Chapter Fifteen

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It was rather late by the time Brendan checked into Pokémon Center in Mauville City. Skarmory was exhausted by the time she landed and Brendan was barely awake. He ended up checking in at midnight. He had given the nurse his Pokémon for overnight treatment and went directly to bed, clothes and all.

He woke up the next morning and was just getting out of bed when his gear rang. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and fumbled for his gear. It was May calling.

"Hello," he answered groggily.

"Wow, you sound exhausted. What time did you get to bed?" May asked as she sat at the breakfast table eating pancakes.

"Midnight, I think. What time is it?" He muttered almost incoherently.

"It's eleven o'clock. Wow, did you just wake up?" May giggled.

"You're kidding me right? Ugh...yeah. It took longer than I thought. Had a battle which is probably why I made it in so late," Brendan replied sleepily.

"Well, at least you didn't have to travel by foot. You'd be camped somewhere different right about now. I'm just glad you made it safe," May sighed contentedly as she finished her meal.

"Are you just now eating?" Brendan inquired as he sat up, finally standing to stretch.

"Yuh huh. I was practicing my routine with Torchic. Oh! Get this, I caught a Wailmer! I was just sitting by the docks when he just swam up to me," May exclaimed.

"Sweet. Glad to hear it," Brendan replied, yawning a bit as he slowly began to become more awake.

"So what do you plan to catch while you're out there? Any ideas?" May asked curiously.

"Dunno...I haven't thought that far yet. I'll probably go into the desert today and see what I can find," Brendan said as he began undress for a shower. He needed to put his clothes in the laundry so the musty smell would go away.

"Be sure to let me know what you catch! And tell me how the gym battle plays out because I wanna know what I need to look out for," May said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry, you'll get all the details. I promise. Now, I need to eat. Thanks for calling, I appreciate it, " Brendan said with a grin.

"No problem! I should go too. I have more practicing to do. With so little time I need to perfect this routine," May sighed anxiously.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll be just fine," Brendan reassured her, hoping to boost her confidence level more.

"You're right. Maybe I'm just nervous. Thanks for the reassurance Brendan. You're the best!" May said in a more cheery tone.

"You're welcome. Take care, " Brendan replied.

"You too," May said replied before ending the call.

Brendan sighed and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. His Pokémon awoke and stretched, greeting the new morning with tired expressions and happy hearts.

The city of Mauville served as a hub for all of Hoenn. From the Food Court to the Crooner's Café, this place had it all. The Crooner's Café was filled with elderly folks and young couples alike. All were enjoying a nice cup of coffee in their favored spots. One such individual was a lilac haired woman wearing a pair of black crops that fit snug against her curvaceous figure. A lavender jacket went over her black sports bra and a pair of similar colored tennis shoes housed her feet.

Courtney enjoyed the Crooner's Café, simply due to the soft music and some of the best smoothies that Hoenn had to offer. She also loved the hot drinks, hence the Pumkin Berry Spice Latte with whipped cream that she was drinking. Sure it cost a lot, but it was her favorite. She turned the page of the Mauville Metropolitan to see that there was an article about Brendan, May and Tim.

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