Chapter Sixty-Six

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The next morning couldn't have arrived any faster than it had. Excitement filled the air as all of the competitors sprang out of bed to ready themselves for day two of the Grand Festival. May was already awake as usual. She sat inside the hotel lobby sipping a latté. She mulled over her performance as she looked at the newspaper.

Huh. This year attracted more of an audience than previous competitions. Let's see...seventy thousand!? Sheesh, that's a lot. Then again, that's not counting the millions viewing world wide. I can't imagine this year's League, May's thoughts trailed off while she read.

The elevator doors opened up to reveal a crowd of Coordinators. Lisia and Derrick were among the gathering. They all filed out of the elevator and separated. Derrick and Lisia wandered over to May and sat down.

"Morning sunshine," Derrick said as he sat beside May.

"Morning you two! Sleep well?" She inquired.

"As well as I could. I was up during the night going over the routine. It never hurts to be prepared," Derrick replied with a yawn.

"Sounds like somebody stayed up a little too late," Lisia teased.

Derrick rolled his eyes.

"Sooo, you guys excited or what?" May asked cheerfully.

"You betcha! I can't wait to start!" Lisia chirped.

"Bubbly as usual eh Lisia?" Came the voice of Chaz, prompting the group to face the newcomer.

"Heya Chaz!" Lisia greeted with a smile.

"Good day to you Lisia, Derrick...May," he addressed the others.

"Chaz," May replied curtly, taking another sip of her latté while reading.

"I assume you are all prepared for the toughest part of the competition?" Chaz inquired.

"You bet we are!" Lisia replied with a grin.

"Well of course you are dear Lisia. A star such as yourself has no reason not to be. It was a given that you would be ready," Chaz stated in s flattering tone.

Hi, my name is Chaz, and I'm a kiss-ass. Please notice me Lisia because I obviously have a huge crush on you but won't say anything because I'm too much of a wuss! May thought with an amused smile.

"Well, if it's all the same to you, I'm going to go see my designer and check on my costume. I shall see you all in the competition," Chaz stated as he made his exit.

"That guy..." Derrick said as he kicked back in his chair.

"That's Chaz for you. Speaking of which, he reminded me that I need to get my outfit ready as well. It'll probably take me a while to get it all together before the show," Lisia said as she stood up.

"I'd better get going too. I've been up for a few hours now. I still need to shower. Thankfully I have my outfit figured out for today," May replied.

"I guess I'll meet you both there. I have a few last minute things to take care of before the festival starts up again," Derrick added, standing up to kiss May softly before heading out.

"See you in a bit," he said as he exited the hotel.

Brendan and Courtney were situated high above the city on top of the Eon Twins. They had decided to do a little light training before the festival continued.

"Well, after that I think you are just about ready for next week," Courtney admitted, turning to ride side-saddle on Latias.

"I certainly hope so..." Brendan stated with a sigh.

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