Chapter Forty-Nine

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Brendan touched down in Fortree City, Courtney landing beside him on her Swellow. Brendan gave Skarmory a pat on the beak before returning her. He had done a bit of training to get ready for the match and felt confident about it. He knew that Winona was an expert when it came to battles in the air. Brendan had but one aerial threat. It was going to be a hard fight.

The gym, as expected, was outdoors so that her Pokémon could have the freedom of the open air. The structure was massive and the most noticeable thing in the city. It stuck out like a sore thumb. There were steps that led up to statues of a Charizard and a Skarmory. Beyond that, were about a hundred more steps that led up to a massive arena in the air.

Brendan had narrowed his team down to the four he wanted to use. He moved the other two he was not using to the opposite side of his belt. Latias remained tucked away in her ball. Courtney had noticed the ball, but figured it was just an extra.

"This is it. Time to see if I can fly with the best of them," Brendan said as he took a deep breath, staring way up at the arena.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You have a few good checks to her lineup. Now, why don't we get in there and get that badge?" Courtney replied with a grin.

Brendan nodded and began to head for the stairs when the sound of a feminine voice caught his attention.

"Brendan Birch. I was wondering when you'd make it here," came the voice of the lavender haired Gym Leader.

Brendan turned around to greet her. As usual, she was in her aviator attire. "I got in the other night. I was just too tired to do anything else," Brendan replied.

"I understand. It's a good thing you're here now though. I've been waiting to battle you. The other people you've fought have already passed through and let me tell you, it was hard work. I expect a good challenge out of you, just like the others," Winona smirked.

"You can count on it, Winona," Brendan stated confidently.

Winona nodded and stared up at the sky. A longing for it filled her eyes as her thoughts drifted upward to the great blue. She had quite a few fantastic battles as of late. Now she would have another.

"I'll meet you at the top," Winona smirked, turning to walk up the steps.

Brendan turned to Courtney.

"Thanks for coming to watch me. It's nice to have someone rooting for me here," Brendan stated.

Courtney smiled softly and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "I wouldn't miss it. It's a good thing I was free today."

Brendan nodded. He glanced up at the massive gym and fixed his eyes on the top. He had studied Winona's team and knew that she was capable of really laying down some punishment. Those inexperienced at battling in the sky have fallen victim to Winona's tactics. Brendan and Courtney began to climb.

With the contest being not too far away, May was outside practicing for the event. Combusken and Wailmer were attempting their first combination with a bit of difficulty.

"Okay, let's try that again. We'll start with you Combusken. Remember to keep that Fire Spin as tight as possible. Wailmer, make that Whirlpool wide! Let's not have a repeat of the last time," May sweat-dropped.

Combusken hopped onto Wailmer's head and waited for May's command.

"Go!" May commanded.

Combusken's beak crackled with flames. The brawling bird spewed out a stream of fire and then spun counter-clockwise. The flames stayed close to Combusken as he spun. Wailmer's spout erupted, shooting out a cyclone of water that wrapped around the flames, leaving gaps so that the fire could expand and mingle with the water without being extinguished. A blast of air burst from the spout, sending the spinning Combusken skyward, carrying the fire and water with him.

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