met your little fan that passed out on the lawn" Rafaella said walking into the living room. Shit that's probably his girlfriend and she probably thinks I'm crazy "Rafaella please I know this girl" Neymar replied. Rafaella looked at me suspiciously looking for an explanation. "I was looking for the bathroom and I walked into the locker room I didn't even know this was your house I swear" I replied hastily. She must have saw the honesty in my response because she walked away with a sympathetic look on her face. "That's my sister Rafaella." He said. "Oh she's really nice she found me passed out on your lawn I might add" I replied. He looked at me confused. "I'm sorry it was a mistake I was running from something and then I just kind passed out on your lawn" I told the story leaving out some details. He looked at me in shock. "Okay well Nikolina your more then welcome to stay here as long as you need I won't force you to tell me the details of what happened" he said casually. I stared at him in disbelief he just invited me to stay at his house

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