Chapter Thirteen

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Nikolina POV:
"So where to?" I asked once Neymar was done putting Davi into the car and in the drivers seat.
"I know this guy will eat anything I will, but since I know Carolina will probably be ready to pick him up in an hour or so I'd say we should have my chef cook us up something at the house."

"Okay sounds good" I said.
I felt a sudden wave of nervousness come over me with just the thought of meeting Carolina I mean what would she think of some strange girl meeting her son and going with him and his dad to an aquarium for the day without even knowing me?

Neymar's POV:
"You Okay?" I asked Nikolina I could tell she was anxious about something.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little nervous, I guess." She replied


"Uhh..meeting Davis mom?" She answered
"Don't worry Niko she's not going to bite, she knows I'm very picky about who I let meet my son and besides Davi loves you, he's not like that with Bruna at all." I explained

"Oh good to know" she said and I saw the anxious expression wash away from her face and replaced with a smile.

Nikolinas POV:

I couldn't help but repeat "he's not like that with Bruna at all." In my head at least 100Xs during the ride back. "This isn't a competition Nikolina, she's already his girlfriend" I reminded myself, still it felt good to know that Davi liked me, he was such a cute smart little boy that I think if he didn't like me I'd be a little hurt.
It was around 6 when we had finally got back to Neymar's house.

Neymar's POV
"Home sweet home." I said in relief, I hated driving I always got so restless.
I unbuckled Davi and opened the car door for Nikolina.

"Olé Neymar y Davi" Marisa my chef said
"Ole Marisa"
I gestured to Nikolina and told Marisa that she was my guest and would be staying with us, she nodded in response.

"Ole Nikolina"
"Hi, I'm going to use the bathroom." Nikolina said
"Ela só fala inglês" i said to Marisa
"É Americano?"
I nodded.
Marisa shook her head and laughed.

Nikolina POV:
While washing my hands I heard a fit of laughter coming from the kitchen
I walked out and sat down at the table, across from Neymar and Davi in his high chair
"Marisa can make anything you want" Neymar said
"Umm...can she make a hamburger?" I asked nervously truth be told I was really missing American food.
Neymar laughed "oh so no more galinhada for you?"
"Well once you've had something and it's come back up the way it went down, it's not so appetizing."
"Don't remind me." Neymar pretended to shutter and told Marisa something in Portuguese

Marisa served us our food in chefs plates topped with a silver cover.
When I opened my cover I saw exactly what I wanted a hamburger with fries on the side
I smiled
"I've never seen someone so happy to eat dinner." Neymar remarked
"Have you had a hamburger before?"
"No, not really but I will tonight." He said as he opened his silver top
"Pai pai burger." Davi said looking at his small version of a hamburger
"That's right Davi, Nikolina is trying to Americanize us."

"Don't knock it till you've tried it!" I said

"Okay that was actually really good, you know for American food" Neymar said
"Mmhm so you admit that it's good."
"Yes I'll admit it."
I laughed
I heard a loud doorbell.
"Oh that must be Your mommy ." Neymar said to Davi
"Ma ma !" Davi exclaimed in excitement
I could feel myself getting nervous.

Neymar's POV:
"Hi Carolina" I said
"Hi Neymar"
My relationship with Carolina had gotten better, it use to be to the point where we couldn't even be in the same room together, not even for Davis sake, she was furious when she found out I let Bruna meet Davi, she never liked Bruna always said she was too stuck up, and although she was right I didn't want to listen. Once we got to seeing a co-parent therapist we had gotten better in communicating in a way that would be better for Davis sake.
"Come on in." I said
"Actually Neymar I need to talk to you, will you please come outside."
"Uh sure, I actually have a guest inside."
"Yes that's what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Who is this?" Carolina asked as she pulled up the photo on my Instagram that I posted earlier at the aquarium.

"Carolina before you get angry, I just want to let you know that, I know how you feel about Davi meeting woman in my life and I understand, but she is nothing like Bruna at all Nikolika is a friend of me and Rafas that is staying with us for awhile." I explained

"I mean I certainly don't have any say in who you let stay with you and Rafa, and judging by this picture Davi seems to take to her..." She trailed on

"Okay so is Everything okay then?" I asked
"Yeah everything is fine, just clarifying who she was." Carolina said
"Alright come on in." I said as I opened the door for her

Nikolinas POV:

"Here comes the airplane!" I said moving the fork to Davis mouth
"No more Nemo, no more" Davi giggled
"Haha alright buddy, no more." I said putting the fork down
"Ma ! Ma!" Davi said moving around in the high chair.
I turned to see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes
"Hi baby!" She said smiling
"Carolina, this is Nikolina." Neymar said smiling at me
"Oh nice to meet you I'm Carolina, Davis mom." She said putting her hand out towards me
"Hello, pleasures all mine." I said standing to shake her hand.

"Me and Davi better go, thank you Neymar for taking him while I did errands." Carolina said taking Davi out of the high chair.

"Of course, we all had a great time at the aquarium." He said
"Bye pai!" Davi said leaning towards Neymar
"Bye son." Neymar said giving Davi a kiss
"Bye Nemo." Davi said to me waving
"Bye Davi." I smiled
Neymar closed the door after them and sat down at the table.
I yawned
"So what now?" He asked
"Movie?" I suggested
"Actually Rafa texted me an address of a pretty cool party she's at, care to go?" He offered
I smiled "sure why not?"

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