Chapter Ten

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Nikolina's POV

"The car smells."

"That's your fault." Neymar laughed rolling down the windows

"Do we have time to go clean the car?" I asked

"No you took forever to get ready so we'll have to stop by a car wash after practice."

"I did not!."

"Okay Niko whatever you say."

It was thirty minute drive to the stadium . Neymar went on my side and opened the door for me but I was nervous to get out. "Um are you sure the team knows I'm coming?"

"No but I doubt they are going to say anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! No come on I really don't want to run laps because you made us late."

"...okay." I hesitated

"Is Nikolina..nervous?" Neymar smirked

"No I just..yeah I'm nervous!"

"It's okay, I wouldn't bring you if you weren't up to their level."

Come on suck it up Nikolina you can do this your a tough, yeah your a tough bitch. I said mentally to myself

"Alright I'm ready."

We walked down to the field where the team were doing push ups. I went behind Neymar. This is everything I could have dreamed of practicing with Brazil. Neymar turned around to look at me "Just take it one step at a time Niko they're all just regular soccer players like us." He explained

"Neymar how nice of you to join us!" Coach said.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."Neymar winked

"Get your push ups in, whose this?" Scolari said gesturing to me

"This is my friend Niko- I mean Nikolina she's a Fútbol player and I brought her to practice with us."

Scoliri raised his eyebrows

"Come on coach I wouldn't bring her if I thought she couldn't handle it."

"Fine. Alright boys this is Nikolina she's going to practice with us." Scolari screamed at the team.

"Nikolina you can start by doing fifty push-ups with Neymar."

I nodded "Thanks coach, by the way huge fan." I said trying to sound casual.

He nodded.

I took my place down at the end of the field next to number 4 David Luiz.

I got into push up position and started on my fifty.

"Hi I'm David."

I turned my head and attempted a smile

"Nikolina, I would shake your hand but we both know how that might end up."

He laughed. "So you excited to practice with us? You must be good if Neymar brought you."

"Something like that, and yes I've been a Brazil fan since I was eight I have faith in you guys."

"We will try not to let you down."

I finished my fifty and jogged over to Neymar who was with the rest of the team.

"So what are we doing?" I asked

"Six on six. You,me, David, Willian, Hulk, and Oscar against the rest of the team who ever scores first wins."

0-0 at Half Time (A Neymar Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now