Chapter Fifteen

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Neymar's POV:
I turned to see Nikolina standing in the hallway.
"I hope you're happy Nikolina." Bruna said as she slammed the door.
"Okay I have the biggest headache, and all the slamming and yelling needs to stop, like right now." Rafa said stumbling down the stairs with a sleep mask on her forehead.
"See that's more like it." She continued.

She looked at me and then looked at Nikolina.
"What the hell happened?" She asked.

"I broke up with Bruna."

"Oh shit finally! I mean i support all your decisions but damn that girl was a why such the silence?"

"Rafa can I talk to Nikolina, alone?" I asked

"Yeah I'm going back to sleep anyways, just don't start yelling again my head is killing me." Rafa said and walked back up the stairs.

Nikolina's POV:

"Do you want to grab some breakfast and talk?" Neymar asked.
"Uh yeah I'll be ready in 5." I said nervously
I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and then quickly removed my outfit from the night before and put on some dark wash shorts with a Maroon tank top and brown Rainbows flip flops.

"Ready." I said walking out the door
We drove to a little cafe, I got a breakfast sandwich and Neymar got a spinach wrap to go.
"Where are we going?" I asked

"I was thinking of going to the beach and just sitting down to talk." He answered
I nodded in response

The beach surprisingly not crowded at all we sat down on a towel near and umbrella that provided shade.

"Nikolina I just want you to know that what happened this morning between me and Bruna wasn't your fault...that fight was something that was bound to happen wether I met you or not, truth be told I was planning on breaking up with Bruna after the cup."

"How do you just plan to break up with someone?" I asked

"Why string someone along any longer if you don't feel the connection."

"What did she mean when she said "You were practically kissing her?"' I asked

He pulled out his phone and then handed it to me.
I looked at the phone to a photo of me and Neymar on Twitter with his hands on my waist and mine on his neck, by the looks of it, it did look like we were about to kiss we were both leaned into each other.

"Oh wow, I don't even remember this." I said embarrassed
"Don't feel bad you were pretty drunk." He laughed
"Yikes...any drunk confessions?" I asked nervously.

Neymar's POV:

I didn't know wether to tell her about her half asleep conversation she had with me and how she told me she loved me and I said it back.

It wasn't a lie when I told her I loved her, I did but I wasn't sure how I loved her as...a friend? A lover? I wasn't ready to answer that question yet.

"Just that you think I'm the most handsome man on earth and you want to be like me so much." I said

"I don't lie when I'm drunk."
"First time for everything?"
"Not a chance."
I turned my head and smiled at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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