Chapter Twelve

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Neymar's POV

I turned the corner into my room looking for Davi. One minute I'm making breakfast and he's in his booster seat and the next he's gone.

"Davi where are you buddy?"

I turn into Nikolina's room to see Davi on the bed staring at her.

"Oh Nikolina I'm sorry if Davi woke you up."

"Oh it's fine he's so cute."


Nikolina's POV

After my crying last night I came to the conclusion that me and Neymar's friendship would just be a friendship and i would try to leave as soon as possible.

I nodded in response to Neymar's thanks.

He picked up Davi and placed him on his hip.

"No practice today?" I asked

"Nah I'm spending the day with this little guy while his mom is busy for the day."

"Oh that's nice."

"Yeah but there's one problem."

"And what is that?" I asked

"Umm.." He hesitated "You see Davi is a bit of a runner and I figured you're another Fútbol player like myself and you can run me and help me not let Davi get away."

I raised my eyebrows

"Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you hang out with me and Davi today I would really appreciate it."

I laughed "Well I better start getting ready."

"Awesome I'm going to finish giving this guy his breakfast." He said and left my room with Davi looking over his shoulder waving at me.

I quickly took a shower and put on some ripped jeans that Rafa got me from Hollister and blue Nike tank top that I tied in a knot.

I put my hair in a messy bun and put on mascara.

I heard a knock at my door

"Nikolina are you-"

I opened the door to see Neymar standing with Davi in his arms

"Ready." He finished.

"Well here's your answer." I said gesturing to my clothes.

"Alright then let's go."

I followed Neymar and Davi into the garage where Neymar strapped Davi in his car seat and kissed his forehead and then proceeded to the drivers seat.

"He's so cute!" I said looking back at Davi
"Well he's my son.." Neymar said looking in the review mirror winking at Davi.

"So where are we going?" I asked
"I wanted to take Davi to this aquarium he likes the ocean a lot and Brazil has its share of marine life."
"Oh fun!"
"Yeah we can get lunch after and then I'm sure this guy will be out like a light for Carolina to pick him up."

I caught on that Carolina was Davis mom and wondered what she would be like.
"So how far is this place?"
"Pretty far actually I got the iPad for him to watch his shows"
"Oh that's useful."
"Yeah it's a life saver sometimes."

I trailed away in thought of how hard it must have been for Neymar being a dad so young and don't get me wrong in American girls are getting pregnant in high school and that's hard, I couldn't imagine the same level of difficulty for someone who was a young professional athlete.

"So Niko any brothers or sisters?"
"Not that I know of." He laughed.
It was the truth though I have no idea where I come from.
"So just you and your parents?"
"Yeah something like that."
I could tell that he sensed my discomfort in the vague responded because he quickly changed the subject.
"So are you excited for the next game?"
"Yeah I'm actually a little nervous."
"Nikolina you don't doubt my amazing skills do you?" He laughed
I rolled my eyes "One person does not make a team."
"Very true. Even so you know we always try our best and nothing less out there."
"Trust me just by going to one practice I could tell."
"Hopefully you can come to more, the guys love you."
"Back at them you guys are all amazing."
"Yeah it never gets tiring hearing how awesome I am."
I punched his arm
"Hey no violence in front of Davi." He laughed

Neymar's POV:

It took about two hours fighting traffic to get to the aquarium and by the time we got there thanks to the abundant amount of tourist. Davi was drooling all over the iPad and Nikolina was asleep he head resting on the middle console. I parked and started at her. Her emerald eyes were shut and her lips were smushed but she was still the most beautiful girl Id ever seen. I knew it was wrong for me to think of her this way with me having a girlfriend and she didn't live in the country, but I couldn't help it.

I shook Nikolina awake "Hey Nik we're here."
"Don't call me Nik." She mumbled
I chuckled I got out the car and picked up Davi
"Wake up little guy were at the aquarium where u can see all the fish that you want." Just the mention of the word fish and Davis' eyes were wide open
"Fish pai fish!!!" He exclaimed
"I know buddy we just have to wait for lazy Nikolina to get out the car."
"I heard that." Nikolina said shutting the car door.
"Well it's true." I winked.
Already paparazzi were snapping photographs of me, Davi, and Nikolina as we walked up the entrance of the aquarium.

I could already already see the headlines "Neymar cheating! Bruna devastated" but in alL honesty I didn't care.

Nikolina's POV:
Davi was such a cutie pointing at every fish he could find and calling it Nemo.

"Pai! Pai! Nemo swim swim" he exclaimed

"Yeah buddy we're seeing tons of Nemos today aren't we?" Neymar said

Davi nodded and clapped his hands.

I smiled at them.

Neymar turned to me "Wanna grab some lunch? I know this kid can go all day here without eating anything but I'm pretty starving."

I laughed "Yeah I was wondering when you were going to mention food!"

"Alright buddy let's say goodbye to all the Nemos and go grab some food."

"Do you want me to take a picture of you and Davi before we go?" I asked

"Yes that would be great!"
I took about 10 pictures at least of Neymar and Davi posing differently in each.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me miss would you like to take a picture with your husband and son? I'd be glad to take it you guys are a beautiful family!" A elderly lady asked.

"Oh he's just my fri-" I started
"We would love a picture thank you." Neymar finished.
I put myself next to Davi I felt weird just standing awkwardly
"Are we all set?" The lady asked
"Nik Nemo!" Davi exclaimed reaching over to me.
Normally I would have hated the whole Nik thing but gosh he was so cute! I put my arms out and held Davi on my hip next to Neymar.
"I think now we are." Neymar said

We smiled and took about 3 pictures not to mention fans around us taking pictures of us taking a picture. Gosh these people
"Thank you ma'am." Neymar said getting his phone back from the lady.

"Now this is going on Instagram." Neymar said showing me the picture of all three of us making fish faces with our cheeks sucked in.

I laughed "caption it Nik Nemo"
"Now why is it he can call you Nik but when I do it I get the whole it's a boys name blah drama?"
"Because Davi is cute."
"We've been over this he's my son of course he's cute!"
I shrugged

With Davi still in my arms I put him in the car and got into the passenger side.

Authors note:
IK I am a terrible author lol

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