Chapter Eleven

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Nikolina's POV

"I have No idea what to wear!" I groaned in frustration, I took and step back and thought about it this is the first time I've ever said that. I laughed Rafaella would know what to dress me in. I grabbed my phone off the bed and dialed her number she answered on the second ring

"Hola mamasita Nikolina!"

"Woah way too much of an intro Rafa."

She laughed "whatcha need girl?"

"Well...Neymar invited me to team dinner so I won't be alone at the house and I'm not sure what to wear."

"Oh that's easy! Just go to my closet and take out the black garnet bag on the left side it's the fifth one it's nothing fancy just a bit not causal."

"I have no idea what that means but thank you you're a lifesaver"I laughed

"Anytime, see you tomorrow when I get back feel free to help yourself to my mascara!"

She hung up

I went straight upstairs to her room, opened the closet and counted five to the left.

I took out the black garnet bag and headed downstairs.

I opened the bag inside were loose black shorts with little Pom poms on the ends with a maroon cardigan, and a cream tank top. I quickly put the outfit on with my high tops. I looked into the mirror behind the door my face looked a little plain. "Why are you getting so dressed up for dinner?" I asked myself. "Neymar." My conscious answered.

"Hey Nik were going to be leaving here in about ten minutes." Neymar said through the door

"Okay just a minute."

I waited until he shut his door to open mine. I went to Rafaella's bathroom. On the counters was makeup Everywhere. I picked up the first mascara tube I saw and started to apply it in the mirror. "Not half bad I thought."

I went downstairs to do one more look into the mirror.

"Come on Niko." He knocked


I opened the door to see Neymar leaning against the wall facing my door wearing black skinny jeans and a white V-neck.

"You clean up nice." I commented

"Yeah um... He cleared his throat

We better get going I still have to pick up Bruna." He finished

"Oh okay, yeah we should go."

We made our way to the garage

"Should I sit in the back?"

"No" he said and opened the passenger door for me.

He pulled out of the drive way and we made our way towards Bruna's house (where ever that is)

"So tell me, do these dinners get crazy?"

He laughed "Not really, we can't afford to be drunk so close to game days we just sit , talk, crack a few jokes."

"Sounds fun."

Fifteen minutes from the house Neymar pulled into a huge home.

"Wait here I'll go get her."

Ten minutes later Bruna comes out wearing a tight sparkly dress and heels.

I felt underdressed

She notices me in the car and looks at Neymar.

"Do I really have to sit in the back?" She asked

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