Chapter Nine

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Neymar's POV

Nikolina throwing up in my car was defiantly NOT the reaction I was expecting. Maybe a scream? Hug? Thank you? Kiss on the cheek? But throwing up never. I pulled over on the side of the freeway it was already turning dark "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm sorry I just got really excited and all of the Galinhada I ate didn't help."

I rolled down the car windows and opened the sunroof.

"It stinks." I commented

"Sorry I'll clean your car when we get back to the house."

I shook my head "Its okay you'll just have to wake up super early to come with me to the car wash."

"Sounds fair."

"Hold on I think I have a towel in the trunk to take out the vomit."

"Here I'll he-"

"No" I cut her off "Stay if you get out all the vomit on your shirt is going to end up on the floor of my car."

She shrugged.

I got out the car and made my way to the trunk looking for a towel It took a minute but I found one. I went onto the passenger side and handed it to Nikolina. "Thanks"


I got back into the divers side and waited for her to clean herself up.

She started laughing "What's so funny?" I asked

"I threw up on you!" She replied

I checked myself, there was no vomit on me.

She laughed harder

"No you didn't you threw up on yourself." Then I realized what she meant ,on her shirt was me it was a shirt I designed for my Nike collection. "Yeah I guess you did." We both laughed

I started the car and merged onto the freeway

"Ugh the smell of the shirt is making me want to vomit." I said

"Well sorry!" She snapped

"Take it off." I suggested

"Nice try."

"Come on you can cover yourself up with a towel if it's that big of a deal I just cannot take the smell of thrown up rice and chicken." It was true the smell was revolting

"Fine! But keep your eyes on the road."

"You got it."

I heard the sound of her pulling her arms out of the shirt to reveal a yellow

Nike sports bra and a six pack right

Below it. Damn she had a nice body.

I felt a sting to my arm that brought me back out of my gaze. "Hey! Eyes on the road!"

"Ss-orry." I blushed.

"You act like you've never seen a girl before ."

I laughed "I do have a son you know, but it's just..never mind." What I wanted to say is that I've never seen a girl like Nikolina before so pretty with a nice body, stubborn, amazing player, and those green eyes that made me crazy.

I snapped out of my daydream when a car honked behind me. I quickly waved through the mirror and sped off towards the house. "Neymar is

That .. A little bit of drool on your chin?" She asked.

"Ha-ha your not going to pull my own line on me."

"Worth a try." She shrugged.

It was dark when I pulled into the garage.

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