Chapter Two

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Brendan trekked along Route 101 at a leisurely pace. He was in high spirits and very excited about the adventure he'd begun. His eyes darted to and fro, searching for other possible teammates to accompany him. Several Wurmple skittered along the ground and a few Zigzagoon began to chase each other in a playful manner. Brendan had given the Pokémon he caught the previous day to his father. Zigzagoon were fun to play with, however, he needed something that could give him the edge in the first gym battle.

He knew the Gym Leader in Rustburo City as she was his teacher for the last few years. She was young, but very experienced when it came to battling. Rock-types were her specialty and he had one answer to that. A gutteral growl caused him to stop in his tracks. A smirk crossed his visage at the sound.

"'re back huh?" Brendan said aloud, turning to meet his newly arrived foe.

Before Brendan, crouched a canine-like Pokémon with a primarily gray fur coat, crimson eyes with yellow sclerae, and a scar that ran over the right eye, black paws and underbelly as well as a black face. Two sharp fangs protuded from his jaws. The canine continued to snarl at Brendan, electricity crackling in the process. It knew Thunder Fang. Brendan enlarged Treecko's ball and tossed it casually, releasing his friend to fight.

"I've been meaning to find you sooner. I know dad wanted you, but after seeing what you are capable of," he paused, adjusting his hat, "I want you for my team, Poochyena."

Poochyena narrowed his eyes and crouched low once more, eyes fixed upon Treecko with the utmost concentration. Treecko didn't seem intimidated by the growling canine as they had fought before. But this Poochyena refused to be caught and either fled or broke out of the ball. This time, however, would be different.

"This time, you're mine," Brendan smirked.

Poochyena howled loudly, emitting a crimson aura in the process. Without warning, he lunged toward Treecko, mouth a gape and crackling with electricity. Treecko sidestepped the assault only to be met with a hard blow to his flank by an Iron Tail. Treecko skidded to a halt and stared down his foe.

Brendan grinned as he observed the fight. He'd found his other answer to Roxanne and her team. Now it was time to seize the opportunity.

"Quick Attack!" Brendan commanded.

Treecko exploded forward on all fours, leaving a white trail in his wake as he powered into the unprepared Poochyena. This sent Poochyena sprawling backwards, causing him to dig his claws into the earth to slow his stop. His keen senses kicking in, he avoided the follow-up Pound and bit Treecko, sending a powerful shock into his body before flinging him away and charging at him.

Treecko winced as he landed on his back. He quickly rolled to the side in order to evade the oncoming tail of the canine. He sprang up and lept high to avoid Poochyena's jaws once more, coming down quickly with a harsh Pound attack, sending Poochyena staggering again.

The two combatants were panting heavily as they were becoming exhausted. Normally, this Poochyena would turn tail and run after this long. But now that he had a good fight, he wanted more. Brendan could see it in his eyes. Poochyena howled once more, gaining another power up before racing forward again, ready to end the bout. Treecko smirked and channeled nature's energy through his body.

"Grass Knot!" Brendan called out.

Eyes aglow, Treecko slammed his hand onto the ground and released the power into the earth. The grass was now bent to Treecko's will and soon, like whips, vines lashed out at Poochyena from below and launched him forward towards Treecko who, like a batter, swung his tail hard and knocked him away, sending the pooch crashing into a tree. Poochyena let out a yelp before collapsing in exhaustion.

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