Chapter Seven

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Neymar's POV

"GOAL FOR BRAZIL!" I screamed as I kicked the ball in the net at practice. "The crowd goes crazy!" William yelled. I laughed "Hey man what's up?" He asked. "Just dreaming you know practicing the kicks."

"Well chill out man your living the dream!"

"Neymar and Will get back to work! We cannot have you slacking off I want twenty push ups now on the turf." Coach yelled.

I quickly took to the ground in push up position with William by my side. "So what's new bro?" I asked

"You know same old,same old trying to win the cup, playing with the girls." He said, William had two daughters Manuella and Valentina both very cute little girls that sometimes play with Davi when we play poker at the house. "What about you how's Rafa and Davi?" He asked.

"Good I don't have Davi till next week,but me and Rafa have a house guess right now staying with us."

"Ooo a house guest? Is she hot?" He asked

I laughed "Yeah she's something else plays Fútbol, funny, and has these really beautiful green eyes."

"You know Neymar It kind of sounds like you might have feelings for this girl, have you seen her play?"

"Don't be ridiculous Will, I'm with Bruna." I saw William's face grimace when I mentioned Bruna's name. " I mean she's been in Germany for awhile doing some acting stuff but she's coming back ,and I just met her. I haven't seen her play but I can tell she can do some damage on the field."

"Sounds interesting maybe you should bring her to practice to see what she can do?"

"Yeah she's a fan of Brazil so I think she'd like that."

"Neymar!" Coach yelled

"Coach I'm done with push-" I started

"You have a phone call from your sister she says it's an emergency." Coach yelled

I immediately ran to the side lines, grabbed my phone, and excused myself from practice to the locker room.

"Rafaella what is it? Are you okay?" I said frantically

Rafaella's POV

I was getting really worried about Nikolina after her crying attack and that strange note we walked to my car and I as soon as I was inside I called Neymar. "Rafaella what is it? Are you okay?" He asked I could tell he was nervous by the way his voice was. I looked over at Nikolina "Yes I'm fine, it's about Nikolina we were at the mall shopping and I went to get us food and when I came back she was crying and on the table was a note that said some pretty stalkerish stuff."

I heard hear my brother take a deep breath something he does when he's stressed out or a long day at practice,

At the moment I was sure it was both. "Listen Rafa when I brought Nikolina to her hotel room after you found her on the lawn, her room was thrashed I mean clothes everywhere, broken lamp you name it, and on the floor was one of those notes. What I'm trying to say is that Nikolina is kind of being stalked." He explained. I looked over at Nikolina, she was so sweet, funny, and pretty why would someone be stalking her? Then it occurred to me that in all honesty I really didn't know anything about Nikolina at all, don't get me wrong I love her like I've known her longer then I actually do and I know my brother wouldn't bring just anyone into our home especially being who he is. "Hello? Rafa are you there?" My brother said

"Uh yeah sorry, umm so what should

I do?" I asked nervously

"Take her home and we will figure it out later bye Rafa I gotta go."

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