Beginning Authors note

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My name is Arra
and this is my first fanfiction ever... Even if you read one page or are willing to read more I thank you all the same. I want to leave the main character Nikolina's physical description open to your own interpretation you can make her be Nina Dobrev, Beyoncé, or even yourself. I put minimal description on her physical appearance because I believe some fanfictions for me personally a celebrity with another "look a like celebrity" kinda idk what to call them can take away from the story and how you see it. So thank you and I hope you enjoy this fanfiction feel free to message me and to comment anything you like and don't like and voting would be appreciated of course. Please do not steal any of my ideas I wrote this story by myself and there should be some respect as to not take what's not yours (To give more of a background on her life at home read the prologue before chapter one)


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