Chapter Four

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Nikolina's pov

"Well it kinda seems like your stuff is all torn so I'm assuming you don't want to take it with you?" He asked

"No I guess not..ha" I said looking around

"Alright well you probably shouldn't check out of the hotel if they come and inspect your going to be paying a lot more for your hotel room then what you already are." Neymar said

"Okay then, to your car?" I asked

"Yeah follow me."

Just like when he dropped me off tons of fans were gathered around, even photographers shouting questions at us in Portuguese. When we finally went through the mob and into the car I was out of breath. "Don't you ever get tired of basically trying to fight your way through fans just to get into your own car?" I asked.

He laughed "Sure at times it can be a little...distracting but there my fans and I have respect for them if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am living my dream." He explained.

"Deep man." I commented. He laughed. With only my Neymar jersey and the only thing who ever destroyed my room couldn't tear up, my soccer ball me and Neymar made our way to the elevator and outside the hotel where luckily not many fans were there.

"So, Nikolina it is only fitting that since you will be my roommate that I know more about you, you can't have a murderer with an amazingly handsome Fútbol player like myself." I laughed okay so besides being an amazing player his over confidence that peeked through at times wasn't that bad maybe even a little..Charming?

"What do you wanna know?" I asked.

"For starters I remember during half time you mentioning that you play Fútbol back home why don't you start with how that began?" He offered.

"Honestly that's a long story.." I trailed looking out the window. I didn't want to come out and say the whole anger and aggression that was inside me when I was a kid I could tell he already felt bad for me after the whole kidnapping incident and I mean I don't blame him if roles where reversed who wouldn't, but I hated sympathy it's not even a "tough girl" persona it is just a Nikolina thing that I came to know about myself. "We have a 30 minute drive back to my house." He prompted.

"Then I guess it started when I was told to focus on a sport, and for some reason when I would see people playing soccer wether on the television or at the park I always wanted to jump in the game and play but of course being young seven to be exact no one wanted to play with a kid so on the bench I would watch people play and in my head cretic their moves and think how I would play if I were playing. So when they were done playing I would take my ball and set up obstacle courses for myself like I was playing in a real game and eventually I realized that I wasn't entirely bad because the older teenagers let me play with them." I explained making sure to leave out the whole foster kid business.

"That's quite a epic story" he said while applauding. "OH MY GOD KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL!" I screamed. He laughed "Oh please Nikolina you don't honestly believe I would crash did you?" He asked. I thought about it

"Too soon to tell, I mean I really don't know you so what about you what's your story?" I asked

"Nikolina..wait what's your last name?"

"Williams" I replied

"Oh right." He cleared his throat "Nikolina Williams doesn't know my story?, what type of fan are you?" He joked. I turned to look at him "I do recall saying the team was amazing I never said you personally."

He looked at me baffled "Ouch Nik that hurt."

"Don't call me Nik."

"But why I think it's cute." He commented

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