Chapter Fifty-Four

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The Contest Hall was in complete disarray. A few walls had large holes blown in them and the roof was a wreck. Fortunately, there were very few injuries in the incident. Sadly, the contest finals were cancelled. May sighed as she stared out at the damaged Contest Hall. Derrick was also pretty down about it to say the least.

" what?" Derrick queried, slumping down on the sofa next to May.

"Not sure. I guess we enter the next one? We both made the final round. We should both be given a ribbon after all that," May grumbled.

"I agree with you May. You two should get something. You two didn't work that hard for nearly a month to not get anything to show for it," Brendan stated as he walked over to the group and sat down.

"I know right!? Hopefully the committee will make a decision soon," May replied, rubbing her temples.

Lisia stepped back into the lobby after using the restroom, plopping down next to May.

"Soooo...where's Courtney?" May queried, looking around for the lilac haired woman.

"She said she had to get going. She wants to meet up with me later on," Brendan replied, taking the note out of his pocket.


i do believe i have become moRe fond of yOu than i already am. today was a fUn one indeed and incredibly sTress reliEving. now, when yOu get arouNd to rEading this, pay close aTtention to detail. Writing this took Extra time and Nothing would please me more, Than for You to take your time breaking all of thiS down. i would appreciate It very much. you can eXpect a fun reward as always, if you figure this one out.


Brendan blinked as he read the note. This looked like something Roxanne would stamp a failing grade on. The grammar was terrible. But, then again...this was a hint as to where to find Courtney. He couldn't say he didn't like the game, because he really did.

Brendan poured over it for a moment before taking note of the capitalized letters. this is a hint for where to find her next. Seems simple enough...

Steven finished untying the elders and helped them to their feet.

"It would appear that there were more than we were able to handle," the old man sighed, rubbing his neck.

"It's not your fault. They had me occupied as well. I assume they scaled the other side to avoid detection. It was as if they were counting on interference," Steven concluded.

"A wise deduction Champion," came a voice from behind Steven, causing him to turn around.

"And you are?" Steven inquired, gazing up at the sophisticated individual before him.

"Who I am matters not, but I shall indulge you. I am Maxie. To get to the point, I see that something is out of place here," Maxie stated, indicating to the alter that was missing the blue orb.

"Yes, the blue orb has-" The old woman paused.

"Been taken by Team Aqua. I see. Which means only one thing. They seek to bring back Kyogre. Those fools have no idea what it will do to the land and those who dwell on it," Maxie sighed, walking up to the alters and turning to face the others.

"Team Aqua must be stopped, I think we are all in agreement are we not?" Maxie questioned.

The small group Maxie brought with him, nodded in agreement.

"I'm guessing you have a way to do this," Steven spoke up.

"You presume correctly, and it has everything to do with the red orb behind me. There is but one way to put a stop to Team Aqua..."

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