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"I just think maybe this WorldCup can wait you shouldn't go alone at such a young age" My foster mom Brenda told me as I was zipping up my suitcase "No it's going to be the only time Brazil plays in Brazil I wouldn't miss these games even if death was an obstacle" I replied.

"You're dramatic."

"Listen I've been waiting for this moment since I was eight years old and besides I'm nineteen I'm more then capable of taking care of myself by myself I've been doing it for years now." I mumbled.

"Nikolina you know I love you like you where my daughter and I know you've had a rough childhood but you should have used that money for college not a trip."

I couldn't look at her I couldn't focus on collage I didn't know what I wanted to do besides play soccer I don't want to major in anything. I decided not let this lecture carry on any further "Okay well I'm sorry!" I snapped at her. Brenda looked at me with her eye brows high.

"Listen Brenda I know you think you know what's best for me but this is what I want and I'm going so are you going to take me in the morning to the airport or not?" I asked trying to keep my temper down and sound polite.

"Yes Nikolina I will take you make sure you actually get up."

Brenda hugged me goodnight and I put my suitcases by the door and got ready for bed. As I laid down I waiting eager for sleep to come but the eagerness just added more excitement and that all equals not sleeping.

I bit my lip thinking about the "What-if's" all of which involved me in Brazil and something terrible happening. I put my headphones in a downed out the thoughts in my head with Coldplay and Kodaline and eventually sleep came.

0-0 at Half Time (A Neymar Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now