Chapter Eight

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Nikolina's POV

"You really won't tell me where we are going?" I asked I was getting impatient we had been driving for at least half a hour, sunset was at least an hour away, and I was starving.

"Nope." Was his response

"Ughh" I whined

"Oh cheer up Niko, I promise we are almost there . How about some music to cheer up the mood?" He plugged in his phone an aux chord and set the stero settings to input.

"Please do not play any Portuguese music." I begged. He laughed "I am so confident that you will like the song I play, that if you don't.." He thought about what he was saying for a moment. "If you don't like the song I play I'll turn around and take you back to the house."

I smirked at him "Okay try me."

"Don't bet a winner Nikolina." He winked

Within a minute of out stare down a song came on through the speakers.

It was my favorite song! "Danza Kurtudo" by Don Omar. It was all in Spanish but I loved listening to it when I played and worked out,but I was hungry and wanted to go to bed so I wasn't going to let him know that. I started to just tap my feet to the beat to fight the urge to sing the lyrics. "You like the song Niko? I can see you know the rhythm really well." Neymar said tauntingly. The last verse of the chorus was about to start and I couldn't hold

Back any longer, Neymar was already singing. "La Mano Arriba Cintura Sola Da Media Vuelta Danza Kuduro!" I sang in my best Spanish accent. Neymar looked over at me and laughed and turned down the music. "I knew you would know that song!" He exclaimed. I looked over at him "How?" I asked. "I don't know I just thought you would, it's on the Brazil workout playlist."

"I didn't find out about the song from the team I was on Pandora and It came on my Nelly Furtato station." I said

He shrugged "Might I add your Spanish isn't all that bad."

I slapped his arm playfully "Oh shut up."

"It's true! Your not that bad, don't worry we'll work on it." He said

"So what languages do you speak?" I asked

"Portuguese , English (of course) Spanish, and German but don't quote me on that one I am a little rusty on my German." He said

"Well don't worry when you play Germany I won't tell them." I smiled

We pulled up to the beach,but It wasn't the beach their was soccer nets set up we got out of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked

"The beach duh!" He laughed

"Well yeah no shit but I mean what are we doing here at the beach?"

"I am going to see how you play Fútbol." He said

I laughed "Ha! You're funny I don't even have any cleats or soccer shorts with me."

"Then we're playing barefoot in the sand."

"Wow lucky me! Neymar Jr. wants to play a game of one on one with me! I'm flattered" I said in my best legally blonde voice.

"Are you scared American girl?" He challenged me coming closer.

"No." I said taking a step closer to him. Our noses were touching. "Then let's play ball." He said.


He went to the back of the trunk to get the ball out of the car and we went onto the sandy makeshift field.

0-0 at Half Time (A Neymar Jr. Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now