Chapter Three

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Neymar's P.O.V

I stared to drive away from the pássaro azul do hotel from the corner of my eye I saw the yellow and green lined Brazil jersey. I pulled the car over. I flipped it to the back where just as my suspicion had been right it was Nikolina's and my signature on the back proved it. "Damn" I mumbled to myself. I searched my phone for her number then realized she never gave it to me.

I had to drive back to bring it to her. As I emerged the entrance of the hotel again more fans had came I hurried and got out of my car signed a few autographs and took a couple of selfies. I decided to ask the front desk where Nikolina's room was I approached the man I can tell he knew exactly who I was because she smiled so kindly "oi senhor im olhando para o quarto de uma menina nomes Nikolina?" I asked. He looked confused at first as to maybe why I would want to know where she's staying but he returned with a room key and told
Me the floor I thanked him.

I took the elevator to her floor and when I walked down the hall to her door jersey in hand I noticed it was unlocked I knocked anyways.

Nikolina's p.o.v:

I was still staring in horror at the note when I heard a knock at the door that startled me. What if it's whoever left this note here coming for me again.

"Nikolina? It's Me Neymar." I heard through the door. I went to open to door and there with my Jersey in his hand was Neymar. "Hi Nikolina you left this in my car." He said. I started at him I didn't know what to say I was still In shock from the note and my face and my science must have reflected the fear I felt.

"Nikolina? Are you okay? Can I come in" he asked. I nodded unsure of what to say. He walked in and sat on the bed. "Woah someone needs to clean up haha" he laughed I looked at him muted. "Nikolina please tell me what's wrong you look very scared." He said.

"Um well.." I hesitated he nodded a gesture for me to continue.

"When I ended up on your lawn this morning and when I said I was running from something It was a Someone." I looked up at him. He looked confused "I don't understand you where running from someone?" He asked I nodded.

"After the game a car pulled up, drugged me, and put me in the trunk and when I escaped and started to run I saw this house..well i guess your house on the hill and I ran there and when I got back to my hotel room this note-I gestured to the floor where the note laid- was here and whoever took me knows where I'm staying" I explained

I could hear my voice shaking with every word I said. Neymar looked at me in horror and sympathy "Nikolina I don't know what to say honestly I am so sorry that happened to you, but I know one thing and that is you're not staying here you're more then welcome to stay with me and Rafa at my house if you want, or I'd be more then happy to get you another hotel" He offered. I down at the ground nervously this guy was too nice and I honestly felt like a moocher.

"No Neymar I couldn't you and Rafa have done a lot for me already and it's World Cup season your a Fútbol player it wouldn't be fair to put my stresses on top of yours." I said.

He looked at me and shook his head "Nikolina please don't be dumb you obviously cannot stay here and I'm the only friend you have here plus you owe me from the shoulder bump this morning." He explained. I looked at him, he was right I couldn't stay here anymore it wasn't safe "plus" he added "You're going to the Brazil games anyways right? That's why you came here? So think of it like the luckiest World Cup experience everyone wishes they could have with the hottest player on earth minus the passing out in people's lawns." I could tell he was trying to cheer me up and I laughed "Just for a few days." I stated. He nodded "Then it's settled were roommates." He declared


Nikolina & Neymar roommates.....okay I know you might see where this is going but trust me you have no idea (; sorry this chapter is short :( please comment, message me , and/ or vote? It would realllllyyy make me very happy !!!

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