Chapter Nine

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The sun greeted the island with its warm rays, waking the inhabitants that still slumbered snug in their beds. Brendan slowly awoke to see that it was fairly early. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was seven o'clock. He turned his attention to where his Pokémon slept. Treecko was just stretching itself awake and so was Poochyena. Skarmory craned her neck as her trainer awoke.

Brendan blinked as she looked at him. He then smiled and reached out to stroke her beak. Just then, Treecko and Poochyena hopped on the bed with him and nestled into him.

"Well, good morning to you too," Brendan laughed, patting his friends on the head.

"We got another match today. Poochyena, since you went first in the last match, I'll rotate you out for Skarmory. She needs some experience. Also, the leader here uses Fighting-types so yeah..."

Poochyena cringed a bit, but understood. A smart trainer usually knows how to make safe plays as well as risky ones. But there was such a thing as too risky.

"So, Treecko, I'll have you go first. Fight hard and then if and when you win, we'll see how the next one goes. Skarmory will take over if it doesn't go well. Okay?"

"Treecko, Tree Treecko!"

"That's what I like to hear! Anyway, I'm gonna get ready to go swimming. Tim and May wanted to spend some time on the beach before the match."

"So you got the first badge? Roxanne called me the other day and told me you fought valiantly. I'm proud of you, May," Norman said with a smile.

"Thanks daddy! It was so hard though. Torchic had the worst time of it. But she's getting better, and Shroomish was wonderful. I still didn't exactly win though."

"But you showed you understood what you were doing right? She told me that you pulled a pretty clever move at the end which sealed her decision to give you the badge," Norman stated.

"I know, and I was so happy about it. I remembered that winning isn't everything and doing your best is what's important. You taught me that," May reminded.

"Indeed I did. Well May, I need to go. Your mother is cooking a wonderful breakfast and I simply can't miss out on it before work. Talk to you soon May," Norman smiled.

"Okay daddy, bye! Tell mom I said hi," May said, getting a thumbs up from her father before hanging up.

A sigh expelled from her lips as she hung up. Her thoughts were on the gym battle that would be taking place today. She really needed a plan. Shroomish was capable of putting up a decent fight due to Stun Spore. But Torchic needed a little bit more work. What redeemed him was Peck and his speed. Other than that, he was still young and needed more training. Maybe Brendan and Tim could show her a thing or two? Making up her mind, she stood up and began to change into her bathing suit.

Brendan broke the surface of the water, gulping in air as he came up after Tim.

"That was close. You still hold your breath longer," Tim laughed.

"Looks like it," Brendan chuckled.

"So, what's your big plan for Brawly? Because unless you have a Psychic-type or something that flies, you're in for one hell of a fight," Tim stated seriously.

"Oh don't worry. I've got that covered. Lady Luck opened up the gift bag on me yesterday and boy was it awesome!" Brendan grinned with pride.

"Must have been a real catch. What was it?" Tim prodded.

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